He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2132 The first contestant, Tiantong! ?

Chapter 2132 The first contestant, Tiantong! ?

that night.

Xiaozhi and the others gathered around a public round table in the Pokémon Center, talking and talking.

After the opening ceremony of the World Championships in the daytime, the enthusiasm did not abate in the slightest. The entire Pokémon Center was bustling with people in the middle of the night, with many trainers or tourists discussing fiercely.

"Ah, luckily~! I didn't match up with you guys!"

Mingyi looked at his illustration book and let out a sigh of relief.

The initial list of the top 128 going to the top 64 was not displayed at the opening ceremony during the day, and it was only sent to each contestant individually until now.

Immediately, Mingyi enthusiastically showed the illustrated book screen to Xiaozhi and Douzi in front of him.

On the screen is a woman with short blond hair, fair and pretty face, fashionable dress, and good looks.

"I checked Mingyi, and your opponent seems to be a gymnasium master from the Carlos area, named Violet, who is good at insect attributes."

Douzi rummaged through the stack of materials in his hand, and finally found the target, and then introduced.

At the beginning of the game, you will face the last gymnasium owner.
It can only be said to be a good luck.

"Beep beep! I suggest you transfer all the information to my database, then you don't need to search for the paper information Luoto~!"

Rotom immediately floated over and suggested.

However, this suggestion was quickly rejected by Douzi.

She also has a good sense of accomplishment for popularizing science information to others, and she doesn't want to be snatched away by others.

Rotom: "."

"Hmm, I seem to be a newly promoted Gym Master~ If I don't get eliminated in the first round, I should be able to do it~!"

Mingyi also moved his head, looked at the information, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Sitting on a huge amount of knowledge in her mind, Ming Yi also stood out from the crowd of novice trainers.

"Come on tomorrow, Shuangrenwan!"

"rice wine!"

Beside him, Shuangrenwan wearing sunglasses nodded, showing an excited expression.

As for Douzi and Xiaozhi's opponents in the first round.
"Um, is my opponent the Youth Cup runner-up during the day?"

Douzi's eyes lit up, her opponent was the trainer who used the red-faced dragon and also liked the cosplay champion Du.

She has watched the competition, if the opponent is this guy, she has great confidence that at least she can survive the first round!
Well, as long as it's not a first-round exit.

In this contest, Douzi doesn't want to be in the limelight, he just wants not to lose face.

"Beep! I have received the information of the opponent of the World Championships, Loto~!"

Rotom's internet speed seemed to be slow, and it only made a beep after everyone else had finished discussing it.

Xiaozhi regained his energy and immediately looked at the screen.

"Hey, this guy"

But after seeing tomorrow's opponent, Xiaozhi couldn't help frowning.

"What's the matter, is it a powerful opponent?"

"Shouldn't it be?"

Beside, Mingyi and Douzi, who were talking happily, saw Xiaozhi's expression darken, and they both hurriedly moved their heads.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Douzi still has some understanding of the unspoken rules behind the scenes of this World Championship.

The top group of strong opponents will not be bumped into at the beginning.

With Xiaozhi's past experience, it is all over the Internet, so it is naturally impossible to bump into some difficult champion at the beginning
But after taking a closer look, the expressions of the two calmed down.

"Is there anything strange about this man?"

"Is it just an ordinary gymnasium owner?"

The two couldn't help being surprised.

But on the screen, there was a man with short green hair and a clean face. He seemed to be a gentle trainer.

It is Tiantong, one of the three brothers of Sanyao Gymnasium, who is good at grass attributes.

Douzi blinked his eyes, quite puzzled. The strength of these three brothers can only be ranked in the middle and lower reaches among the masters of Hezhong gymnasium, and they are generally conquered as new human gymnasiums.

Will such an opponent still make Xiaozhi nervous?

"By the way, Mr. Tiantong is Mr. Cohen's brother~!"

Mingyi also remembered something.

At the beginning, the two of them were in Suanmu Town and planned to recruit a cook and partner, and Mr. Cohen even came to participate!
"Uh, it's all right~"

Xiaozhi came back to his senses, smiled and waved his hands, he wasn't surprised by his strength or anything.

Instead, he remembered what he had seen and heard in the Akromar Simulator back then. It seemed that Mr. Tiantong was his travel companion in another world.

What a coincidence, my first match was against Tian Tong.
"I don't know if another dragon girl will also appear in this world championship?"

It seems to be called Alice, right?

Xiaozhi is quite looking forward to meeting these two people in another way
By the way, Xiaoxia is now with Master Kona, and I don't know what trainer she will face in the first round?

the next morning.

The main stage of the Fanba City World Championships has officially begun!

When Xiaozhi and his party arrived at the venue of the World Championships, on the brazier at the top of the stand, the flames struck by lightning were still burning fiercely.

Obviously there is no fuel, but it is still burning vigorously all night. It can only be said that the flames of the legendary Pokémon cannot be judged by common sense.

"Hey~ Mr. Akromar ran away again!"

A group of people did not see Akroma, Ming Yi was quite disappointed.

Worried that Quecchith will throw him out as a temporary worker, Akromar has been dealing with cutting matters and trying to transfer Team Plasma's property these days.
Anyway, there was nothing interesting in the previous game, so let's eat a melon at the end and we'll be done.

"Let's go, let's go, the game is about to start~"

Xiaozhi said with a smile, and Pikachu also stood on his shoulder, looking around at the people coming and going around.

Soon, the three of them came to the front row of the auditorium together.

The people sitting here are basically contestants and staff members. When it comes to their own games, the contestants will leave early and go on stage.

"Hey Xiaozhi~this side~!"

From a distance, Xiaoxia could already be seen waving to herself loudly.

Sitting next to him were Kona and Bonnie, who were also smiling from afar.

Two women who are good at ice attributes sit together, making the nearby area seem to have natural air conditioning, and the airflow becomes icy cold.

Xiaozhi waved his hands in response, and hurriedly walked over with Mingyi and Douzi.

It's just that in this aisle, it's not just Xiaoxia who is greeting him.

"Xiao Zhi, long time no see."

A blue-haired Yujie with long hair tied into a neat high ponytail, sitting upright and even wearing a cloak, greeted Xiaozhi.

"Oh~ Long time no see, Miss Xiaochun!"

Xiaozhi quickly nodded in response. He had seen Xiaochun's name yesterday, so it was not surprising to see it here.

At the beginning, the two of them staged a big battle in the Yanmo Gym, and it is quite exciting to think about it every time.

(End of this chapter)

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