He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2133 Are... all acquaintances? !

Chapter 2133 Are all acquaintances? !
However, Xiao Chun is not the only acquaintance who greets Xiao Zhi at this moment.

"Hmph, the guy from the Kanto region didn't disappoint me, you really participated in this conference."

In the front row of the auditorium, a young man with dark green short hair was crossing his arms, lowering his head, muttering.

It was Emperor Xiu.

He was quite surprised not to see Xiaozhi in the Youth Cup. It seemed that he had already qualified for the competition through other means.

Coincidentally, this conference will completely defeat this guy!
It's just that before Emperor Xiu could finish his words, there were two bursts of shouting and shouting from the side, abruptly snatching away the image of Emperor Xiu.

"Yo Xiaozhi, I knew you were coming~!"

"Xiaozhi, it seems that he has become a lot stronger again."

This time, it was two young men who greeted Xiao Zhi, one with a red afro, with an exuberant and extroverted tone, dressed like a gangster on the street.

The other has neat short yellow hair, clean clothes, and a restrained and peaceful expression.

When these two people get together, their temperament and appearance are completely different.

"Oh~ Isn't this Mr. Daye and Mr. Denji? You are also here to compete?!"

Xiaozhi was pleasantly surprised, and hurried over, it was the King of Fire in the Shen'ao area, and the owner of the Binhai Gym.

"I can't help it. It's requested by the superiors. This time, we are the two brothers who will represent the Sinnoh region."

Daye said helplessly.

In comparison, he wants to participate in the World Championships held in the Galar region next door, where the competition is obviously hotter and more exciting.

"It doesn't matter, Daye, just join this side this year, and we'll go to the World Championships in the Galar region next year~"

Beside, Denji said with a smile.

It seems that after unraveling the knot of autism, Denji's personality has become much more cheerful, and he even comforts his friends.

"By the way, Miss Zhulan didn't come to participate?"

Xiaozhi was more interested in this and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, Sister Zhulan, she has no interest in this kind of conference. After all, the gold content is not high now. You can't hold a competition. Let's just send the strongest alliance champion over?"

Daye shrugged and said.

At least the first World Championship is not worthy of bringing together the strongest league champions from all over the world.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi could only nod in disappointment, but unfortunately, there is another powerful enemy missing.
"What do you mean, do you think I'm not good enough?"

But Daye understood Xiaozhi's meaning, straightened his back immediately, and cursed:

"Although we are all acquaintances, if we bump into each other next, I won't let it go, Xiaozhi!"

Dianci next to him just showed a disgusted look, pushed his forehead, and signaled Xiaozhi to leave this guy alone and go over.

"Speaking of Mr. Dianci, don't you need to deal with the Binhai Gymnasium?"

In the aisle, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking again.

He remembered the Sinnoh Alliance back then, and the Binhai Gymnasium was the most outrageous, with a basket of badges placed directly at the door.
"Oh~ we have found a suitable successor in Binhai Gymnasium, and now he is looking after it for me."

Denji suddenly showed a weird smile, and looked at Xiaozhi:
"Speaking of which, he is still your acquaintance~"


Xiaozhi blinked, and didn't say anything about the next call, so he could only walk over in a daze.

"Tsk, where are the two non-mainstream?"

Having been robbed of the picture, looking at Daye and Dianci's colorful hair, Emperor Xiu couldn't help frowning.

"Hey Xiaozhi, this time I will take you."

"Xiao Zhi, long time no see."

Only this time, when Emperor Xiu wanted to continue his declaration of war, a figure suddenly stood up from the seat beside him, interrupting Emperor Xiu's words again.

This time it was a middle-aged man with black slash-length hair, a serious face, and a plain brown tracksuit.

Although the voice wasn't too loud, it had an inexplicable deterrent force, which made Emperor Xiu stop his words abruptly.

"Oh Mr. Qianli!? Long time no see!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was pleasantly surprised, and recognized that the person who came was from the Fangyuan area, the owner of the Chenghua Gymnasium.

By the way, Miss Bonnie mentioned it before, this time the representative trainers sent by the Fangyuan area are her and Mr. Qianli.

However, the latter has a serious personality and is very self-disciplined, so he did not go to Lianyi Town for a fishing holiday with Bonnie in advance.
"Well, your bones have become a lot tougher. You are already a mature trainer."

Looking at Xiaozhi, Qianli smiled on his old-fashioned face, and then patted Xiaozhi's shoulder with his palm.

For the trainers he recognized, Qianli unabashedly praised them.

"Then look forward to the next battle, Mr. Qianli~!"

Xiaozhi also put on a junior salute, smiled and nodded in response.

Mr. Qianli's strength can't be measured by ordinary gymnasium owners, and he can also enter the T1 grade.

However, what is hidden on weekdays should not be classified into the T1 grade according to the official classification of the World Championships.

Emperor Xiu: "."

Interrupted one after another, this time Emperor Xiu did not continue to greet Xiaozhi, but sat back slowly.

Especially the middle-aged man sitting next to him with a straight back and a solemn expression
Emperor Xiu always thought it was a mighty heavenly king from somewhere with such a mighty aura of thousands of miles away, he didn't dare to take a big breath when he sat beside him.

Didn't expect it to be Xiao Zhi's old acquaintance?
"Oh Emperor Xiu, long time no see~"

Emperor Xiu didn't say hello, but when Xiaozhi passed by, he greeted him warmly.

Although the former seemed to be not so easy to get along with, he had a disgusted expression on his face.

Hearing this, Qianli, who was sitting next to Emperor Xiu, became interested.

"Oh, is this boy Xiaozhi's friend? Then next, please give me some advice, Emperor Xiu!"

He patted Emperor Xiu's shoulder heavily, his eyes were sharp, and it seemed that he was going to torture the latter.

Emperor Xiu: "."

Can he still switch seats now?
But walking in this ever-long aisle, Xiaozhi has already greeted many acquaintances.

The word "Xiaozhi" caused several acquaintances around to stand up one after another, and "Xiaozhi" said hello "Long time no see".

Some outsiders who don't know what's going on think it's some kind of customs and traditions in the Hezhong area.

Although they didn't know Xiaozhi, they even stood up after them and greeted Xiaozhi from a distance.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Although he didn't realize the Ming calendar, he still responded with a smile.

What is the custom and tradition of Hezhong?
Mingyi and Douzi who followed behind Xiaozhi looked at each other with strange expressions.

It wasn't until they sat down that the expressions of the two of them couldn't hold back anymore.

Are you all acquaintances?
You have too many acquaintances, right? !
(End of this chapter)

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