He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2134 The first round of the World Championships, Douzi and King Yanwu!

The battles of the Fanba World Championships have already started one after another.

Although the venue is huge, there is only one in the center of the battle stage, which can be said to be the only focus of thousands of eyes.

The ground is also an ordinary stadium floor, but there is a special replacement device underground.

Boom! !
At this moment, the arena is a battle between an iron worker and a male arrogant chick. Various moves blast the ground into small potholes.

But with the help of the replacement device, no matter how badly the previous venue was damaged, a new one can be replaced within a few minutes.

"Then I'll go first, everyone~!"

Among Xiaozhi's group, Dou Zi was the first to enter the stage, her mouth was raised to show her silver teeth, full of confidence.

Today Douzi still wears a cloak behind his back, but it's not for being handsome.
The words and trademarks of "BW Entertainment Company" are printed on it, as well as the names of sponsors, large and small.

This is the way Douzi learned from the champion Dandi after observing the opening ceremony of the World Championships in the Galar region next door yesterday.

They don't care about the image of a champion, Dandi's cloak is also covered with various sponsor logos.

Douzi even wanted Xiaozhi to wear one too.
It's just that I can't afford the reward for the time being, so I can only wear it first.

Soon, she stepped onto the command seat of the competition, passing by the winner of the previous competition—the trainer who used the haughty chick.

On the head of the male proud chick, there is a mask-like flowing red feather, which looks very elegant.

The powerful flying attribute moves won the match very smoothly.

As for Douzi's opponent.
Dino, the runner-up of the Youth Cup, was already standing at the other end. He had red hair and wore the same cape as Champion Du on his back. His sturdy appearance also made him quite popular.

"Damn it, this woman actually printed an advertisement on her cloak! It's an insult!"

But Douzi's business behavior obviously made Dino a little unhappy.

In his heart, both the cloak and the ferry are sacred and inviolable, let alone printing advertisements on them.

The referee of the World Championships is a middle-aged uncle with a serious face, thick eyebrows and a mustache, with a strong figure and a black training suit.

Don George, that's the name of a group of people.

Like Miss Joy and Miss Junsha, Don George also has a huge family. Every Mr. Don George looks very similar and difficult to recognize.

In the past, they respectively operated fighting clubs in Hezhong.

And this time the World Championships also gave this large group of Don George a job. They assumed the referees of each game and supervised the staff.

"Fanba City World Championships, the fourth round of the top 128 to the top 64, both sides can only use one Pokémon Now, the battle begins!"

As the uncle Don George raised his arm, Douzi and Dino threw the poke ball at the same time.

When the red light fell, Dino naturally played the trump card he used at the end of the Youth Cup - the Red Faced Dragon!

The red-faced dragon is quite special among the dragon-type Pokémon, and there is no upward and downward evolution chain.

This also allows the red-faced dragon to have a good combat power as soon as it is born. Of course, the upper limit is naturally much lower than that of Pokémon such as the quasi-sacred dragon.

"Please, my favorite Hei Nier~!"

On the other side, Douzi sent her initial Pokémon, King Yanwu!

This is still a battle between tall Pokémon.

"Hei Nier, use the flame jet!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Douzi took the lead in attacking, and King Yanwu in front of him suddenly spewed out a beam of fiery flames.

"Red-faced dragon, use the dragon claw!"

However, in terms of attributes, King Yanwu was still at a disadvantage.

The red-faced dragon's claws were covered with blue light, and it slammed forward, splitting and bursting the flames.

Da da da! !

Not only that, but the next red-faced dragon rushed directly and brazenly, the blue light of the dragon claws on both arms had not dissipated, and went straight to King Yanwu's face.

Seeing this, Douzi just calmly snapped his fingers and said:

"Hei Nier, use a push!"

Hearing this, King Yanwu shook his spirits, his hands seemed to swell a lot at once, covered with golden light, and pushed forward alternately in the posture of pushing palms.

clap clap! !
The first two violent pushes barely blocked the dangerous dragon claws.

But the push is a continuous move, and by the third push, the red-faced dragon has already started to retreat.

Boom! !
For the fourth and fifth times, the red-faced dragon was actually slapped back.

"This woman is not a simple character."

Dino's forehead was already dripping with sweat. He had never heard of Douzi's name before, and he was not a strong man from other places.

The cruel competition system that can only use 1 Pokémon puts enormous pressure on every player.

"Then try this trick, Red Faced Dragon, use Surf!!"

Dino attacked again.

Although the red-faced dragon looks ugly, it is still a dragon after all.

Moves with attributes like water and fire can all be mastered.

Wow wow wow.!
The red-faced dragon's eyes glowed with blue light, and immediately caused a wave of water surf out of thin air, roaring towards King Yanwu.

"Hey, I already knew your red-faced dragon would do this~"

Compared to Dino's tense expression, Douzi was calm and responded with a smile:
"Use Arm Punch! Attack the ground!"

King Yanwu understood, blunt white light attached to his thick arms, and finally smashed heavily to the ground in front of him.


The ground shook violently, and even directly cracked a huge gully, draining all the surf water that poured over it into the ground.

Taking advantage of the other party's panic, Dou Zi's eyes sharpened, and he immediately shouted:
"Hei Nier, get rid of it at once, use Flame Charge!!"

The female King Yanwu was so powerful that she trampled and trampled on the spot several times. Suddenly, a dazzling blue flame burst out from her body and rushed forward.

Charged head-on, which also gave the red-faced dragon a 100% chance to hit the dragon god's dive.

There was no time to hesitate, Dino immediately shouted:

"Damn it. Don't lose, Red Faced Dragon, we also use Dragon God to dive!!"

After saying that, the red-faced dragon was also covered with a burst of violent blue flames, fused with itself and turned into a giant blue dragon, rushing forward.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, two full-force collision moves collided head-on in the center of the arena, blowing a violent energy flow, and the ground at the intersection was blown apart layer by layer.
However, the collision has not been deadlocked for a long time, and the flames of Flame Charge completely swallowed the blue light of Dragon God's dive!

Boom! !
The figure of the red-faced dragon was directly knocked into the air, and fell heavily to the back of the field.

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