He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2135 The first round of the World Championships, Xiaoxia vs Xiudi!


On the other side, he stood still a little and dissipated the flames all over his body. Although King Yanwu was flying with anti-injury arcs, his fists collided with high momentum, and his posture was mighty!
Don George hurried over to check on the condition of the red-faced dragon.

Eyes rolled, tongue turned out.
"The red-faced dragon can't fight, King Yanwu wins!"

"The fourth knockout round of the top 128 will be advanced by the Douzi contestants from Raven City!"

Don George raised his arms and said loudly.

Since Douzi is not the owner of a gymnasium, or the introduction of the alliance king, he just mentioned a hometown city.

"Easy to take~! Well done, Hei Nier~!"

Seeing this, Douzi heaved a sigh of relief, and after taking King Yanwu back, he didn't forget to wave in the direction of the seats of Xiaozhi and the others in the distance.

Of course, at the same time, she pointed her back in the direction of the live camera and shook the cloak.
Since it's a world championship, it's naturally broadcast simultaneously all over the world, so it's just right for you to advertise your company!
"Douzi really has a hand!"

In the auditorium, Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly, he was indeed a powerful and mature trainer.

There is one thing to say, Douzi can completely make himself a big star trainer.

"However, Hei Nier's last flash charge seems a bit ridiculously powerful."

Xiaozhi folded his chest and thought, he also has a Yanwu King, the fighting methods of the two are somewhat different.

"It should be because of the sacrifice characteristic?"

Beside him, Mingyi murmured and analyzed.

As the imperial family, the most common characteristic of King Yanwu is naturally fierce fire
But there are also a small number of Yanwu kings who have the characteristic of sacrificing their lives.

This feature allows King Yanwu to obtain a stronger power increase when performing anti-injury moves such as Flame Charge and Sacrificial Charge!
"So that's the case, that's no wonder, it directly missed the big move of the red-faced dragon."

Xiao Zhi showed his original expression and nodded.

Well, there is Mingyi's encyclopedia here, it seems that Rotom is useless.?

At the same time, other people were paying attention to Douzi's performance.

On a VIP seat in the venue, Adek touched his chin, showed a look of praise and said:

"Douzi. His performance on the field is still so confident and mature~"

In the box, Adek sat with all the alliance kings of Hezhong.

Although for the World Championships, they are also ordinary contestants, but in some respects, they are still somewhat privileged.

Xiaozhi was still puzzled, they didn't see a Hezhong king or a champion in their special player booth.

And Douzi's qualification letter was sent by Adek himself.

This confident girl has great potential and understanding, but he has great expectations.
It just seems that the ambition is not on the way of being a trainer, which makes Adek quite regretful.

"Lets see."

The next battle was about to begin, Adek regained his energy.

The outside rumors are not groundless. He does have the idea of ​​retiring for retirement, and Adek has already noticed that his trainer level has begun to decline.
His position should be removed.

The two World Championships held at the same time, in terms of popularity, their Hezhong area has been completely blown by the Galar area.

But finding a suitable champion successor is Adek's biggest purpose for participating in this World Championship.

In the 9th game, it was Xiaoxia's turn to appear.

as for her opponent
"Hey, did Xiaoxia bump into him?"

After seeing the other person's face clearly, the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, a little dumbfounded.

Standing opposite Xiaoxia at this moment is a dark green-haired boy with a dignified expression and a feeling of superiority.

"Oh~ Is it Shutaro? I haven't seen him fight for a long time~!"

On the seats inside the venue, Adek's eyes also brightened, and he cast a look of anticipation.

It was Emperor Xiu.

Before Emperor Xiu became a trainer, Adek had some encounters with the former.

This is a young man with good qualifications. This year he has challenged gymnasiums in various places, big and small competitions, and his reputation is quite loud.

But if he wants to take over the burden of the league championship, Adek still needs to go through this game and take a good look at it.

And on the field.

"In the ninth round of the top 128 of the World Championships, contestant Xiudi from Luzi Town will face contestant Xiaoxia, the owner of the Hualan Gymnasium from the Kanto region!"

Don George raised his palm and introduced the contestants from both sides.

For people with official positions like Xiaoxia, the introduction is a combination of "region" + "gym name".

"You are Xiaozhi's friend, and you are from the Kanto region."

Standing at one end of the arena, Emperor Xiu let out a soft snort, with a very confident expression on his face.

Hualan gymnasium seems to be the weakest gymnasium in the Kanto region, vulnerable to a single blow!
And it's still water attribute, you have to know his trump card, but the Monarch Snake!

"Tsk, this kid, I really want to beat him up."

Xiaoxia was quite dissatisfied with Xiudi's disdainful eyes, and wanted to have a real hand-to-hand fight before the Pokémon battle.

Soon, the two threw the Poké Ball at the same time.


The one sent by Emperor Xiu was naturally the Royal Snake of the Three Clans.

Although it was abused by Xiao Zhixue once at the beginning, the rattan snake has completed its final evolution at this moment, and the monarch snake in the shape of a giant snake is entangled in its body. It looks cold and majestic, with an aura like a king.

On the other side, Xiaoxia originally planned to send out the mosquito-repellent frog king.

But this kid in front of her somewhat made her feel a little uncomfortable, and immediately switched the poke ball.

As the red light fell, a huge dragon-shaped figure appeared in front of Xiaoxia.


Immediately afterwards, there was a violent dragon roar, and the sound alone created a good air current, which also made Emperor Xiu's complexion change slightly.

"Wait a minute, isn't it the weakest Gym Master, who actually sent out the Gyarados?!"

And if it is a Gyarados, then the attributes are reversed, but the opponent is at an advantage!

Not only that, Xiaoxia also showed a "friendly" smile to Emperor Xiu, as if she really wanted to take care of him.

"Your name is Emperor Xiu. I heard that you are Xiaozhi's friend. Next, let's have a good fight. Don't leave any regrets~!"

Just as she was speaking, one of her hands suddenly rested on the braided hairband on top of her head.

On the back side of the hairband, a keystone is shining with a strange light.
"Mega evolve! Gyarados!!"

Following Xiaoxia's low shout, a burst of dazzling light suddenly burst out from the whole body of the Gyarados, and its figure also quickly deformed in the light.

Especially in terms of aura. Gyarados is a Pokémon with a fierce aura, but at this moment, its fierce and violent aura is constantly rising!
As the white light dissipated, a dorsal fin became sharper and more exaggerated, and its appearance became more ferocious. The ferocious Gyaradosaurus with its mouth wide open appeared in front of Emperor Xiu.

Mega Gyarados!

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