He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2136 Mega Gyarados, the gap in strength!

Chapter 2136 Mega Gyarados, the gap in strength!

"What is this? A shape change?!"

Emperor Xiu's complexion changed, facing the ferocious Mega Gyarados, he couldn't help taking a step back.

Is it a morphological change into Dharma mode like the Dharma Baboon?
It's just that the aura of the tyrannosaurus in front of him has suddenly increased several times. It cannot be explained by a simple change in shape.

The trainers in the Hezhong area are not familiar with the battle system in other places.

Xiaoxia and Mega Gyarados are also the first partners to use the combat system at this conference.


Standing aside, the referee, Don George, didn't say anything.

Since it is the first World Championships, the competition rules are not strict.

At most, there are general rules such as "only one item can be carried" and "no drug in the middle" are set.

As for the mega evolution, extreme giantization, or z moves that only trainers in other places will use
There are no hard requirements.

If you have the ability, you can take out all three or five systems.

"Hmph, how dare you look down on our Hualan Gym!"

Xiaoxia cursed inwardly, she simply didn't care about the Gyarados' attributes after mega evolution, but it was in a disadvantageous state.

Rush and you're done!
"Gyarados, use Storm!!"

The battle started, the Mega Gyarados arched its body, opened its huge dragon mouth, and instantly blew a violent and raging storm!

Whoohoo! !

The range of the storm covered the entire field, which also made the Monarch Snake unable to dodge. It could only entangle its body firmly so as not to be blown out.

"Monarch snake, use the energy ball!!"

On the other side, Emperor Xiu barely covered the strong wind with his palm and launched a tentative attack.

He has never seen him who evolved from a mega, and now he is full of doubts.

"Gyarados, use Frozen Teeth!!"

Xiaoxia, on the other hand, was merciless and directly launched a fierce attack!

Dragging its cumbersome and bloated body, the Gyarados rushed out like a hill, its wide open mouth covered with icy energy.


Just at the moment of contact, the thrown energy ball was crushed, and then continued to attack the Monarch Snake.


The Monarch Snake immediately swung its snake-like body, dodging the dangerous frozen teeth, and its body was quite flexible.


But looking behind him, after the Gyarados took a bite and bit the ground, a 2-meter-high icicle rose directly from the ground, and I was terrified.

"Use the Water Tail!!"

However, the Gyarados is full of weapons, especially with its huge body. The mouth of the dragon head in front has just collected the energy of ice and snow, and the giant scale tail at the end has already been lingering in the water, sweeping heavily!

Clap! !
The tail of the water flow hit the abdomen of the Monarch Snake, hitting the latter's snake-shaped body almost dented and twisted, which shows how powerful it is.

But Emperor Xiu is not a vegetarian, as he said, the top eight of the Youth Cup is just hiding his strength.

"Use the energy ball!"

Although it suffered a powerful blow, Monarch Snake successfully threw an energy ball, which exploded on the back of Mega Gyarados.
The effect is outstanding!

"Although I don't know why. But the attributes of the Gyarados seem to have changed?"

Seeing the mega Gyarados grunting in pain, Emperor Xiu understood instantly.

Grass attribute moves can work!

Emperor Xiu quickly calmed down, and immediately shouted:

"Monarch Snake, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

Facing the green light tail of the Monarch Snake scurrying and crawling fast, Xiaoxia said with all her might:
"Gyarados, use Frozen Teeth!!"

The mega Gyarados mouth once again condensed countless ice and snow, and even froze around the mouth to form a solid ice in the shape of a giant tooth.

Bang Bang! !
Frozen Fang collided with Leaf Blade Slash head-on, and there was a huge gap in strength. Mega Gyarados broke through the green light tail blade with tyrannical force, and bit the monarch snake's tail hard!

The effect is outstanding!

Boom! !
As the ice shards burst, the Monarch Snake's figure also fell from mid-air in embarrassment, half of his body was covered with frost.

"Tsk tsk, the difference in level."

Watching the competition seats, Xiaozhi shook his head and couldn't help commenting.

There is not much problem with Emperor Xiu's tactics, the only loophole is that.
The gap in level and strength is too great!
"Oh, Miss Xiaoxia is so cruel~!"

Next to it, Mingyi opened his mouth wide and exclaimed.

Not to mention the battle, just facing the fierce and huge Mega Gyarados, a trainer without a certain psychological quality may even have difficulty making a commanding voice
On the field, the huge gap in level also makes this game not much suspense.


Although Emperor Xiu's Monarch Snake hadn't been defeated yet, his breathing was disordered and his figure was trembling at the moment. Obviously, it was only a matter of time before he fell down.

"Damn, are you going to be eliminated in the first round!?"

This scene also made Emperor Xiu wrinkle his eyes and clenched his fists.

What about the weakest Gym Master in the Kanto region, why is he so strong? !

He is also planning to have a peak battle with Mr. Adek!
Can't just lose here!
"Jun Wu~!!"

Feeling the strong will of his trainer, the Monarch Snake in front of him suddenly let out a loud cry, and the snake-shaped body was suddenly covered with a layer of bright green energy light.

"Is this the fierce green feature?!"

Emperor Xiu, who was closest, was startled for a moment, and then said with ecstasy.

This Yusanjia's signature feature, he and the Monarch Snake haven't triggered it a few times along the way. I didn't expect it to be successfully triggered today! ?

This is God is also heralding myself, I can continue to walk today!

"Monarch Snake, strike with all your strength, use Flying Leaf Storm!!"

Immediately, Emperor Xiu lifted his finger forward and shouted.

Grass-attribute moves are very effective, and a storm of flying leaves under the fierce green is likely to defeat the powerful enemy in front of you in one blow
On the opposite side, Xiaoxia naturally recognized the state of the Monarch Snake at the moment, but instead of panicking, she laughed out loud.

"Oh, is this characteristic Gyarados~!"

The Gyarados in front of him understood, and immediately twitched his tail, flicking it towards the air in front of him.

A gust of wind blew from the tail, and an inexplicable force in it descended on the Monarch Snake.

As if fading with the touch of a button, the original green light on the Monarch Snake disappeared instantly.

Even the momentum that had just been condensed suddenly disappeared.

This also caused the flying leaf storm released by the Monarch Snake to suddenly drop a lot in power.
Emperor Xiu: "?"

What happened? !
"End it, Gyarados, use Frozen Fang!!"

However, Xiaoxia didn't give him any chance at all, and launched the final attack.

The mega Gyarados swooped up, opening its frozen teeth to the maximum, completely freezing and destroying the powerless flying leaf storm along the way, and finally bit the Monarch Snake fiercely!
The effect is outstanding!

(End of this chapter)

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