He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2143 Caracalla who guarded the tomb for two and a half years

Chapter 2143 Caracalla who guarded the tomb for two and a half years
But soon, Xiaozhi didn't continue to think about it, but his eyes became fiery.

"In this world, there are still many things that I don't understand at all!"

It is with these endless unknown mysteries that travel adventures have meaning!
"Thank you, Mr. Adek, for telling me about these things!"

Xiaozhi immediately expressed his thanks to Adek, but Adek just laughed again and waved his hands.

Immediately, his expression became a little hesitant, but in the end he straightened his expression and asked:

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, do you intend to become the new champion of our Union League?"

These words startled Xiao Zhi, and stared at the red-haired strong man in front of him with wide eyes.

It's a bit too direct
But Mr. Adek, who is usually casual, has a serious expression at the moment, which makes it difficult for Xiaozhi to answer with a smile.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiaozhi shook his head decisively.

He has some interest in the league title position, though
But if you have to sacrifice your freedom and stay in the area, then forget it.

Unless it's the kind of league champion who becomes a champion, but doesn't need to stay there at all, just hangs a name, doesn't have to do anything, and can still travel around.
Well, it shouldn't be possible for such a regional alliance to exist, right?

"Hahaha you really answered like that, Xiaozhi, you really are an extraordinary trainer~"

Seeing this, Adek didn't feel too disappointed, but laughed a few times as expected.

Not surprising, but he still had to fight for it.

The league championship position that ordinary people dream of, but the boy in front of him refused so simply.
If their conversation was heard by other outsiders now, they would probably scream out loud.

"Hey, what are Mingyi and the others doing?"

Xiaozhi turned his head slightly, and heard the restless voice coming from the direction of the house. Mingyi Douzi and the others were winking at him through the glass window, and they didn't know what to express.

"Since that's the case, then just take it as a joke~"

Seeing this, Adek shook his head and did not continue to press.

At least the league champion of Hezhong, if he becomes the champion, he still has to take responsibility.

You can run around in the Hezhong area, but if you want to go to other places for a long time, this kind of thing is not allowed.
The next thing to do is to find some new seedlings.

"In any case, this time the World Championships, I hope Xiaozhi can continue to go~"

Finally, Adek stretched out his palm to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi shook his hand and said in a joking tone:

"So even if I, a foreigner, won the number one position in the world this time, it doesn't matter, haha~!"

Unexpectedly, this sentence made Adek quite excited, and immediately grabbed Xiaozhi's palm tightly.

"If you can take the No. [-] position in the world, that's the best, so don't worry about it, try your best to beat your opponent."

Xiaozhi: "?"

In this kind of competition, shouldn't it be the locals who win the championship themselves, which is the best scenario?
It would be disadvantageous for the Hezhong region if he was robbed of the championship by a foreigner like himself, right?
"Well, in fact, whoever wins the championship is a good thing, except for the people in the Galar region to win the championship."

Adek let go of his palm, and his expression suddenly became strange.

"The Galar region? Isn't it also hosting the World Championships over there? What does this conference have to do with them?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and blurted out.

But when I changed my mind, I suddenly understood.

People from the Galar region, are you here for a backstab? !
"Well, as far as we know, there are indeed two trainers from the Galar region among the contestants this time. Both of them have no background, and one of them even wore a mask to compete."

Obviously the comer is not good.

In the heat of the World Championships, they have already lost in the United Region.

Adek dare not think about letting these two Galarians win the championship again.

In the past, Adek naturally would not refuse anyone who came, whether it was a mercenary or a mysterious strongman, he would KO them all!
But now Adek can no longer guarantee his absolute dominance.

Xiaozhi's expression was silent, and it was hard for him to say anything when it came to the competition between the two regions.

But there is one thing he can confirm.
No matter who the opponent is, he will go all out!

I didn't expect this tournament to have a backstab from the Galar region.
If you dare to backstab, your strength shouldn't be easy, right?

More and more interesting!

When he bid farewell to Adek and returned to the Elf Center, Mingyi and the others were in a hurry to clean up the wiretapping scene.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He didn't know what these people were doing, but he could see that Douzi was operating the phone with a red face, and the screen seemed to be a stock interface.

Leaving aside anything else, she wants to take advantage of the fact that the competition has just started, and the World Championships in the Shigekura Stud Galar area is about to begin!

At the same time, the Kanto region thousands of miles away.

Ziyuan Town.

In the southwest corner of the town, there is also a Pokémon Rescue Station.

In the hall, many young Pokémon were frolicking in the room.

At this moment, a bald old man with a kind face is drinking tea and watching TV programs leisurely.


At this time, the door suddenly opened from the outside to the inside.

"Oh~ are there any guests at this late hour?"

Old man Fuji put down his teacup, turned his head and looked behind him, a little surprised.

But what he saw standing at the door was a very strange-looking Caracalla.

Different from the brown-yellow body of ordinary Caracalla, this one is black and brown all over, and even the color of the skull worn on the head is dyed blacker.

Although small in size, it does not reach the height of a human knee.

But with two small hands, one side is holding a small bone stick, and the other is holding a big bone stick taller than the whole body.

Chi Chi!

Even at the ends of the two bone sticks, a blue will-o'-the-wisp is still slowly burning!

"Oh~ isn't this Caracalla, why did you run out?"

Old man Fuji stepped forward to check curiously.

This Caracalla is the Pokémon that Xiaozhi left on the Ziyuan Tower. Because of his mother's death, he has been guarding the grave for the past two years, right?

He went up quite often, on the one hand tidying up and cleaning the Ziyuan Tower, and on the other hand delivering some food to the poor little Caracalla, so he was quite familiar with the latter.

Why did you suddenly come to the rescue station today?
"Kara! Kara!!"

But today's Caracalla has a bad temper, holding the small bone stick and hitting the ground constantly.

It was agreed at the beginning that I will guard the tomb for a year, and Xiaozhi will come to pick me up after I am done, and we will go on a trip together
As a result, two and a half years have passed, and Xiaozhi has not been seen for a long time.

Did he forget about me? !
Unable to bear it any longer, this special will-o'-the-wisp Caracalla finally ran out and chose to take the initiative.

Since you can't remember me, then I'll snipe you!

(End of this chapter)

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