He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2144 Caracalla in the Year of the Monkey

Chapter 2144 Caracalla in the Year of the Monkey

"Iron poisonous moth, use big characters to explode!"

At this time, a familiar shout suddenly came from the TV.

Caracalla suddenly became full of energy, thinking that Xiaozhi was hiding in the house, so she quickly raised two ghost fire bone sticks and ran into it in a hurry.

It's just that Xiaozhi at the moment is competing in the Sailing World Championships
"Oh, I was watching the daytime video just now~"

With Caracalla staring eagerly at the TV, old man Fuji put his hands behind his back, approached and explained patiently.

He still has a lot of things to do during the day, and he has no time to watch the live broadcast of the Fanba Championships, so now he can only watch the replay.

What is broadcasting on TV now is the rerun of the special episode of the Kanto people. The last one was Xiaoxia, the owner of the Hualan gymnasium, commanding the mega Gyarados to kill the locals of Hezhong.

Coincidentally, when Caracalla came, it happened to switch to the next match, which was the match between Xiaozhi and Tiantong.


Listening to the familiar figure on the screen, Caracalla showed envious eyes.

It would be great if it was not this weird big moth that was fighting on it now, but himself!
"Korah! Korah!!"

Thinking of this, Caracalla raised the bone stick, and eagerly said something to old man Fuji.

"Oh, are you planning to find Xiaozhi~ That's right, you shouldn't stay here forever~"

Old man Fuji understood, smiled and nodded.

A special variant of Caracalla, which is extremely rare.

Don't look at it's still in its initial form.
But in the past two and a half years, in the Ziyuan Tower, Caracalla has become the king of ghosts inside, and almost all the wild Pokémon in the tower have been beaten by him with bone sticks.

It can be said that the current Caracalla has been trained to be very strong, and it is time to go to the outside world.

"But Xiao Zhi, he's in the Hezhong area right now, not nearby ~ probably in the northeast of our Kanto area."

As he said that, the old man Fuji also found a map, spread it out, and pointed to the geographical locations of the two areas.

Except that the Kanto area is connected to the Johto area.
Each of the remaining regions is separate and separated from each other by the vast ocean.

The Kanto Joto area, Yoshien area, and Sinnoh area are relatively close to each other.

The Kalos region, the Galar region, and the Padia region are on the other side, close to each other.

As for the Hezhong area where Xiaozhi is at the moment, it is relatively independent.

"Although I don't have Xiaozhi's contact information, it's not a big problem~ Don't worry, wait for me here~"

Seeing Caracalla's eager look, old man Fuji patted it on the head with a chuckle, turned around, and went to the room to look for the address book.

But he has Dr. Ohki's contact information.

Teleport Caracalla twice, and tomorrow it will directly appear in the Hezhong area thousands of miles away.

If they can compete in the World Championships on TV, it can be regarded as a glory for Ziyuan Town!
It was only when he found the small book and returned to the hall.

Except for some frolicking young Pokémon around, the Caracalla has long since disappeared.

The door that he had just closed was also opened again, with a dark wind blowing inward.
Old Man Fuji: "?!"

He hurried to the door and looked around.

It's just that Ziyuan Town is inherently gloomy, with dense fog all the year round, and at night, it is completely impossible to see clearly beyond three meters.

As for Caracalla, it has long since disappeared.

What disappeared along with it was the world map he had just shown to Caracalla.

Old man Fuji's expression changed drastically.

Wait a minute, isn't this little guy planning to go to the Hezhong area on foot by relying on that map?
This has to go to the year of the monkey! ?

Thousands of miles away in the Hezhong area, Xiaozhi didn't know that these things happened in his hometown.

On the second day of the top 128, he just acted like an ordinary spectator, lying on the railing to watch the game, just to see the performance of other masters.

For example, today's opening ceremony was kicked off by Hezhong's new king, Miss Cattleya.

The Pokémon sent out is naturally her trump card - Miss Goth.

The dense mental impact like a Gatling machine gun forcibly tore open the defense of a gear monster on the opposite side.

The next step was a mental move, which swung the hapless gear monster up and down in mid-air, and finally threw it heavily on the ground.

Even the gear monster with a metal body turned his eyes around on the spot and lost his fighting ability.

The venue immediately burst into warm applause. Obviously, Miss Cattleya's popularity is extremely high in the Hezhong area.

It was at the end of the battle that Cattleya suddenly looked back in the direction of the auditorium where Xiaozhi was, which suddenly made him shiver.

"Uh, from such a distance, it shouldn't be me."

Looking at the other party's blue eyes from a distance, Xiaozhi felt guilty for no reason, and slightly lowered his head.

Besides, everyone else is the king of the alliance. With so many things going on every day, I should have long forgotten the match between Sinnoh and the frontier area.
Xiaozhi shook his head and continued to pay attention to the field.

After about a few games, today's real highlight came.

"Mr. Adek!! Come on!!"

"United Idols!!"

"The strongest trainer in the world!!"

As Adek walked to one end of the arena, the entire venue erupted into thunderous applause and cheers again.

This is the home court of Hezhong. For most of the Hezhong, the league champion is the god in their hearts, the absolute pillar.

Xiaozhi quickly collected himself, curious about Mr. Adek's performance.

Adek took off one of the Poke Ball necklaces around his neck, and as the red light fell, the Pokémon that appeared was not Vulcan Moth.

Instead, it was a buffalo with thick explosive hair, strong limbs and hooves, and huge horns that snaked from the explosive head.

"A buffalo with an exploding head?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, this Pokémon was tamed by Naruto not long ago.

And Mr. Adek's opponent is using a Pokémon named Bloom, commonly known as Shield Mushroom.

Xiaozhi often encountered this kind of Pokémon in the wild forest along the way. If he accidentally stepped on it or woke up, he was directly served by the spores of hemp mushrooms. It was a very troublesome Pokémon.

"Blooming Mushroom, use mushroom spores!!"

Sure enough, as soon as he came up, the trainer on the opposite side began to hypnotize him.


However, the lung capacity of this exploding buffalo is astonishing, and a stream of air is directly ejected from its nostrils forward, blowing away all the mushroom spores that hit it.

It's not even a skill.

"Discover the ball mushroom, use the ultimate absorption!!"

Seeing this, the Buffalo mushroom immediately extended its roots and green light vines, directly strangled and locked the exploding buffalo completely, and was about to start draining it to absorb energy.
(End of this chapter)

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