He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2146 The former champion, or the former former champion?

Chapter 2146 The former champion, or the former former champion?

The second contestant, Galar, was a little thinner.

Wearing a green sports jacket and white trousers, with his hands in his pockets, his back is a little hunched, his head is slightly tilted forward, and he looks like a passerby.

On the face is a mask that looks like a brown bear, and the specific face cannot be seen clearly.

However, the white beard exposed at the bottom of the mask, as well as the movement and demeanor, can be judged to be an old man.

"The name is Master M? What a strange name"

Looking at the weird name on the electronic screen, Xiaozhi muttered.

Speaking of the name, it is more like a code name deliberately hiding the identity.

Since this is the first World Championship, the competition system is not standardized, and there are a few masked people on the field, even if they completely hide their identities to participate, they are still allowed.

Xiaozhi cheered up and wanted to see what kind of skills this Master M has.

Coincidentally, the player Xiao Zhi met before was a chubby trainer.

"Please fight the ghost! Destroy him with all your strength!!"

On the field, Kennyyang didn't know how to play tricks, so he threw the poke ball in high spirits.

When the red light fell, it was naturally his proud partner, a blue humanoid Pokémon in a karate suit—Striker!

"Oh~ Is it a fighting attribute~"

On the other side, wearing a bear face mask, Master M cheerfully took out a poke ball from his pocket and threw it forward.

When the red light fell, it was a white-purple weasel standing upright, with a slender and flexible body, and its palms were covered with long hair like sleeves.

"Master Itachi, the battle of two fighting Pokémon."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, this Pokémon was used by the latter when he was fighting with the Heavenly King Lianwu before.

Soon, the battle began.

"Shadow clone."

At the beginning of the battle, relying on his flexible figure, Master Itachi created dozens of clones, scattered around the arena, making it difficult to identify the real body.

"Don't underestimate us! Fight ghosts, use bodybuilders!"

Kennyyang looked excited and shouted loudly.

Striking Ghost tensed his whole body, his muscles bulged, and the surface of his blue skin flashed with amplified red light.

"Then it's melee combat!!"

Kenny Yang's attack was very violent, and it was a big move from the beginning.

The striking ghost, who had turned into a muscular man, was also unreserved. He rushed out and plunged into the shadow group of Master Itachi.

Swinging powerful and heavy punches one after another, with flexible flying kicks and whip legs, he pierced through one shadow and then quickly rushed to the next shadow.

boom! !

From time to time, it would hit the ground of the playing field, making bursts of explosions, rocks cracking and splashing, and the movements were violent.

The speed of fighting ghosts is not slow, and within a few breaths, all the shadows in the entire arena have been cleaned up.


After completing a set of close combat, the fighting ghost looked around, his face froze.

The arena suddenly became empty.

So what about the ontology?

"Hey, hey! Fight ghosts, look below!"

Hearing Kennyyang's anxious voice, the battering ghost quickly looked down at him.

At some point, Master Itachi had curled up and hugged his body, and came to strike the ghost.

"Flying knee kick~!"

In the back, Master M's hands were still in his pockets, and he commanded as if he was playing a game.

Master Itachi understood, and immediately jumped up, and with bent knees and elbows, he hit the striker's chin hard.

Bang Bang!

There seemed to be a cracking sound from the arena, which made everyone shiver.

The instant knee-and-elbow blow also sent the striking ghost directly into mid-air.

It is said to be a flying kick, but it looks more like a soaring fist. It's just that the part where the force is exerted has become Kung Fu Itachi's knee.

The two fighting Pokémon rose into the air at the same time, and the striker's head was completely dazed at the moment, with stars in his eyes. After reaching the highest point, he was unable to fall.

On the other side, Master M waved his hands and looked up at the sky, lightly saying:
"Again, flying knee kick~!"

Master Itachi in the air understood, his body spun in the air for a while, and finally bent his knees again, this time elbowing and kicking out in a swooping posture.

bang bang! !
The flying knee kick accurately hit the ghost's abdomen, almost denting the latter's body.

The next moment, the striking ghost suddenly accelerated and fell in the air like a cannonball, hitting the ground hard.

When the smoke dissipated, the striking ghost's body was half embedded in the earth's crust, looking tragic.

"Kung fu~!"

Master Itachi used his strength to somersault backwards, and then nimbly landed in front of Master M.

He raised his long-sleeved arms and covered them in front of his face, not even breathing heavily.

Victory and defeat.

Behind him, Kenny Yang gritted his teeth and looked at his trump card in astonishment, a little at a loss.

Why was it killed all of a sudden? !

"What a crisp and neat battle.!"

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration.

The picture of this Kung Fu Weasel fighting is much better than that of Lian Wu Tian Wang.

Sure enough, another trainer who is not good at stubble!
Looking at this masked old man who was humming a ditty and swaying away from the scene, Xiaozhi couldn't help worrying about the official of the United Alliance.

Pioni looked like a normal mountaineering man.

But this masked old man almost wrote the words "I'm here to snipe the backstab" directly on his face.

Completely unkind!

"Well, but the identity of this person can basically be confirmed."

Beside him, Douzi flipped through a stack of materials and got results.

Although he was hiding his identity, he didn't completely hide it.

"This master M is probably the former champion of the Galar region, Ma Shide, but I heard that this old man bought an uninhabited island in his early years and has retired for retirement. No one knows what he is doing now."

When he said this, Douzi paused.

Is it the former champion or the former former champion?

She wasn't too sure. Before Mr. Roz took over as the chairman of the Galar Union, the Pokémon Union in that place was a bit chaotic.

It seems that there is still a champion between Ma Shide and the current champion Dandi?
However, the term of office may be extremely short, and few locals in the Galar region know about it.

"Probably the kind of champion who was replaced after 5 minutes?"

Douzi pursed his lips and guessed.

So is Masd coming out again to contribute to the Galar region?
"Mast, Master M"

Xiaozhi repeated it, the pronunciation was similar, and it seemed that he really didn't intend to hide anything.

But if it's really a former champion who comes to backstab, it's really violent enough.

He looked at Mr. Adek's face last night. Although he was carefree, he seemed a little unconfident.

Speaking of the name Ma Shide, where did I hear it before?

(End of this chapter)

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