He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2147 Dragon battle, Alice vs Xiaochun!

Chapter 2147 Dragon battle, Alice vs Xiaochun!

The sky was getting dark, and the next day's battle was coming to an end.

Xiaozhi watched the whole process, and probably watched the performance of more than 100 players.

It can only be said that there is still a gap between strength and weakness, but I haven't seen any alliance king capsize in the gutter and be defeated.
"The last match of the top 128 of the Sailing World Championships, contestant Xiaochun from Yanmo Gymnasium in the Chengdu area, will face off against Alice from Shuanglong Gymnasium!"

At this time, hearing Mr. Don George's loud words suddenly, Xiaozhi cheered up again, and quickly looked towards the field.

Let’s just say, it seems that I haven’t seen Miss Xiaochun’s battle all this time.
By the way, isn’t the owner of the Shuanglong gymnasium Mr. Xia Ka? Xiaozhi has heard this name several times along the way.

I didn't expect that the contestant who came to the Shuanglong Gym this time was the contestant who replaced the owner?

But Xiaozhi didn't have much regret, but looked at Xiaochun's opponent curiously.

This is a wild girl with dark skin and a bunch of broom-like purple hair. She is about the same age as herself, with a confident and high-spirited face, and she looks like a lively and outgoing person.


Xiaozhi read the name silently, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised, giving him a sense of familiarity.

In the world in the Akromar Simulator, my trip to the Hezhong region was accompanied by Tiantong and the wild girl Alice.

Unexpectedly, in this world, the three of them got together again because of this world championship.
"What's the matter, Xiaozhi, is he an acquaintance of yours?"

Next to him, Mingyi saw Xiaozhi staring at Alice closely, and couldn't help but be suspicious.

She knows Xiaozhi has many acquaintances from other places, but this Alice is from Hezhong, right?

"Hehe. It's not easy to describe."

Xiaozhi just gave a dry laugh and didn't answer directly.

As an intelligence officer, Douzi has the information of Ssangyong Gym in his hands.

"Oh, Mr. Xiaka, as the mayor of Shuanglong City, is busy with official duties. This girl named Alice is said to be a talented trainer that Mr. Xiaka values ​​very much. She is expected to take over the position of the head of Shuanglong Gym and sent here to practice. "

Xiaozhi nodded subconsciously. Speaking of which, both sides are trainers who are good at dragon attributes.

As the ending game, there is a good show to watch!

on the field.

"Unfortunately, is Mr. Shaka not free?"

Xiao Chun is dressed as a dragon envoy, wearing tights, boots, and a cloak behind her back, looking heroic.

She knew Xia Ka, and as a junior, she originally wanted to ask Mr. Xia Ka for advice.

"Humph ~ Yanmo Gym? Then let's see who is the stronger dragon trainer!"

Alice was so excited that she already had an extra elf ball in her hand.

She traveled alone for half a day on this road, aimlessly.

As a result, I suddenly received a communication from Xia Ka, saying that if there is no destination, he can replace Ssangyong Gymnasium to participate in the Sailing World Championships.

Alice has lived in the Dragon Town since she was a child, adjacent to Shuanglong City, and Shaka often comes to their Dragon Town
The relationship between the two can be regarded as half master and apprentice.

Alice, eager to become the strongest dragon master, naturally came directly to Fanba City.

Soon, the two threw the poke ball at the same time.

Xiao Chun sent a Hezhong red-faced dragon, but as soon as it appeared on the stage, the entire venue was in an uproar.

"This Red Faced Dragon"

Leaning his chin on the railing, Xiao Zhi also showed a surprised expression.

Dino, the low-profile champion who was killed by Douzi before, had already dispatched the red-faced dragon.

But Xiaochun, a red-faced dragon, has a special color. Its body and back short wings are dark green, while its ferocious bumpy head and thorns and thorns on its body are orange.

This is a red-faced dragon of a different color!
"Wow, Miss Xiaochun's luck is really good~"

Xiaozhi couldn't help admiring, when he was still in the Chengdu area, Xiaochun probably didn't have this red-faced dragon.

Could it be that he just came to the Hezhong area and caught a flash one by chance?

And the one Alice sent was naturally a dragon-type Pokémon.

The body size is two heads shorter than the red-faced dragon, but the structure is similar, and they all look like dragon beasts with biped upright.

There is a clear difference in color between the upper and lower body, the lower part is black-gray, the upper part is black-green, and the skin on the body looks smooth and hard like armored rocks.

Compared with the sharp claws of its limbs, there are two horizontally extending sharp incisors growing on both sides of the pointed dragon mouth of this dragon beast, as if there are dangerous stone-edged daggers on both sides of the mouth.

The end of the ax tooth is blood red and looks very oozing
"Beep! Axetooth, the evolution of Yaya, dragon attribute, has teeth that can crush huge rocks. In order to seize the place where the molars can be found, they will often fight fiercely with the commander of the chopping. Axetooth is strength and A dragon beast with both appearance, but unfortunately it is not the quasi-god Loto~!"

Floating on Xiaozhi's shoulder, Rotom explained in a regretful tone.

People often refer to all kinds of Axe-toothed Dragons, or the final evolved Double-Axed Dragons.
But it's useless, one sentence is not quasi-god is enough to refute.

Xiaozhi: "."

He nodded seriously, the bloodline hierarchy inside Pokémon is also very strict.

On the arena, two upright dragon beasts officially started fighting.

"Red-faced dragon (axe-toothed dragon), use dragon claws!"

The battle started, and both sides chose the signature move of the dragon attribute at the same time.

The different-colored red-faced dragon and the ax-toothed dragon stomped towards the center of the arena, raised their claws, and the green light attached to them instantly turned into sharp energy dragon claws, tearing and clawing at each other's body!

Bang Bang!

Bang Bang! !
The colliding cyan dragon claws made two bursts of explosions, bursting out sparks, and for a while, the claws of the two were locked together in a stalemate.

Although the size of the Axe-toothed Dragon is only about 1/3 of that of the Crimson-faced Dragon, in terms of strength, it is not far behind.

"Red-faced dragon, use the dragon's tail!"

"Axetooth Dragon, we use wide-area destruction!!"

The next moment, the two dragon beasts retracted their sharp claws, and then spun around, slapping their dragon tails horizontally towards each other!
However, the attack light of the dragon's tail was turquoise, and the wide-area damage caused the Axetooth dragon's tail to have a dark blue luster.

Bang Bang! !
There was another burst of collision and explosion, and the airflow blew outward violently. The collision force of the dragon's tail exploded, and the two bounced back at the same time.

"Red Aw!!"

"Ax Tooth!!"

The red-faced dragon took three steps back, while the axe-toothed dragon took five steps back.

After Ssangyong stabilized his figure, those who bared their teeth bared their teeth, and all roared at each other in protest.

The two are roughly at the same level in terms of strength, but the strength of this red-faced dragon is still slightly higher.
(End of this chapter)

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