He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2151 It's Yueyue Bear again, swooping!

Chapter 2151 It's Yueyue Bear again, swooping!

"Oh~ Ah Yin, has his strength become stronger again?!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi leaned on the railing and exclaimed.

It is said that the ink cannon is the signature move of the octopus barrel, but I did not expect that the Dragon King also mastered it.

"Well, the Great Elder also praised Ah Yin's excellent talent."

Next to him, Xiao Chun had already sat down at some point, and seemed to be planning to sit in this small group, with a somewhat sour tone in his tone.

Obviously, she herself has never received such an evaluation from the Great Elder.

In a few years, it is estimated that Ah Yin will become the second trainer to obtain a cub with excellent qualifications from the Great Elder after Ji Du?
"Ha ha."

Xiaozhi laughed a few times, but didn't know how to comfort the latter.

If Xiaochun had used her ace Hackron yesterday instead of the strange-colored red-faced dragon she just caught, she might still have a chance to beat Alice and continue to compete in the Fanba World Championships.

On the field, Boss Ju has dispatched his second Pokémon—King Toad.

Before, Xiaoxia tamed one on the beach of Lianyi Town, and because of its extremely ugly appearance, she once doubted her love for water-type Pokémon.

Toad King's ground + water attribute combination has only one weakness of the grass attribute, but it is very good at avoiding the violent water attribute moves of the Thorn Dragon King.


This time, the thorn dragon king fired the ink cannon again, and the black ink exploded on the face of the toad king.

"Toad quack."

However, King Toad just let out a low cry, nothing unusual.

Even the ink that affected eyesight soon flowed down from Toad King's red eyes, looking a bit miserable.

Pokémon like Toad King are used to staying in muddy swamps.

Whether it is muddy water or ink, it will not have any impact on its five senses.

"Toad King, use Freezing Punch!!"

Just as the rainy day was over, King Toad swung a powerful freezing punch.

When he swung his fist, the sarcoma of different sizes on Toad King's body trembled together, even increasing the power of his fist.

Without the boost effect of the rainy day, the speed of the Thorn Dragon King suddenly became a little clumsy, and he was hit in the chest by the freezing fist.

However, the freezing effect did not appear. Instead, dark purple marks appeared on the face of the Thorn Dragon King.

Thorn Dragon King is in a poisoned state!

"It's the poisonous hand characteristic of Toad King. Any physical moves, even simple contact, have a chance to poison the target."

Beside Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia rushed to speak immediately.

She also tamed a Toad King, and she knew quite a bit about this kind of Pokémon.

However, Xiaoxia's toad king has the characteristic of leisurely swimming, so it can cooperate with her mosquito-repellent frog king to form a rainy day team
on the field.

"The Thorn Dragon King, use quick reentry!"

Seeing that the Thorn Dragon King could not achieve good results, Ah Yin no longer hesitated, and suddenly called out a move.

The Thorn Dragon King's whole body was covered with water, which impacted on Toad King's body, and his body quickly turned into a red light and returned to the elf ball.

At the same time, Ah Yin had already prepared the second elf ball and opened it directly.

When the red light fell, a huge monster appeared in front of Ah Yin. The heavy weight caused the whole ground of the arena to vibrate slightly.

But it was a huge brown bear lying on the ground, covered with thick and thick bristles all over its body, with slender sharp claws growing on all its limbs lying on the ground.

The appearance is somewhat similar to that of the circle bear, but the structure of the back is difficult to stand upright, and there is a pattern of "clouds cover the moon" on the forehead.

"Yueyue bear?! Has Ah Yin's circle bear evolved?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi said in surprise.

He had seen a Pokémon like Yueyue Bear in Mingyao's place, and it was a special evolution of Quanquan Bear in the ancient Xicui area.

But it seems that with the help of some special props from ancient times, the modern circle bear can also complete the evolution?
However, the evolved Moon Moon Bear has ground + general attributes, so it doesn't have a good response to Toad King
Although it was the first time I saw Yueyue Xiong, the opponent's strong earthy smell also made Boss Ju judge that it was the ground attribute, and immediately said unceremoniously:
"Toad King, use the water cannon!!"

Toad King slapped his stomach and spewed out a fierce stream of water.

"Yueyuexiong, [-] horsepower!!"

But Ah Yin's tactics were even more violent. The Yueyue Xiong in front of him stomped on the ground violently and galloped, with red light attached to his whole body, rushing out with tyrannical horsepower.

Even the violent water cannon moves were completely broken by the [-] horsepower, scattered into weak sprays.

"Toad King, block it with a frozen fist!"

King Toad immediately changed his moves, closed his mouth, grasped his fists with both hands, and after being covered with ice and snow, he released both fists together!
Boom! !
The two melee moves collided head-on, and there was a burst of explosion in the center of the arena, and a strong wind blew all around.

But in terms of strength, Yueyue Xiong was even better, knocking Toad King back again and again, almost falling down.

Plop plop.!
It's just that after the move was over, purple bubbles suddenly appeared on Yue Yuexiong's face.

The poisonous hand feature is triggered, and Yue Yuexiong has entered a poisoned state!

However, seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi in the spectator seat shook his head and said softly:

"The victory and defeat have been divided, this game is won by Ah Yin."

He understood why Ah Yin would replace the unfavorable Yueyue Xiong
"Bear roar!!"

Sure enough, the next moment, Yue Yuexiong, who was in a poisoned state, became even more violent, raised his forelegs, and let out violent roars again and again.

The muscles all over his body swelled, and a sharp red light burst out from his body surface.

Perseverance feature triggers!
Not only completely ignores the poisonable effect, but even the strength of Moon Moon Bear has been greatly improved!


This also made Boss Ju on the opposite side look suffocated, and some didn't react.

This is the loss of not knowing the new Pokémon.

"End the battle, Yueyuexiong, use Sudden Pounce!!"

Ah Yin raised the corner of his mouth and shouted triumphantly.

Entering the berserk state, Yue Yuexiong stomped on the ground one after another to charge and gallop, every step could crush the ground until the earth and rocks collapsed, and finally the whole body rushed towards the Toad King, pouring out its power all at once!

Sudden pounce, this is a ground-type "close combat", which can also burst out extremely powerful power, but the price is that one's own defense will decrease after use.

Boom boom boom! !

The power of the sudden pounce exploded, and the already terrifying strength was boosted by the "persistence characteristic", and even directly knocked King Toad over Boss Ju's head, and fell heavily at the back of the arena.

"The winner has been decided! In this match, the player Ah Yin from the Yanmo Gymnasium in the Chengdu area will win!"

The referee Don George raised his palm and announced with a little regret.

He and Boss Ju are old friends, so he naturally hopes that the latter can win.

(End of this chapter)

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