On the field, the battle is over.

Boss Ju didn't have any verbal exchange with Ah Yin, nor did he approach to shake hands in a friendly way.

They all had sullen faces, and after nodding across the field, they turned around and left the field.

Xiaozhi: "."

Needless to say, the personalities of these two people are quite similar.

Since the farewell of the Silver Conference, Ah Yin's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds. If he is matched next, he will have to concentrate on it to win.

next fight.

"Hey, it's coming to me~!"

Mingyi stood up with her back propped up, with a confident expression on her face, humming a ditty all the way as she walked off the stage.

Her luck is extremely high, and she can directly enter the top 32 if she draws a lottery!
When Ming Yi stepped onto the field, an uncle of migrant workers in a black uniform came slowly opposite.

His face was thin and haggard, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, and his walking posture looked very tired.

He was still holding a briefcase in his right hand, as if he had come to clock in for work.

"In the 64th round of the top 4 of the Sailing World Championships, contestant Aoki from Padia area will face contestant Narui from Hadokan in Qinghai!"

Don George loudly introduced the basic information of both parties.

"Hey, I'm an employee of the Padiya Pokémon League, but my performance hasn't been very good recently, so I was forced to come here by the superiors."

Aoki scratched his head and said weakly.

"Oh~ Uncle, then I will be merciful~!"

Ming Yi responded cheerfully, she was sure of everything, and she already had an extra elf ball in her hand.

When the red light fell, the first Pokémon Mingyi sent out was Thunder Zebra, and a faint blue light was still flowing on the surface of the black and white striped body.

On the other side, Aoki's first Pokémon is a gray eagle with handsome bangs - Mukhawk!

However, unlike the usual Mukhawk with a cold temperament and sharp eyes, this Mukhawk, like the trainer, also looks a little tired.


It landed on the ground, the feathers on its body were frizzy, and even the handsome red crown feathers on its head were a little wilted and drooping.
It is completely a social animal eagle that has withstood the polishing of life.

Seeing this, Mingyi secretly made up his mind to send this social animal uncle out of the game as soon as possible and go back to rest.

The battle begins.

"Thunder Zebra, use the electric shock wave!!"

The thunder zebra trampled on the ground, a burst of blue lightning burst out from its body, and finally shot out from the two lightning-like white horns above its head!

In terms of attributes, Mingyi has an absolute advantage.

Seeing this, Aoki commanded weakly:
"Mikehawk, use the shadow clone."

The Mukehawk finally flapped its wings and managed to fly up. Dozens of shadows were formed from its body to avoid the electric shock wave.

Mingyi's morale was high, and he attacked continuously:

"In that case, use the discharge!!"

This time the thunder and lightning zebras trampled the ground again and again, and the lightning that was originally a single electric wave burst in the air this time, turning into dense branch currents, attacking dozens of Mukhawk clones at the same time.

Zizizi! !

The electric current penetrated most of the clones, and finally hit the main body of Mukehawk, and the blue lightning exploded on the latter's body.

The effect is outstanding!

"Mike Eagle, Yan Hui."

However, while being tormented by the electric shock, the Mukhawk was able to charge towards the lightning zebra, and its slender beak hit the latter's neck, knocking the latter back.

Mingyi: "?"

What happened?
Wasn't this Mukehawk hit by electric discharge? How can it move so flexibly?
Mingyi shook his head vigorously, regained his strength, and launched an attack again.

"It's very fast. Then try this trick, Thunderbolt Zebra, use the plasma bath!!"

This time, the thunder zebra raised its head, trampled on the ground, and immediately splashed a mist filled with blue electric current, covering its surroundings.

Plasma bath, this move can turn all the general attribute moves that Thunder Zebra will use next into electric attribute moves.

"Then there was a flash of lightning!!"

The next moment, the lightning zebra directly turned into a fast blue lightning streamer, rushing towards the direction of Mukehawk.

The combined punch of plasma bath + lightning flash directly created a preemptive move of electric attribute!


The plasma and electric light successfully hit the target in a flash, and the electric current burst and flowed on the Muke Eagle again.


The Mukehawk seemed to be supporting very reluctantly, and let out a low cry, and was about to lose its strength and fall from the air at any moment.

The effect is outstanding!

However, at this time, Aoki suddenly said:

"Mike Eagle, use melee combat."

Muke Eagle's eyes were fixed, and he quickly adjusted his posture, using his wings as punches and elbows, and his claws as powerful kicks.

clap clap clap! !

Intensive and powerful close combat, bombarded Thunder Zebra's body again and again, each blow made a solid and clear sound.

In the end, the strength erupted, and the thunder and lightning zebra was directly sent flying, and fell heavily in front of Mingyi.

Seeing the latter's eyes rolling, the referee Don George quickly said:

"Thunder Zebra, lose the ability to fight!"

Mingyi: "??"

She was already a little confused, how could the situation be reversed in an instant.

What's going on with this Mukehawk and this uncle animal? !

Moreover, it received electric shocks one after another, and this Mukhawk was clearly about to pass by in the next second. But at this moment, it was still firmly in midair, flapping its wings hard to fly.

"Uh, what's the matter"

Aoki saw Mingyi's doubts, he scratched the back of his social people's congress, and said helplessly:

"Everyone is just struggling to survive"

Mingyi: "???"

Can the electric shock move with outstanding effect be strong?
The battle continued, and Mingyi quickly released the second Pokémon.

The attributes are unreliable, and you have to rely on your own trump card, Double Blade Pill!

"Rice wine rice wine!!"

Shuangrenwan had already held two scallop shells, and even shouted towards the opposite side.

Mingyi also cheered up again, it must have been an accident just now!
"Shuangrenwan, use the frozen wind!!"

Since Shuangrenwan has been concentrating on practicing the moves on the double-edged shells, he doesn't know any powerful ice-type moves, the only one he knows is this move called Frozen Wind.

Shuangrenwan put away the shells, his mouth suddenly puffed up, and a burst of frosty mist suddenly blew.

The power of the freezing wind is not high, but it is better than the Mukhawk that covers a wide area and hits it very quickly.

The effect is outstanding!


It was blasted by the electric current a few times just now, and now it is blown by the outstanding ice seal. This Mukhawk is so cold that its beak can't close. It keeps trembling, and even the feathers at the end of its wings are frozen. Served with frost.

"It's now, Shell Blade!"

Seeing this, Shuangrenwan immediately swung out its shell claws and rushed straight in the direction of Mukehawk.

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