He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2153 Is this King Yanwu a fake?

"Mickhawk, use hot air."

But just as Shuangrenwan approached, Mukeying suddenly flapped its wings again and again.

Flame streamers were attached to the gray-black wings, which completely melted the original ice chips on them, and then continued to blow hot wind outward.

The scalding heat wave hit, blinding Shuangrenwan's eyes for a while, so he could only stop at the same place, using the shell blade to cover the hot wind.

"Wow, can Mukehawk still master the hot air trick?"

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi showed a look of surprise.

And this uncle of migrant workers is far from weak as he appears on the surface
It seems that what Mingyi drew was not Shangshang lottery, but she saw it backwards?

"Shuangrenwan, use the throwing trick!"

Seeing that it was difficult for the hot wind to break through, Shuangren Wan took his own shell blade as a dart and threw it out of his hand.


The shell blade hit Mukhawk's head, knocking the latter down from the air, and the side of his head was still swollen visible to the naked eye.

For another Mukehawk, someone smashed out a big bag, and he was probably going to be furious.


But the Mukhawk endured it abruptly, landed on the ground, folded its wings, and began to heal and recover.

This kind of thing, bear with it, there is nothing to get angry.

"Shuangrenwan, use the shell blade now!!"

While the opponent was crawling to the ground like a hen, Shuangren Wan rushed out immediately, and the ends of the two waving shells stretched out sharp water blades.


The next moment, the shell blade drew a clear cross slash on Mukehawk!

Hit the nail on the head!

The power of the shell blade exploded, even triggering a water explosion, the movement was not small!

"rice wine.!"

And Shuangrenwan shuttled past, half-kneeling at one end of the arena.

The corners of his mouth raised confidently, holding the shell in his hand, still posing handsomely with the knife closed.

I am so handsome!

But in stark contrast, Mingyi's anxious voice suddenly came:

"Shuangrenwan, stop posing, turn your head quickly!!"

"rice wine?"

Shuangrenwan looked astonished, and turned his head subconsciously.

However, he saw that the Mukehawk had already flown up again, and hadn't completely lost its fighting ability.

It holds up!

Hold on to the move, even if the opponent has only the last bit of stamina left, he can still forcefully hold on and not die.

"End the battle, use Yan Fan."

Aoki's tone was a little more serious.

The next moment, the Muke Eagle rushed out with both wings, its slender beak shining with white light, and the sound of sonic boom could be heard as it broke through the air all the way.

Whoops! !
In the end, Yan Fan hit Shuangrenwan's side waist with a blow, directly flying the latter's small figure into the air.

Shuangrenwan felt a blackness in front of him, and a sharp pain in his waist.

"rice wine."

After landing, it struggled on the spot for a while, and finally tilted its head and fell to the ground.

"Shuangrenwan can't fight, Mukehawk wins!"

"This competition is won by the Aoki player from the Padia region!!"

At the end of the battle, the referee Don George immediately said loudly.

"I lost."

Mingyi knelt and sat on the spot, staring blankly at the Shuangrenwan who fell to the ground, a little unresponsive.

Isn't it my own lie wins the lottery today? !

How come in the blink of an eye, the other party crossed over twice? !


Even the Muke eagle fluttered its wings and landed beside Mingyi, and gently patted Mingyi's shoulder with its wings as encouragement.

The feeling of vicissitudes is that there is no cigarette in the bird's beak.

Mingyi: "."

"Come back, Mickhawk"

On the other side, the victorious Aoki didn't have much joy on his face, and calmly withdrew Mukehawk.

After nodding to Mingyi, he turned and left.

It's just that when he was walking halfway, he scratched his head helplessly.

Speaking of which, if he performed better in the World Championships, he might be able to get a promotion after returning this time.

In the future, you can also blow the air-conditioning in the office, be a management, and dictate to other social animal subordinates.


Thinking of this, Aoki's skinny face became a little more happy.

"Mingyi, don't be too discouraged~"

When Mingyi returned to the viewing seats, Xiaozhi also hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him:
"That uncle is obviously hiding something. Even if you are not careless, you will probably be pushed flat by the other party."

It seems that this Padia region is not so simple.

Now even an ordinary social animal uncle can have such a fighting level?
Although it was just two battles in a hurry, the strength of this Uncle Aoki should not be described by the gymnasium owner.

However, Xiaozhi's consolation didn't have any effect, instead it seemed to make up for it.

"Um, okay. Eh~"

Mingyi was weak, as if infected by Aoki, she also turned into a social animal girl, sighed, propped her chin, and sat back on her seat.

Originally, she planned to use the strong enemy of the World Championships to let Shuangrenwan break through the limit and complete the evolution.
It seems that we can only choose another path.

The battle lasted until the afternoon, and finally it was Xiaozhi's turn to take the stage.

The fight between Douzi and Xiaoxia was on the second day, which also made Xiaoxia's complexion even more ugly when she was sitting in the audience.

Damn it, I have to torture her for another day!
However, there is already an eliminated Mingyi as a companion, which gives Xiaoxia a little bit of confidence.

If everyone dies together, it doesn't seem so unacceptable?
As for Xiaozhi's opponent.
Short orange hair, a delicate face with a sense of affinity, dressed as an outdoor worker in red overalls and boots.
It was the previous winner of the Youth Cup and a member of the Pokémon Rescue Team, Bagir.

The entire team is Ibrahimovic's evolution type, which is a very unique existence in this World Championship.

"Xiaozhi, let's fight without regret~"

Before the start of the game, Bajir even stepped forward, stretched out his palm to Xiaozhi cheerfully, and said with a smile.

"Ok~! Let's fight to the fullest!"

Xiao Zhi shook his hand back, and said excitedly.

As referee Don George raised his palm, the two threw the Poke Ball at the same time.


Bajir's first Pokémon was Leib. As soon as he appeared on the stage, the spiky hairs all over his body stood up, static electricity flowed among them, and his fighting spirit was high.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi's first battle Pokémon is the majestic and strong King Yanwu.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, he raised his arms high, roared to the sky, and the flames around his neck ignited even more.

The ferocious and exciting King Yanwu made Bajir concentrate, not daring to be careless.

"Huh?" "Huh?" "Huh?"

But this scene made several friends in the spectator seats utter doubts at the same time, and gave a serious look.

This King Yanwu is fake, right? Xiaozhi's King Yanwu, how could he be so excited and sunny.?

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