He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2160 The Battle Between the Old and New Gym Masters

Chapter 2160 The Battle Between the Old and New Gym Masters

On the arena, the battle between the old and the new general attribute gym owners has reached a fever pitch.

What Aloe uses is a sprouting deer, but unlike Naruto's one, this is an autumn-looking individual.

It has a black-brown deer-shaped body, and the dark-brown antlers on the top of the head are covered with thick red fallen leaves, which are connected together and almost completely cover the pair of big horns.

"Sprouting deer, green grass field!!"

The budding deer with normal+grass attributes stepped on its forelimbs, and in an instant, the entire arena was covered with countless green grass leaves.

Under the Green Grass Field, both the enemy and the enemy will recover part of their stamina every round. This is a protracted battle.

On the electronic screen at this moment, both Aloe and Helian have only the last Pokémon left, and there is no way out.

Heilian's last Pokémon is the long-haired dog that Xiaozhi had fought with before.

"Long-haired dog, use frozen teeth!!"

The whole body was covered with thick long hair, and the long-haired dog rushed out immediately, its open teeth were filled with frost energy.

However, the budding deer lowered its head ahead of time, and when the long-haired dog approached, it pushed its antlers up.

Before Frozen Tooth had time to bite the target, the antlers pressed against its lower jaw, forcing the long-haired dog's teeth to collide and close its mouth.

"It's now, Mujiao!!"

As the sound of aloe fell, the antlers on the sprouting deer's head were instantly covered with green light, and they stabbed hard at the long-haired dog.

Bang Bang!

The strong impact of Mujiao sent the long-haired dog flying out on the spot.

With the addition of the green grass field, the power of the grass-attribute wooden corner moves has also been improved.

Even after the move is over, the sprouting deer's whole body has a healing green light.
The move of Mujiao can absorb energy while attacking the opponent.

Rounding off is the ultimate absorption of the offensive.

Even after the long-haired dog threw several rock seals, and then used the digging move to cover it, when it was about to approach and launch a fierce attack.

"Use the second kick!!"

The Germination Deer turned its body around directly, and kicked forward with its hind legs.

Snapped!Snapped! !

There was a deep and dull trampling sound, and the long-haired dog was kicked away, unable to get close.

The effect is outstanding!

"Wow, it turns out that Germination Deer fights like this."

Under the stands, Ming Yi watched seriously, still memorizing the cheat sheet in his hand.

Speaking of which, she has the two Pokémon that she is facing in the arena at the moment, but Mingyi's Hayok has not yet fully evolved into a long-haired dog.

A series of deflated meals also caused the long-haired dog's physical strength to drop rapidly, and it was panting.

"As expected of the owner of the gymnasium of the older generation, he is indeed very powerful."

Hei Lian tugged on his tie, but the fighting spirit on his delicate face grew even higher.


Sensing the trainer's fighting spirit, the long-haired dog raised its head to the sky and let out a loud roar, accompanied by a red glow on its body surface.

Howling, the attack power of the long-haired dog has increased!
"As a new owner, although my experience is not enough, the relationship of trust I have established living with the long-haired dog will not be lost to anyone!"

Hei Lian's gaze was fixed, and this time he took the initiative to attack:

"Rock seal!"

With a flick of the long-haired dog's head, several huge rocks gathered together and flew out like meteors.

Bang Bang!!
Germination Deer raised its antlers again, with green light attached, and the powerful and hard wooden horn moves easily smashed and destroyed the attacking rocks.

In the gap between the rock debris, the figure of the long-haired dog also quietly drew closer.

The corner of Aloe's mouth raised, she had already guessed that the rock seal was just a cover move to close the distance, and immediately shouted:
"Double kick!"

The Budding Deer understood, turned its body, and kicked out with its strong and powerful hind legs.

Chi Chi!
It was only when he approached that Aloe realized that the long-haired dog's tightly closed mouth was constantly sparking out from between the teeth.

"Flame Tooth, isn't it.!?"

Aloe finally recognized it, and for the first time there was panic in his expression:
"Hurry up and avoid the sprouting deer, it's a big character explosion!!"

It's just that the distance is too close to avoid it at all.

The long-haired dog that was approaching quickly opened its mouth to the maximum, and the fiery flames immediately found an outlet, and they all spewed out, forming a big flame in mid-air!
Such an offensive cannot be stopped by a two-stage kick.

Chi bang bang! !

The next moment, the big character explosion hit the sprouting deer, causing an exaggerated explosion of flames on the latter!

The effect is outstanding! !
Due to the short distance, the long-haired dog was inevitably affected by the flames, but compared to the heavy blows received by the opponent, it can be said to be negligible.

Taking advantage of the flames on the opponent's body, Hei Lian took advantage of the victory and chased after him:
"Don't stop, use Frozen Tooth this time!!"

The long-haired dog, which was bounced off by the hot wind, rushed forward again without stopping.

This time, the bloody mouth opened wide, and the flames flowing between the teeth were instantly replaced by bone-piercing ice and snow.

Keng Ka! !
Immediately, his teeth were frozen, and he bit the side of the sprouting deer hard.

In an instant, two completely different energies, freezing and flame, arose on the Germinal Deer one after another, both of which had outstanding effects on it, causing the Germinal Deer to let out a miserable whine.

In the end, the body was completely frozen into an ice sculpture, and then the ice layer collapsed completely.


The attack of the Ice and Fire Heavenly Layer made Germinal Deer finally unable to bear the pressure, and his body collapsed, completely losing his fighting ability.

"The one who advances is the Helian player from the Hinoki Fan Gym!"

Don George quickly reminded loudly, drawing an end to the battle between the old and new owners.

"You've performed very well, Heilian, you are already an independent gymnasium owner."

At the end of the battle, Aloe Vera put away her previous fighting spirit and turned into a cheerful elder sister.

"Thank you for your advice, Miss Aloe!"

Hei Lian hastily nodded his thanks solemnly.

The originally high-spirited face suddenly returned to a nervous and cramped look, and he tugged at his collar from time to time.

"In this case, the Hezhong region also has its own general attribute gymnasium, so I can rest assured to close the gymnasium."

But at this time, Aloe suddenly narrowed his eyes and said with emotion.

These words made Hei Lian's complexion change, this was just a sparring match, he didn't have the slightest intention to replace Qibao Gym.

"Uh, it has nothing to do with you"

Seeing that Helian wanted to explain nervously, Aloe just waved his hand.

She was planning to close the gymnasium, after all, her husband is the curator of the nearby Qibao Museum.

Aloe wants to be a good wife, help her husband, and take care of the museum and the library behind it.

After all, the Qibao Gymnasium was opened in the library, and the style of frequent battles still didn't match the library.

Now that she has Heilian's Hinoki Fan Gym, she can retire with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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