He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2161 Alice and Kuailong!

Chapter 2161 Alice and Kuailong!

Xiaozhi lay on the railing, counting the heads of the head of the Hezhong gymnasium with his fingers.

The number is more than 8, more than double digits.

Later on, there was Homiga, the owner of the poisonous gymnasium that Xiaozhi had hastily fought against in Lichong City.

This is a punk girl carrying a guitar on stage, dressed rebelliously, with her white hair tied into a vertical braid.

However, in terms of strength, Homiga is not very strong and will end up in the top 64.

There is also a gymnasium owner from Feiyun City, Yati, who is good at insect attributes, and is an art painter.

Back in Feiyun City, I requested Mingyi's avatar to be authorized, and planned to draw some books that were not suitable for children with Mingyi as the protagonist.
It seems that because the mind is put on the painting, Yati's combat effectiveness is not very strong, and he was defeated and stopped just like Homiga.

"Looking at it this way, the gym owners in the Hezhong area don't seem to be too strong."

Xiaozhi was in the auditorium, crossing his chest and commenting.

He has met quite a few Gym Masters, many of whom are powerful and capable against the Alliance King, but so far he has not seen such a Gym Master in the Hezhong area.
For example, Mr. Denci, who also participated in the competition, easily advanced to the top 32, and he can be regarded as a top-notch pavilion owner in the Hezhong area.

No, there is another curator.

"Tundra Bear, Frozen Punch!"

At this moment in the arena, a tall white bear slammed a powerful punch, and even directly smashed the "guard" move used by the opposite centipede king.

This represents the great disparity in the strength of the two Pokémon, the enemy and the enemy.

In the end, this ice bear was very strong and successfully advanced to the next round.

As for the trainer of the ice field bear, Xiaozhi also had some contacts before, and it was Haqiku from the Snow Flower Gym.

Mr. Hachiku was wearing a blue and white practice kimono, with half of his arms exposed. His long light blue hair was tied up in a twisted braid and stood up behind his head. He also wore a blue eyepatch on his face. He looked like a warrior.

He is obviously a powerful gym trainer, but he has become interested in acting and filming.

Xiaozhi had met him at Pokémon Hollywood in Lichong City before, and he lent his Bankiras to him to act as a monster villain.

"At present, Mr. Hachiku seems to be the strongest gymnasium owner in the Hezhong area."

Xiaozhi stroked his chin and secretly analyzed.

No, there is also the owner of the Double Dragon Gym, Mr. Xia Ka, who is good at dragon attributes, has not seen it, so it is hard to say.

But as far as the Gym Masters who come to participate now, it is estimated that only Mr. Hachiku has the ability, even if he faces the alliance king, he can contend head-on
"By the way, where is Alice?"

This can't help but remind Xiaozhi of Alice, who played on behalf of Ssangyong Gym, the girl who can use special dragon power, she hasn't been eliminated yet, right?

Coincidentally, it was Alice's turn on the field.

"Attack with all your might, Axetooth Dragon, Reverse Scale!!"

It was still her initial Pokémon Axtooth who was with her day and night, leading the charge, with crazy fiery red flames gushing out from her whole body, screaming and rushing towards the target.

Alice's opponent is a native of Hezhong dressed up as a nobleman, named Zhengchen, who is not weak.

In particular, the trump card is a huge dust mountain, which actually endured two rounds of reverse scales in a row.

And when Axodontosaurus entered the state of reverse scale side effects, Alice already had countermeasures:

"Axetooth, attack the ground!"

Axetooth understood, and immediately slammed its head into the ground. The instant pain woke it up from the confusion.

However, the Zhengchen on the opposite side was also a ruthless character, so he immediately chose to die together.

"Dust Mountain, use Big Bang!!"

Dust Mountain took a deep breath, and the body formed by the garbage pile began to gradually expand and expand, exuding a heart-pounding destructive energy.

Boom! !
With a deafening explosion, one end of the arena was directly blown into ruins.

When the Dust Mountain fell to the ground, it also successfully dragged the Axe-toothed Dragon into the water, and they couldn't fight together.

"Hey! How can there be such a battle!!"

This caused Alice on the side to yell dissatisfied immediately, can she still play well! ?
But Zhengchen just sneered, and went straight to take back his mountain of dust.

It's all tactics, what's the problem?
The girl who replaced Ssangyong Gym seems to be just a newcomer.

Moreover, dragon-type Pokémon have always been the most difficult to breed, and this Axe-toothed dragon should be the opponent's trump card.

As long as one is forcibly replaced by one, then the second Pokémon can be easily taken by himself.

"Come out, my real trump card~!"

Thinking of this, Masaomi grinned and sent out a fighting Pokémon that matched the striker with a smile.

The same human figure, red skin, shorter and fatter than the fighting ghost, wearing a judo training suit.

Throw ghosts!
His wrestling ghost, but the fighting ghost that defeated Kenny Yang at the East George Fighting Conference, can be said to be an extremely powerful fighting Pokémon!
As for Alice's Pokémon.

The red light of the elf ball was fixed, and there was a furious roar of the dragon, and the tyrannical momentum instantly changed the expressions of Zhengchen and the wrestling ghost in front of him.

The body of the orange flying dragon has an extremely thick abdomen and lower body, as well as small wings that do not match the body shape.

"Wow, Alice is still fat?!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he blurted out in surprise.

It is the quasi-god of his hometown, Kuailong, who is on the stage!
So it seems that this fast dragon is Alice's real trump card?
Moreover, unlike the usual docile and peaceful Kuailong, this Kuailong appeared extremely irritable and vicious. When he appeared on the stage, he put on a vicious look, wishing he could tear his opponent alive.

"Quick Dragon, use your wings to attack~!!"

Alice took the lead in directing, ready to use the outstanding flying moves to attack the wrestling ghost in front of her.

It's just that this fast dragon didn't obey the command, and rushed into the air with one flap of its wings. Then, amidst the roar of the dragon, its whole body was covered with dark blue energy flames, turning into a giant blue dragon, and swooping down!

Dragon God swoops! !
The terrifying power even made the faces of Zhengchen and wrestlers on the ground freeze.

And that huge blue fierce dragon has already descended from the sky, and the dragon god's swooping attack completely engulfed the wrestling ghosts.
Boom boom boom! !

Amidst a huge explosion, Kuailong flew up again, stomped heavily, and landed back in front of Alice.

Although there is still a fierce look on his face, he looks very irritable.

As for the unlucky wrestling ghost, he couldn't fight directly and fell to the ground in a faint.

"Advanced, contestant Alice from Shuanglong Gym!"

Referee Don George immediately signaled loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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