He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2169 Break the rules and sing the opposite!

Chapter 2169 Break the rules and sing the opposite!

There has been no defeat along the way, especially the opponent is still a peer, which makes Alice very inflated at this moment.

"Please, my ace!!"

As he said that, he threw the elf ball first, and it was the half-human tall, tiger-headed Axe-toothed Dragon.

For this battle, the Axetooth Dragon polished its teeth for a long time yesterday, and now the sharp cutting surface was glowing with a piercing coldness.

This is the move of "grinding claws" already used off the court.

On Xiaozhi's side, he also sent out the first Pokémon.


The green vine snake landed on the field lightly, with its head slightly turned to one side, and its cold eyes looked sideways at the axe-tooth dragon.

Speaking of it, the two Pokémon are quite similar. Not only are they similar in size, but they are also in the middle of their evolutionary status.

"This ivy snake?"

But after seeing her opponent clearly, Alice's expression was a little astonished.

Ivy Snake, as the Yusanjia of the Hezhong area, she met along the way, and the number of battles was not infrequent.

But why does this ivy snake in front of me have such a strong dragon attribute breath?

She felt like a dragon-type Pokémon.

"It doesn't matter, Axetooth Dragon, use the cross scissors!!"

The battle began, and Alice took the lead in attacking.

Axodontosaurus stomped on the ground and sprinted, with a gray-green cold light attached to its claws when it swung it, attacking in a cross-cutting posture.

"Ivy Snake, Tornado!!"

However, the Ivy Snake flicked its tail on the spot, and an upward tornado blew up on the ground in an instant.

The power wasn't too great, but it had a very strong binding and binding effect, which instantly froze the charging Axe-toothed Dragon in place.

Seeing this, Alice immediately shouted at the top of her voice:
"Don't lose to it, Axetooth Dragon!"

The Axe-toothed Dragon caught in the tornado focused his eyes. This time, not only were the claws gray-green, but even the axe-tooth on both sides of the mouth was covered with a cold light of insect attribute.

Whoa! !
Like a swordsman of the three-sword style, his claws and mouth exerted force at the same time, tearing the tornado apart violently, and then continued to rush towards the target.


However, the light and agile Ivy Snake immediately jumped back and easily avoided this powerful blow.

"Now, use the dragon tail!"

Even when it landed, the Ivy Snake's figure continuously spun in the air, and finally pressed its blue-blue glowing tail under its body, and slashed heavily towards the head of the Axe-toothed Dragon!

"Don't lose to it, use wide-area destruction!!"

Alice immediately confronted her.

It's not like Ash has bred so many Pokémon
Alice currently only has four Pokémon, especially Axetooth, who has been exercising for a long time and is well-trained, which also allows Axetooth to quickly perform corresponding operations at this moment.

"Ax Roar.!"

Just as the cold light of the cross scissors was put away, the Axetooth Dragon swung its body horizontally, and also swept the dragon's tail out.

Bang Bang! !
The dragon's tail collided with the wide-area destruction, similar to the dragon's tail whipping moves, the contact position even burst out blue sparks to the surroundings.

The tyrannical reaction force also caused the Axe-toothed Dragon and the Ivy Snake to retreat at the same time.

But in terms of strength, it seems that Axetooth Dragon is better.

Xiao Zhi's expression remained unchanged. Compared with physical attacks, Ye Vine Snake was better at special long-range moves.

But now if you want to use the ultimate move, Leaf Storm, you must first get it.
"Axetooth Dragon, Dragon Claw!!"

On the other side, Alice launched a continuous frontal attack. Cooperating with the Axetooth Dragon, who attacked with a partial attack, the strength of each blow was full of courage and should not be underestimated.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up instead.

Looking at each other with the Ivy Snake, one person and one snake immediately understood.


The Ivy Snake didn't choose to dodge or confront it head-on, but stood still, waiting for an opportunity.

It wasn't until the Axetooth Dragon approached within three meters that Xiao Zhi suddenly called out a new move:

"Now, use gastric juice!"

The Ivy Snake understood, opened its mouth, and immediately spit out a cloud of purple-black venom.

The extremely close distance made it impossible for Axodontus to dodge, and his face was immediately covered in gastric juice.

Of course, the Dragon Claw also successfully hit the Ivy Snake, but due to the obstructed vision, it only brushed aside, and the damage was not high.

"Ax tooth.?"

After being hit by gastric juice, Axodontus looked at himself in a panic.

I didn't feel hurt anywhere.
But it feels as if some of his power has disappeared?
Seeing that Alice in the back is also staring at her with big eyes, she probably doesn't understand this kind of auxiliary moves with her straight-forward fighting style, so Xiaozhi explained with a smile:
"The ivy snake's gastric juice trick can eliminate the opponent's characteristic ability!"

Alice's Axotooth has already demonstrated its characteristics in previous games.

The characteristic breaks the rules and can nullify the opponent's characteristics.
Then the anti-tune characteristic of the Ivy Snake, which can be called a bug, naturally cannot be effective in the face of the exceptional characteristics.

The only downside of the "dialogue" feature is that you may encounter situations where you can't chime in.

Considering this level of factors, Xiaozhi asked Ivy Snake to try to master the "stomach juice" move early on.

You invalidate me?

Then I will invalidate you first!


Sure enough, with the disappearance of the Axetooth Dragon's breaking characteristics, the corners of Ivy Snake's mouth raised, showing a dangerous sneer.

She could feel that the rebellious power in her body had returned!

Naturally, Xiaozhi didn't sweep away Ivy Snake's elegance, and immediately shouted out the command:
"It's now, Flying Leaf Storm!!"

The Ivy Snake jumped up immediately, with countless flying leaves and powerful whirlwind wrapped around its body, all entangled and strangled together.

Boom boom boom! !

With the tail suddenly pressed forward, a group of powerful and fierce flying leaf storm blasted out in an instant! !
Alice hasn't reacted yet, the gastric juice wiped out her Axetooth dragon's breaking characteristics, and then?
Due to the fact that the Ivy Snake with the anti-tune characteristic is too rare, Alice doesn't even know that there is such a characteristic.
"Axetooth Dragon, use Reverse Scale!!"

Seeing the powerful storm of flying leaves sweeping over, Alice didn't care so much, and said excitedly.

There was even a look of triumph and ecstasy on his face.

In the case of Reverse Scale, Axodontosaurus can still attack with a clear mind in the next round.
As for the Flying Leaf Storm, after the second round, its power dropped sharply.

This battle was won by his Axetooth Dragon!

"Ax Roar!!"

The Ax-toothed Dragon roared, red dragon-attributed arrogance spewed from its body, and rushed into the Feiye Storm.

The power of the reverse scale forcibly broke countless flying leaves, and even tore and destroyed the fierce whirlwind.

After the Flying Leaf Storm was completely destroyed, Axe-toothed Dragon's first reverse-scale move also came to an end.

Just watching the Flying Leaf Storm, the momentum of the Ivy Snake on the opposite side not only did not weaken at all, but even a sharp red light appeared on its body
Alice: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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