He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2170 Evolution, monarch snake vs fast dragon!

Chapter 2170 Evolution, monarch snake vs fast dragon!

Especially seeing the sarcasm on Ivy Snake's face, Alice began to panic inexplicably.

Use up a Leafstorm.
On the contrary, the special attack of the Ivy Snake has increased significantly!
Before waiting for Alice's command, because Reverse Scale is a continuous move, the body of Axodontus once again erupted with amazing red arrogance, rushing towards the target.

On the other side, Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth and naturally called out the same command:
"End the battle, use Flying Leaf Storm!!"

The Ivy Snake understood, and jumped up again. This time, the density of flying leaves and the wind power of the whirlwind were far greater than the previous attack.
As the tail was pushed forward, the terrifying flying leaf storm suddenly blasted out!

Boom boom boom! !

Flying leaves mixed with countless winds, this flying leaf storm even turned into a dark green hurricane, blasting straight forward.

The terrifying destructive force even tore open a deep gravel ravine on the ground along the way.

But the Axe-toothed Dragon couldn't control its body for the time being, facing the menacing flying leaf storm, it could only continue to stand up against the scales and bump into it.

Boom boom! !

Not at the same level of strength at all, Feiye Storm instantly stopped the Axe-toothed Dragon's sprinting movement, and even blew it back again and again.

During the process, countless sharp flying leaves streaked across its body.

Cooperating with the violent whirlwind, it even scratched the hard scales of the Axodontosaurus.

boom! !

In the end, Axetooth was blown out and fell heavily in front of Alice.

There are broken leaves all over the body and the ground, and the body is covered with injuries.


After struggling for a while, Axodontus tilted its head and completely lost its ability to fight.

"Axetooth Dragon!!"

Seeing this, Alice panicked and called out worriedly.

It's just that she didn't give her any buffer time at all, but saw that the body of the Ivy Snake opposite suddenly burst into white light inexplicably.

Immediately afterwards, the entire snake-shaped body was rapidly expanding and becoming larger.


On the other side, Xiaozhi naturally understood what happened, his eyes were fixed on the front, and he said excitedly.

It's finally the turn of the Ivy Snake to evolve!
As the leader of Hezhong's new team, it has maintained the second stage, and has not evolved for a long time, which has long made Ivy Snake unhappy.
Now, if the evolution is completed, the side effects of the "rebellious" personality brought about by the trait of rebellion, probably can be completely eliminated, right?


When the white light dissipated, the evolved Ivy Snake let out a long cry, and the sound became thicker and more powerful, even carrying a majesty of a high-ranking monarch.

In terms of size, the body of a small snake has directly turned into a giant snake. Even though it is entangled in its body, it still has a height of nearly two meters.

The body of the snake is still dark green and light green as a whole, but the previous short limbs have completely disappeared, turning into green leaves covering the snake body, and now it is a complete giant snake.

The green leaves on the neck are forked, just like the opening of the collar, adding a touch of luxury.

Snow-white chin, red snake eyes, head held high, revealing a sense of disdain, nobility and arrogance.

Monarch Snake! !

"Great, finally evolved the Monarch Snake!!"

Xiaozhi shouted excitedly from behind.

Monarch Snake lowered his head to check his new body first, then turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi softly with his eyes.

Having grown up completely, she naturally no longer has a childlike "rebellious" character.

And this battle is still going on.

"Tsk, it suddenly evolved?!"

On the other side, Alice had already taken back the defeated Axetooth Dragon, and looked at the opponent in front of her with a big head.

This Monarch Snake basically didn't consume much stamina.

And the Ivy Snake is already very difficult to deal with, it is inexplicably outrageous, and its strength is far beyond the average Ivy Snake. Not to mention it has evolved now!

"No, I still have to go to Kuailong!"

Alice hesitated for a while, and made a judgment in her heart.

Although she still has a leading gopher with a high level, there is still some gap between her and Kuailong in terms of level.

Facing the Monarch Snake with grass attributes, Kuailong also has an advantage in attributes.

Now even if I can't fully control this fast dragon, I can only bite the bullet!

Thinking of this, Alice threw a poke ball.


The next moment, the previous grumpy Kuailong appeared again, and when he came out, he glared angrily, and the flames almost spewed out of his eyes.

"Kuailong, this opponent is very powerful!! Please listen to my command this time!!"

Alice hurriedly clapped her hands behind and begged.


However, Kuailong ignored Alice's request, just put his hands on his chest, glanced at the opponent in front of him, and immediately exhaled a puff of air from his nostrils.

Would a snake dare to challenge a dragon like it?
The next moment, without waiting for Alice's command, the fast dragon flapped its short wings violently and flew into the air.

Boom! !
Even while swooping down to the target, he opened his mouth and spit out a beam of fiery flames
Throw flames! !
"Oh, sure enough, the second one is this fast dragon~!"

After seeing his opponent clearly, Xiaozhi became even more excited. He didn't expect to be able to fight against the quasi-god from his hometown here.

And compared to the completely zero cooperation on the other side, the cooperation between Monarch Snake and Xiaozhi on this side is extremely harmonious.

Along the way, the arrogant Monarch Snake naturally fully agrees with Xiaozhi's commanding ability.

Although the educational background is a bit poor, only such a trainer is worthy to be her partner of the Monarch Snake!
"Dragon Wave!!"

Facing the oncoming blazing flames, the Monarch Snake opened its mouth, and directly spit out a bunch of pink-purple light clusters, forming the appearance of an energy dragon with teeth and claws in the air!

Dragon Wave, this move is an "intermediate move" that Monarch Snake unintentionally comprehended when practicing Meteor Swarm.

Bang! !
Even this beam of dragon waves directly broke through all the flames, and blasted straight at the fast dragon all the way, with terrifying power!

You must know that the current Sovereign Snake has undergone two "Flying Leaf Storm" power boosts, and the power of the special moves is terrifying!
Even this grumpy Kuailong was taken aback, and quickly dodged sideways to dodge the dragon's wave.


Just feeling the wave of the dragon passing by, this time, when he looked down at the Monarch Snake again, Kuailong had put away his contempt, but instead had a deeply jealous look.

If this wave of dragon waves hits, it will be terrible.
"Kuailong, please, just listen to my command once!! If the two of us work together, we will definitely defeat each other!!"

Listening to Alice's constant pleading below, the fast dragon frowned slightly, and seemed to have finally loosened up.

(End of this chapter)

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