He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2171 The power of dragon, Alice and the fast dragon!

Chapter 2171 The power of dragon, Alice and the fast dragon!

But even so, this fast dragon still didn't choose to obey Alice's command, and went its own way.

"Monarch Snake, Dragon Wave!!"

After completing the evolution, the Monarch Snake was full of momentum, opened its mouth wide, and shot out a dragon-shaped shock wave again.

Kuailong naturally didn't dare to carry it with all his strength, but kept flapping his small wings to fly and dodge, and his figure moved quickly around the waves of the dragon.

Even the wings flapped forward violently, blowing out countless sharp air strikes.

Clap! !
Clap! !
The air blade fell to the ground, making frequent explosion sounds, cutting stones.

It's just that because of the need to dodge the dragon's fluctuations, Kuailong's air blade was not very accurate, and all the sharp air slashes fell on the ground around the monarch snake.

Similarly, the Monarch Snake cannot hit the opponent either.

"It's pretty fast."

Xiaozhi frowned slightly. This fierce and violent Kuailong has extremely vigorous movements.

After all, it can fly flexibly in the sky, and it is difficult to hit the opponent with ordinary moves.
"In that case, Monarch Snake, use Meteor Swarm!!"

Xiaozhi's expression straightened, and he suddenly yelled out a voice.

Monarch Snake has been practicing Meteor Swarm, a dragon-type big move, for a while, but it is a skill outside of the racial skill list after all, and the learning process is not smooth.

At most, it will launch an orange energy bomb, which cannot burst at all, and turns into thousands of meteors for a second attack.
"But this time, it will definitely work!"

Xiaozhi grasped the whole picture tightly and was very confident in his Monarch Snake.


Monarch Snake nodded, his eyes fixed.

Curling up the body of the snake, raising the head and opening the mouth to face the air, constantly condensing dragon attribute energy around the mouth.
"Meteor swarm?! How is it possible?!"

On the opposite side, Alice looked a little silly.

How could a Monarch Snake use it to draw meteors?
Are you a dragon or am I a dragon?


It's just that the momentum of this orange energy bomb is getting stronger and stronger. With the roar of the Monarch Snake, it is thrown in the direction of the fast dragon in the air.

call out.!
Kuailong quickly dodged sideways, letting the meteor swarm pass by him, and quickly rushed into the sky.

And as the meteor group reached the highest point.

Boom! !
With a huge roar and explosion, the orange energy bomb exploded suddenly, forming countless meteors and meteorites, covering it in the direction of Kuailong! !
"Successful! The Meteor Swarm has been used!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi looked overjoyed, and looked up at the dazzling and terrifying shooting stars in the sky like fireworks.

But this scene also changed the faces of Alice and Kuailong at the same time.

You must know that this is a meteor swarm whose power has been enhanced by two flying leaf storms, let alone a whole.
At this moment, it is a single beam of meteor fragments, and its power is extremely impressive.


Kuailong didn't dare to take it head-on, and flapped its wings again, frequently dodging back and forth among countless meteorites.

It's just that a fat body cannot completely avoid all injuries after all.

As the first meteor swarm hit Kuailong's body, several meteor swarms followed, hitting the target frequently.

Boom boom! !

In the end, countless meteor swarms, including Kuailong, all fell to the ground at one end of the arena, and the movement was scary!

As for the other side, after using the Meteor Snake Monarch Snake, its special attack power has increased again, and its body surface glows with a sharply increased red light.

One ebbs and another, Xiaozhi's side is completely in an absolute advantage!

After a while, Kuailong let out a roar and stood up again.

At this moment, half of the arena where it is located has been completely blown into ruins by meteor swarms, full of pitted rubble piles, and the scene is tragic.

It was just a heavy blow, half of Kuailong's body knelt on the ground, and his body suffered a lot of injuries, obviously the injuries were not light.
The effect is outstanding!

But even so, the grumpy Kuailong still refused to admit defeat, struggling to continue to attack.

At this moment, Kuailong suddenly felt a warm current from his back.

The body that was originally difficult to support standing, also seemed to be assisted, and stood up smoothly again.


It turned its head subconsciously, only to see that Alice was raising her arm at the moment, with her palm aimed at herself.

It is the power from Alice's dragon power!
Even in Kuailong's mind, Alice's pure and kind thoughts can still be felt.

"Kuailong, I know you want to win the game, let me help you!!"

"Fighting is not for you alone, I want to be your partner too!!"

Feeling Alice's sincere and fighting spirit, Kuailong's irritable eyes became peaceful for the first time.

It seems that at this moment, one person and one dragon really understand each other.


The next moment, as Alice and Kuailong opened their eyes at the same time, this time the expressions and eyes of the two were surprisingly consistent!
"Oh, come on, that special ability?!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was not worried but happy, with an excited expression on his face.

Feeling the power of each other face to face is really like the power of fetters.

It was only the fast dragon that fought against it before.
So now, his opponents are Alice and Kuailong!

"Quick Dragon, Air Blade!!"

The battle ushered in the final climax, Alice was full of energy, and took the lead in launching the attack.

Kuailong's small wings flapped forward, and the blown air slashed and shattered the gravel on the ground. In an instant, a cloud of smoky powder formed over the entire arena.

"Do you want to take cover? Monarch Snake, Dragon Wave!!"

The monarch snake understood, with a dragon-shaped arrogance condensed in his mouth, this time he swung his head and directly swept across the entire half-court in front of him with a sweeping attack!
"No hit?"

It's just that the wave of the dragon didn't hit any physical target, so Xiaozhi subconsciously looked towards the sky.

"Not above. That is below!!"

The next moment, the ground in front of the Monarch Snake suddenly trembled, and Kuailong's figure broke through the ground!

Dig a hole!

Like the power of fetters, with the help of the power of the dragon, Alice and the fast dragon can also completely dig a surprise attack!

Even after Kuailong came out, his fists were burning with fiery flames, and he swung a flaming fist! !
The Monarch Snake couldn't dodge for a while, and was hit on the cheek, and half of his face was burnt and blackened in an instant.
The effect is outstanding!

"It's not over yet, use jet flames!!"

Alice continued to attack.

At this moment, her state, or Kuailong's state, is unprecedentedly good.

Now, their various attributes seem to have been improved, as if any opponent can be defeated!

Kuailong opened his mouth even wider, and the fiery flames were already moving between his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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