He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2179 Genesect's aircraft form!

Chapter 2179 Genesect's aircraft form!
"What's the matter, crocodile bastard?"

In the backyard of the Elf Center, Xiao Zhi, who was still in special training, looked curiously at the gangster crocodile that suddenly emerged from the soil.

"Aww crocodile! Aww crocodile!!"

At this moment, the latter danced and yelled again and again, as if expressing something.

At first, Xiaozhi thought that the rogue crocodile was asking him to give it a little trouble.

After all, everyone has completed the final evolution now, except that the crocodile is still stuck in the middle form.

You must know that the reason why the gangster crocodile took the initiative to join the team was to become stronger, and his desire for evolution was extremely strong.


But soon, Xiaozhi's eyes sank, and he noticed the difference between the gangster crocodile and the past.

It seems that something happened, do you want to help yourself?


Seeing that Xiaozhi seemed to understand, the gangster crocodile did not delay, and immediately dived under the soil again.

Chu Chu Chu.!

Quickly digging through the sand, although the figure of the rogue crocodile could not be seen, a raised soil vine trace could be seen on the surface, stretching all the way to the direction outside the center of the elves.

"Want me to follow?"

Xiaozhi understood immediately, and after thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at Genesect.

"Please, Genesect!"

"Jie Jie"

The crimson Genesect was silent for a moment, its eyes flickering.

The next moment, Genesect suddenly floated up, crossed his body, and gathered his limbs and head within his torso, entering a high-speed flying posture.

Xiaozhi turned over quickly, lowered his center of gravity slightly, and stabilized his figure.

Speaking of which, this was his first time riding Genesect.
I've only seen Mr. Akromar do this before.

But now his intimacy with this Genesect is not low, enough to control the latter's "aircraft" form.


In the next instant, Genesect turned into a stream of crimson light and rushed out at high speed!
"Fly slower!"

One didn't react, Xiaozhi was almost thrown out, and quickly grabbed the left and right corners of Genesect with both hands.

But he didn't dare to grab it hard, for fear of tearing off some part of the latter's body and making Genesect shut himself off again.
Genesect's speed was extremely fast, in the blink of an eye he overtook the gangster crocodile leading the way, and continued to fly forward.

The problem is not big, obstacles only exist on the surface, and whether in the air or underground, they are all in a straight line.

As long as you know the direction provided by the rogue crocodile and straight ahead, you can naturally find the target.

Xiaozhi quickly adapted to the state of Genesect's aircraft. When flying rapidly, he could still hear the whistling wind and waves in his ears.

If it were someone else riding, maybe their eyes would be blinded by the bitter air current.

This kind of flying speed, Xiao Zhi used to fly on Latias
No, it was experienced by Mega Latias.

But Genesect's speed is faster, after all, the latter has mastered the "Super Speed" move, and now that he is riding alone, his speed has dropped a lot.

"It should be there, let's go down to Genesect!"

Noticing that the street at the corner of the meeting place was full of people, Xiaozhi also realized that there was the target, and immediately patted the steel insect god on the back and said.


The latter understood, and his body spun around rapidly, leaving an exaggerated and eye-catching red arc in the air. Then he slowed down and landed while twirling.

The gaudy landing scene naturally attracted the attention of many people, and they all raised their heads.

"What kind of light is that?!"

"Could it be another fantasy Pokémon?"

"It's unbelievable. So the venue of the Sailing World Championships is the habitat of Eudemons?!"

The crowd below were discussing a lot, and the offensive to besiege Keldeo and Victini also paused for a while.

It wasn't until the red streamer gradually turned into a solid body, revealing an appearance similar to a "single-person small aircraft", that everyone saw Xiaozhi clearly.


One meter closer to the ground, Xiaozhi rolled over and landed on the ground safely.


Genesect also poked out his limbs and head again, reverting to the appearance of the steel world destroyer, and landed beside Xiaozhi.

Red mechanical eyes, sharp and dangerous claws, and the black turret behind it.
In the crowd of onlookers, many people felt inexplicably cold, and subconsciously took a step back to give Xiaozhi a space.

"What kind of Pokémon is this iron bug, have you never seen it before?"

"Why does it feel like I have killed a lot of people. With such a strong momentum, is it also a divine beast?!"

"And this trainer, as I remember, is the player who made it to the top 16?"

"Is it unbelievable that at such a young age, you have the strength of the alliance king?"

There was a lot of discussion around, and soon many people began to discuss Xiaozhi's identity.

After all, there are more players who can reach the top 16 now, maybe there are more league kings in various places?

"Hey, hey! First come, first served, I don't care who you are in the top 16!"

"Want to snatch the Eudemons?!"

But the few red-eyed trainers on the field don't care so much, and they are trying to drive Xiaozhi away.

Not to mention the contestants, even the champions of the league have to queue up, and there is no priority to subdue the Eudemons.

Even at this moment in the crowd, there is a Hezhong Heavenly King watching the whole process.

He was wearing a white kimono and a black scarf, with black hair and pale complexion, giving off an eerie aura.

Standing in the crowd in black and white, it's like a bug in the colorful world, except this person is not colored.

It is the heavenly king of Hezhong's evil attribute, the lingonberry.

"Hehe~ Here comes an incredible guy~"

Lingel didn't stand out in the crowd, and watched the show the whole time, until he saw Xiaozhi's arrival, and immediately showed a sense of fun.

Could it be that this powerful young man from other places has a connection with these two rare phantom beasts?

After landing, there was an area around, allowing Xiaozhi to see clearly what the group of people were doing.

Especially the impertinent little pony, Xiaozhi recognized at a glance that it was Keldeo who had fought in Ripple Town that day.

On the latter's forehead, there are still "traces of his own handwriting".


And after seeing Xiaozhi's figure, this victini seemed to have found a savior, it quickly approached, landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder, and grabbed his hair tightly.

"Um, this Pokémon is..."

Xiaozhi didn't react a little, tried to squint his eyes, and finally managed to see Victini's appearance clearly.

Although it was the first time he saw Victini's waveguide, he was very familiar with it.

not in ripple town
But when he just landed in the Hezhong area and crossed over a large sea area in the south of Hezhong, this little guy seemed to have been following behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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