He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2180 Bilberry and Hezhong Gang

Chapter 2180 Bilberry and Hezhong Gang

Victini is a Victory Pokémon that is said to bring victory to other creatures
Similarly, this is also a Pokémon that likes to win, especially creatures with "victorious fighting spirit".

Obviously, Xiaozhi is such a human being.

Four months ago, Victini, who was still living alone on the island of Liberty Garden, felt a strong "victorious fighting spirit" from Xiao Zhi who happened to pass by, making him follow him all the way.

"What's wrong?"

Although it was obviously the first time we met, I don't know why the other party got so close, holding one side of his head tightly.

However, Xiao Zhi felt the fear of Victini at this moment, his squirrel-shaped body trembled slightly, and he glanced at the surrounding crowd, Xiao Zhi knew it.

Followed me all the time, and was accidentally discovered by human beings today, so I was captured by fighting for the first place?
From the looks of it, it's still an incredible Pokémon.

This body type should be a fantasy Pokémon similar to Rabi and Kiraqi, right?

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi protected Victini's body with a bracelet, his face straightened, and he faintly separated himself from the surrounding crowd.

"Hey kid, first come first, first come first, obviously I was the first to see this phantom beast!"

"What do you mean, is it Victini's trainer?"

"How could the legendary Eudemons have a trainer?!"

"By the way, I remember that this player also sent out a weird mechanical Vulcan Moth before. Maybe it's really the trainer of Eudemons?"

Seeing that Victini was completely protected by Xiaozhi, although the surrounding people were a little dissatisfied, they couldn't do anything.

After all, this is the venue for the World Championships, not an unmanned outdoor place, and the basic social rules still have to be followed.

Even if it is a divine beast or a phantom beast, it is impossible to directly force it.


Even the fierce-looking Pokémon Hunter wearing sunglasses snorted coldly and didn't do anything else.

But since victini can't be touched, there is another one.
"So this pony is mine?!"

"I know, this pony is also a kind of phantom beast named Keldeo!"

"There won't be a trainer this time, haha?!"

After a while, everyone surrounded Keldeo in the center, and the previous Pokémon also showed their sharp claws and fangs, staring at them.

But before these Pokémon could do anything, Keldeo suddenly let out a loud and high-pitched cry, which made everyone around tremble.


Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and spit out a stream of steaming hot water.

Obviously, it was scalding hot water, which caused the crowd who were already tightly packed to open their mouths in an instant, and they couldn't avoid it.

And the target of this beam of hot water, as the crowd dispersed, completely exposed Xiaozhi at the end of the track.


Xiaozhi looked stunned, didn't he come to help, why did he suddenly attack him?

However, Genesect beside him had already taken the initiative to make a move, and with a slash of his sharp claws, he directly scattered all the hot water in front of him.


Seeing that the move failed, Keldeo was not angry, but walked a few steps forward slowly, and came to a place three meters away in front of Xiaozhi.

With his head held high and his eyes narrowed fiercely, he showed a demonstrative grin.

Xiaozhi scratched his head, is this to challenge himself?

But a group of people who were planning to do something at first became restless when they found that the second phantom beast was also in contact with Xiaozhi.

"Hey, hey! Kid, you don't have enough Eudemons!"

"This Keldeo has nothing to do with you!"

"Leave quickly!!"

It looks like this Keldeo is going to fight Xiaozhi one-on-one
Wouldn't Xiaozhi become the first person who could try to capture Keldeo?

How can there be such a good thing!
Just when the situation was at a stalemate, a soft voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"Everyone, I'm just a passer-by, and I'm a reasonable person~ Phantom beasts are unique existences. If they don't have a goal, everyone can naturally do it~"

"But now that Keldeo has chosen to challenge this little brother, let's respect his choice~"

But in this case, it is obviously impossible to convince everyone.

Especially the irritable Pokémon Hunter, who immediately turned his head, ready to beat up this reasonable person first.

"Where is the insanity, you talk like a woman, and I will put you in a word"

It's just that before he finished speaking, after seeing the source of the voice, his words were choked up, and the sunglasses fell off from the tip of his nose.

Hezhong Evil King, Yueju, approached with a smile at this moment, and put a palm on his shoulder.

"Oh~ I'll say one more word, how about you~?"

The sudden appearance of Tianwang made the surrounding crowd quiet down a lot.

After all, the kings of the alliance in various places have a very high majesty in this area, which is much stronger than the Junsha police.

But everyone respects and trusts the King of the Alliance more, and they don't have any fear.

"Hehe, Lord Huckleberry"

However, this Pokémon Hunter showed great fear at this moment, with a trembling voice, and respectfully called out.

Although Niu Tall has a tall stature, he is a head taller than Lingonberry.

But facing the other's palm, he immediately half-kneeled on the ground tremblingly, and even took the initiative to lower his head halfway.

In the eyes of others, Linguine may just be a powerful alliance king
But as a Pokémon hunter involved in the underworld, he knows that this king who is good at fighting Pokémon with evil attributes is secretly related to the gangsters in the Hezhong area.
This is a person who must not be offended!
"Hehe~ So you also agree with me?"

Lingonberry just chuckled and stared at the latter without moving.

"Yes, yes, yes! Agreed!"

The Pokémon Hunter immediately changed his face and even yelled out:

"Phantom beasts are unique existences! Since Keldeo already has a goal, everyone can't interfere!! Otherwise, these great creatures will be disrespected!!"

These words also made many people around frown. This is to make them give up this rare phantom beast.

If you don't plan to do it yourself, don't do it yourself. How did you kidnap everyone? !
It's just that the truth is true.

And there is an alliance king.
No, there are several heavenly kings.

The fighting king Lianwu who was walking around, as well as the kings of other regions Kona and Bonnie also approached curiously because of the crowd.

This caused the surrounding crowd to gradually put away their greed, and could only retreat resentfully, leaving an open space for Xiaozhi and this Keldeo.

(End of this chapter)

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