He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2181 Swordsman challenge, vs Keldeo!

Chapter 2181 Swordsman challenge, vs Keldeo!


Although he didn't know why the other party wanted to help him, it was obvious that Yueju was helping him out of the siege at the moment, and Xiao Zhi gave the latter a look to express his gratitude.

This man with only black and white in his body is the king of evil attributes, right?

Judging by the expression of the irascible man next to him, he seems to be a very dangerous person.
But after a while, with the increase of the crowd, there were a few more heavenly kings, which relieved Xiaozhi a lot.

Mr. Lian Wu, Miss Kona, and Miss Bonnie are all acquaintances.

After all, these are two phantom beasts. Even Miss Bonnie, the heavenly king who has always disliked excitement, couldn't help but come to watch curiously.

"Xiaozhi! What is your Pokémon!?"

"so cute!!"

At this moment, Xiaoxia and the others who came with Kona leaned over one after another, staring at the Victini on Xiaozhi's shoulder with surprise on their faces.

"This Pokémon is called Victini. It is a Victory Pokémon with superpowers and fire attributes. It is said that as long as you bring Victini's trainer, you can win all competitions. It is from the Hezhong area. Phantom Pokémon!"

Mingyi automatically popped up Victini's information in his mind, and immediately blurted out.

"Can you win all the games?"

Xiaozhi looked stunned. It sounded like he was the partner he dreamed of during all the training sessions.


Feeling that the crisis was over, the victini returned to its normal demeanor, blinking its big blue eyes, and looked around curiously.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoxia's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, Xiaozhi started again! ?
No matter where they go, the divine beasts and phantom beasts take the initiative to join them!
She was so familiar with this scene that she didn't even know how many times she had seen it before.

Unexpectedly, this is all in the Hezhong article, and the "Speaking of Wisdom" still exists!

But at this time, Keldeo, who was a few meters away, suddenly let out a low cry, indicating that it was still declaring war on Xiaozhi.

Looking at the broken horn on the opponent's forehead, Xiaozhi pursed his lips, apparently to avenge the broken horn in Lianyi Town.

Although it was all a misunderstanding, but seeing Kelidio's indomitable appearance, if he doesn't accept the challenge, he probably won't stop at all.
"In that case, I accept your challenge!"

Xiaozhi is like a swordsman who accepted a challenge in the Middle Ages. He first patted Victini on the shoulder as a comfort, and then took a few steps forward to meet Keldeo.

Raise your hand and point, and you will send the Steel Worm God next to you.

"Then it's up to you, Genesek."

But before he finished speaking, the ground in front of Xiaozhi suddenly trembled, and then a tan black-eyed crocodile burst out of the ground, and the wall landed in front of Keldeo.

Xiaozhi slapped his head, almost forgetting the gangster crocodile who led the way before.


As soon as the rogue crocodile came out, it yelled at Keldeo in a threatening manner, and even raised its sharp claws to attack.

"The crooked crocodile, let's switch to Genesect to fight."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi tried to persuade him.

After all, he had fought this Keldeo hastily in Lianyi Town back then, and the latter, as a "combat-type" Eudemon, was very powerful.

With the current strength of the rogue crocodile, and the ground attribute, it is also an absolute disadvantage.
"Crocodile! Crocodile!!"

But the rogue crocodile didn't care so much, it kept yelling, and insisted on fighting, with a high fighting spirit.

Seeing the appearance of the latter, Xiao Zhi could only sigh helplessly.

But soon, his gaze was as full of fighting intent as a gangster's crocodile.

"If that's the case, you bastard crocodile, it's up to you!!"

Xiaozhi raised his finger and said loudly without hesitation.

Just let the gangster crocodile release the pressure of evolution!

"Rice wine~!!"

Even outside the arena, Shuangrenwan, who was standing beside Mingyi, couldn't help yelling, and threw the sunglasses on his eyes from a distance.

The crocodile's sunglasses have been stored here, and it's time to return them.


The gangster crocodile raised his hand to take the sunglasses steadily, and put them on his black eyes, his fighting spirit was even higher.

And Victini, who has been watching this scene closely, blinked its big blue eyes.

No one noticed its expression, gradually becoming joyful and excited
Victini felt the strong "victorious fighting spirit" in Xiaozhi and the gangster crocodile at this moment!
The original group beating and subduing incident suddenly turned into a one-on-one incident between Xiaozhi and Keldeo.

At this moment, a lot of people have gathered on this street. As spectators, they are all watching with great interest.

Since I can't subdue the phantom beasts, but I can see the rare phantom beasts fighting, I've earned my blood today!


However, after seeing that his opponent was only a sand crocodile, this Keldeo was somewhat disdainful and dissatisfied.

Such an opponent cannot satisfy his "Swordsman Challenge"!

But since it's Ash's Pokémon
Then kill him fiercely and avenge the severed horn! !

"Have you been looked down upon? Preemptive strikes, rogue crocodiles, use sharp stones to attack!!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes were fixed, and he took the lead in launching the attack.

The gangster crocodile flicked his arms, and instantly condensed countless gravel blades, flying out in unison!
Seeing this, Keldeo turned around directly, and then kicked his feet forward suddenly.

In an instant, the bottom of the horse's hoof was like a cannon barrel, and two streams of violent water spewed forward, and the powerful impact directly scattered all the broken stones.

ol! !
It wasn't the first time he had fought against it. Xiaozhi had known for a long time that the latter's horseshoe soles could release a powerful stream of water like a fortress.

I was already prepared in my heart, so I hurriedly said:

"The crocodile, use digging to avoid it!!"

The gangster crocodile understood, and also did not dare to catch the opponent's strong water flow head-on, and quickly dug down to dodge.

But I don't know if it's an illusion
Do you always feel that your strength is stronger than usual today?

Even the speed of digging holes is much faster than usual.?

The rogue crocodile was overjoyed immediately, thinking that this must be a sign of impending evolution, and his fighting spirit was even higher, so he quickly sneaked into the ground and disappeared.

The water cannon move failed, and Keldeo quickly looked around vigilantly, trying to find traces of the gangster crocodile.

But before the gangster crocodile poked its head, the whole ground suddenly began to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the hard ground turned into soft quicksand, stirring constantly, entangled Keldeo's limbs and horseshoes, and dragged them down.

Quicksand hell!

The holes on the soles of the feet were completely blocked by the quicksand, and even Keldeo's best water cannon moves were difficult to release, and he froze in place for a while, unable to escape
(End of this chapter)

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