He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2192 The story begins with the creation of Arceus...

"Well, you probably know that I and the current president of the Galar region, Loz, are actually brothers."

Soon, Pioni spoke slowly.

Since Xiaozhi and the others are sitting in the first row, and the two rows behind are basically "our own people", no other audience can hear these secrets.

"In terms of combat talent, I am stronger than Luoz, so I participated in the Galar Union Conference with him, and I won the championship, while he was only the runner-up."

Pioni's daughter Xia Keya was also listening curiously, blinking her big eyes in doubt.

Uh, isn't this the reason why my old father was cowardly and took the initiative to admit defeat?
Is there any reason for this, and has something to do with Uncle Luoz?

"But that guy, Roz, is better at marketing, so even if he only won the runner-up position in that competition, his popularity is higher than that of me as the winner."

Speaking of this, Pioni frowned, obviously disliking his brother's behavior very much.

It can't be said that fouls and cheating are too important, which makes him quite shameless.

And with the help of the runner-up of the Alliance Conference, Luoz rose rapidly. In a few years, he changed from an unknown ordinary person to a fiery big shot in the Galar region.

Not only established businesses everywhere in the Galar region, but even firmly held the seat of the president of the Pokémon Alliance, becoming the most authoritative person in the Galar region.

At the same time, also standing at the pinnacle in terms of force, Pioni also became the league champion of the Galar region.

Just seeing his elder brother, as the president of the league, still pressing on top of his head, Pioni immediately chose to retire.

"I admit that Roz has played a pivotal role in the development of the Galar region. But I don't like people who only have utilitarian power in their minds."

Since he couldn't resist, Pioni simply hid away, and never had any contact with Luoz.

"Um, are there any other claims?"

Xia Keya spread her hands, it was the first time she had heard of these secrets.

She always thought it was because her old father was jealous of her uncle's ability, and he was just an ordinary middle-aged mountaineering man, that's why the quarrel occurred.

After all, although Roz has no connection with Pioni, she is very good to her niece.

Let alone the holidays.
Even if she is fine, I have to make a video call with her and send her a lot of extravagant gifts.


As for Xiaozhi and the others, they looked at each other, but they could only bite the bullet and listen.

What they are curious about is why Uncle Pioni surrendered
Why don't you start with the creation of Arceus? !
"Speaking of Mr. Daye, it's your turn for the second round.
won't you go down "

Xiaozhi couldn't help but look back, at Daye, who was eavesdropping seriously with his chest in his arms.

In about 10 minutes, the second round of 16 began, and the loudspeakers in the venue were shouting for Daye to enter the arena and prepare.

"Damn, I still want to know the follow-up."

This made Daye curse a little, and got up and left the field quite irritatedly.

Who can resist the gossip half heard!

"Hey, remember to tell me in detail when you come back later."

So Daye murmured, but when he turned around, he found that his good friend Dianci was just listening to the gossip intently, as if he hadn't noticed that he had left the scene at all.

Daye: "."

"We're going to talk about you next, Shakya."

After pondering for a moment, Pioni suddenly set his eyes on his daughter.

"Me? What does it have to do with me?!"

Seeing that many eyes were focused on her, Xia Keya panicked for a while, and pointed at herself in surprise.

She is totally ignorant!
"Isn't it because of that fellow Roz, who talked to you about my former league champion status on the phone, and then pretended to mention the World Championship casually."

Pioneer said a little discouraged.

Xia Keya scratched the back of her head, as if there was indeed such a thing.

She used to think that her old father was just an ordinary mountaineering man.
He accidentally heard from Uncle Luoz that Pioni was the league champion before, so he clamored to see the latter's powerful combat power.

Coincidentally, Lords was talking about the World Championships again.

A competition that gathers powerful trainers from all over the world is an excellent stage to demonstrate combat power.

So Xia Keya kept pestering Pioni, asking the latter to participate in a world championship.

As an old father who dotes on his daughter very much, Pioni quickly agreed, just in time to show Xia Keya his muscles.

There is no doubt, and then from Xia Keya, I got the "competition qualification" donated by Luoz.

So he took his daughter and followed the address on the invitation letter to the Hezhong area to compete.

At first, he was a little confused. Shouldn't the venue be in the Galar region?
And as the president of the alliance, Roz should also show up.
But all the way to fight, he didn't see Roz's figure.

"Uh, I rarely use the Internet or anything like that. It wasn't until the top 16 stage that I realized something was wrong, so I asked Xia Keya to check it out."

Shakya beside her also blinked and replied:
"That's right, the photos of the World Championships I posted were also questioned by my classmates. It's not the World Championships in the Galar region at all."

Pioni's face darkened, and it was only in the last few days that he realized that he was completely robbed by that guy from Roz.

It turns out that there are two world championships being held at the same time, and both are naturally competing for each other's popularity flow.
If a trainer from the Galar region can achieve good results in the Hezhong World Championships, it will be a slap in the face of the other party.

"Hmph, Roz this guy!"

Pioni couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and even took advantage of Xia Keya's curiosity to turn himself into a backstab thug!

With Rozna's unscrupulous character for power and status, after knowing the existence of two World Championships, Pioni instantly confirmed the other party's intentions.

"Ah!! Uncle Luoz is so scheming!"

After realizing it, Xia Keya also covered her mouth, her eyes widened and she said.

She originally thought that there was no place for Galar in the World Championships, or it was given wrongly, so Uncle Luoz gave her the qualification for the United World Championships
"So Uncle Pioni, did you choose to abstain because of this?"

Mingyi couldn't help asking.

Pioni nodded. In order to show his daughter his strong fighting power, he was personally willing to continue fighting.

But at this moment, after realizing that he has become Luoz's weapon against the Hezhong World Championships
Before entering the most critical quarter-final stage, Pioni decisively chose to abstain from the game and run away.

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