He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2193 Match 2, Heavenly King vs. Heavenly King!


His elder brother's behavior made Pioni gnash his teeth in anger, wishing he could fly back to the Galar area and punch him in the face.

just follow Roz's fanatical character
But as long as it is an act that can make the Galar region grow stronger, even if the price is to be beaten into the hospital by himself, Roz will probably let him do it immediately, right?

"Damn it, that's why I hate his character!"

Piony couldn't help but curse again.

It's not even for personal gain, but for the development of the Galar region, so it's hard to even vent.

Even in the future, Roz will choose to destroy other regions and the world for the sake of the development of the Galar region.
Pioni felt that this behavior was not unexpected.

After listening to Pioni's narration, the gossip group behind him began to comment sharply.

"It sounds like this Mr. Lotz is a bit extreme."

Xiao Juer, the owner of the Raven gymnasium, frowned slightly. Personally, she didn't like people like President Roz.

"But it can't be said that it is completely wrong, but it is the most rational?"

Qianli crossed his arms and said solemnly.

"Well, after all, the current Galar region is the best proof."

Kona also nodded, agreeing with Qianli.

Xia Keya also patted Pioni on the shoulder, comforting:

"Forget it, Dad, if you abstain, you abstain. In fact, I don't like watching Pokémon battles so much~"

She simply heard about her old father's glorious past, and planned to take a few photos to show off to her classmates
As for the World Championship itself, it is not as interesting as the wild Pokémon around the venue.

"Really, Shakya.!!"

Hearing this, Pioni was immediately moved and hugged Xia Keya, and his face once again showed the look of doting.

He was afraid that his daughter would be angry because of his abstention.

After all, the opponent was so active before and wanted to see him fight.
"As compensation, Dad, please help me catch a foam chinchilla! I want it to be my first Pokémon!"

Xia Keya suddenly raised a finger and spoke.

She is just old enough to get the initial Pokémon, and she can get it when she returns to the Galar area this time.

However, in the past ten days or so, Xia Keya has been attracted by the Pokémon in the Hezhong area, and even wants to get a Pokémon from here as her initial partner.

Especially the little chinchilla that I saw on the shoulders of a few Hezhong locals before, it is completely grown on her cute spot!

"Foam chinchilla.?"

Pioni scratched his head curiously, he was not very familiar with Hezhong's Pokémon.

"Oh, if it's a light gray small chinchilla Pokémon's habitat, there should be wild foam chinchillas on the No. 6 road northwest of Fanba City~!"

Ming Yi cheerfully took out the illustration book and introduced it.

"Ah, thank you so much, little girl!!"

Pioni's eyes brightened, and he expressed his thanks to Mingyi again and again. After remembering the information in the illustration book in his heart, he immediately took Xia Keya out of the field in a hurry, and was ready to catch the foam chinchilla.

To make up, he must find the best foam chinchilla ever!

As for the World Championship itself, it seems that the father and daughter don't care much about it.

"Um, are you leaving just like that?"

Watching the Pioni father and daughter leave, the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, somewhat speechless.

But after listening to it completely, Uncle Pioni is indeed innocent, and he was completely taken as a knife by others.

As for that Mr. Lotz, Xiaozhi is not good at judging the latter's behavior.

Whether it is right or wrong, let Uncle Pioni go back and deal with it himself in the future.

"Now I just don't know if another player from the Galar region was also fooled?"

Beside her, Xiaoxia couldn't help but speak.

From a distance, they could still see the Galar man in the turquoise sports coat, with a somewhat old-fashioned figure, but his face was always wearing a mask like a brown bear, so he couldn't see the specific face clearly.

"By the way, Douzi, what did you say was the man's name, Ma Shide?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help turning his head back, looking at Douzi beside him.

He seems to have heard of the name Ma Shide before, and he is a strong man who has been famous for many years.

It seems that he has achieved good results in the World Fighting Championships. It seems that even Master Xiba is the former's defeat?

His own Abandoned Monkey has not yet fought with it.

However, the opponent's current entry name is "M Master", deliberately hiding his real name.

Douzi seemed to have dug up something, and Xiao Zhi was just about to ask.


It's just that Douzi is lying on his back on the chair at this moment, with a decadent and lifeless expression, as if his soul is no longer in his body.

Damn, after listening to Pioney's explanation, she is even more numb now!

Xiaozhi: "?"

He was quite puzzled, why is Douzi not satisfied with the fact that he entered the quarterfinals for nothing?
You must know that in the next round of 16, even the kings of the alliance will probably be wiped out by 1/3!
"The second round of the top 16 of the Fanba World Championships, the Tianwang Daye player from the Sinnoh Alliance will fight against each other."

At this time, the referee Don George's loud voice came from off the field, which made Xiaozhi put away his doubts about Douzi and put his eyes off the field.

The second game is about to start!

On one side is naturally wearing slippers, a hip-hop dress, and the fiery red afro is quite eye-catching.

"Uh, so the opponent is her?"

But Daye's opponent surprised Xiaozhi a little.

At this moment, Cattleya was already standing at one end of the arena, wearing a light pink long dress, which vaguely outlined a slender figure, and her fair and beautiful face did not show too many ups and downs.

The long golden hair hangs down, but the edge is covered with a layer of faint blue light of thought power, which rises without wind and spreads out behind Cattleya.

The battle combination of the eldest lady and the little gangster is quite strange on the scene.

"Master Cattleya, so beautiful! So elegant!!"

"Kill that red-haired afro hard!!"

"Ahh, Lord Cattleya!! I want to be your little York!!"

The beautiful and glamorous Cattleya is extremely popular, and this is Hezhong's home stadium, the sound of cheering and cheering for Cattleya instantly enveloped the audience.

Such a movement, even Daye couldn't help subconsciously raising his hand to block it, as if some flood beast was coming.

"Tsk, is the opponent this time a superpower?!"

Daye glanced at Cattleya's raised blond hair, which obviously did not conform to science.

Coupled with the cold and calm eyes of the opponent, there is even a feeling of facing Miss Zhulan before?

"It doesn't matter, no matter what opponent it is, just kill it!"

Daye yelled violently, and the elf ball in his hand was ready to go!

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