He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2200 Mega evolution, Blastoise vs Vulcan Moth!

Chapter 2200 Mega evolution, Blastoise vs Vulcan Moth!
"The buffalo with the exploding head and the cannon-armed shrimp lose their fighting ability at the same time!"

The situation on the field was changing rapidly. Under another strong impact of the explosive-headed buffalo and the steel-armed shrimp, the referee Don George Lang said.

This scene made the audience a little unresponsive.

Why did it suddenly end?
"Is there still such an attack method?"

But Xiaozhi in the audience watched the whole process clearly, and didn't miss anything.

This steel cannon arm shrimp is not only an excellent turret DPS player, but the wave moves ejected by the huge steel arm crab claw are extremely powerful.

Even the tail of the crab claws can spray a strong stream of water to assist in sprinting.

After approaching, the almost zero-distance wave of water blasted out, and the moves exploded, causing high damage to the exploding buffalo.

This way of using the body is somewhat similar to Keldeo's fighting style, which also uses the water sprayed from his feet to increase the power of his own water jet.

However, the strength of Mr. Adek's explosive-headed buffalo should not be underestimated.

Facing the surprise attack of the steel cannon arm shrimp, he still displayed a powerful explosive head attack
In the end, both sides lost the ability to fight at the same time.


However, this scene made Zhimi relax a lot.

This means that the league champion in front of him can be defeated!

Although the other party still has two more.
But with his last Pokémon, it is enough to hit two with one!

"Mr. Adek, then I will let you taste my main course~!"

Zhimi showed his usual elegant expression, bowed lightly, like a chef serving food in front of guests, and slowly took out the third poke ball.

The red light fell, and the Pokémon Xiaozhi who appeared this time was very familiar.

A tall dark blue terrapin covered in a brown shell with two gun barrels on its shoulders
Water Arrow Turtle!
"that is?!"

Xiaozhi immediately narrowed his eyes, not only the Water Arrow Turtle, but the latter also wore saddle armor props on his head, and a round orb was inlaid on his forehead.

"Is it a mega stone?!"

Xiaozhi reacted instantly, can this water arrow turtle complete the mega evolution?
That's right, mega evolution is already popular in the Kalos area, so it's not surprising that Mr. Zhimi, as the king of heaven, has mastered this power.

"Mega evolution.?!"

On the opposite side, Adek naturally recognized the thing on the top of the water arrow turtle's head, and his face sank.

Originally, I thought about using the explosive-headed buffalo to force out the last one of Zhimi. At that time, the morale will be high, and the last round can completely suppress the opponent.

But now the buffalo with the explosive head has fallen down before seeing the water arrow turtle
This actually boosted Jimmy's morale.

Especially the mage stone, Adek looked at it with a bit of envy.

Using mega evolution as a unique combat mechanism in your own region, the Kalos region is really good.
In contrast, the Hezhong area does not have this condition at all.

No mega stones have been unearthed, and there are no examples of native Pokémon that can evolve into mega.
No, it seems that the only case found in the Hezhong area is the mega doll?
It's just a doll that is partial to medical assistance. What can it do?
"Then please, my strongest ace!!"

Returning to the arena, Adek also dispatched his second Pokémon, which sounded like his trump card.

When the red light fell, a gorgeous Vulcan moth appeared on the field. Its orange-red wings flapped slightly with black spots, and it even sprinkled a touch of phosphorous powder.

It is as dazzling and luxurious as the sun, which is amazing.

"It's appeared, it's Mr. Adek's trump card Vulcan Moth!!"

"That's a sure win! No one can defeat Vulcan Moth!!"

"It's so beautiful, even the legendary Pokémon is not as noble as the Vulcan Moth~!"

The appearance of Vulcan Moth also caused a heated discussion in the World Championship venue at Hezhong's home court. The position of this Pokémon in the hearts of Hezhong is not inferior to that of Legendary Pokémon.

Not to mention that in the past few decades, Adek and his trump card Vulcan have gained a great reputation in the Hezhong area, and they are invincible existences!

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since Adek commanded the Vulcan Moth to fight, and it's worth watching this game!

However, Zhimi, who was closest, carefully sized the Vulcan Moth in front of him, but frowned slightly.

According to rumors, Mr. Adek's Vulcan Moth should have been famous for decades.

However, the Vulcan moth in front of him looks very young?
Although the imposing manner is equally powerful, it gives people a kind of energetic and sunny temperament of a young man, and he is not very old.

Didn't have the kind of mature temperament that a champion partner should have after being famous for decades.?

"Could it be that you don't use one?"

Zhimi was a little surprised, but Mr. Adek mentioned it was the trump card just now, right?

He shook his head, although he didn't know much about it, but no matter what, he just had to fight with all his strength at this moment.

"Mage evolves, Water Arrow Turtle!!"

Even at the very beginning, Zhimi grabbed his collar, which was also inlaid with a keystone.

Since the opponent is the league champion, there is no time for him to start the mega evolution later
Make a big move as soon as you come up!


Following Blastoise's low snort, the mega stone on his forehead suddenly burst into dazzling light, wrapping his whole body, and at the same time resonating with the key stone on Zhimi's collar, connecting them together.

With the dispersal of the colorful light, the mega water arrow turtle also showed a brand new look!
Not only has the body become larger and more ferocious, but the biggest change is the tortoise shell on the back. This time, only a huge cannon barrel was erected in the center, extending from the head of the water arrow turtle.

Speaking of this shape, it is somewhat similar to Genesect's high-tech turret.

Not only the turrets on the head, but also a bunch of small turrets on the backs of Blastoise's arms and hands, which can release firepower more flexibly.

The appearance of the mega water arrow tortoise caused an uproar in the venue, and the phenomenon of mega evolution in the Fanba World Championships is quite rare.

"I saw the mega water arrow turtle again"

Xiaozhi was also a little focused. He had seen the Mega Water Arrow Turtle before at Xiaomao and Brother Chi, so he was no stranger to it.

Coincidentally, the characteristics of the mega water arrow turtle have also become similar to those of the steel cannon arm shrimp on Zhimi - the super launcher, which can release powerful wave moves.

The final battle has officially begun!

"Mega water arrow turtle, continuous water fluctuations!!"

Zhimi took the lead in attacking, the mega Blastoise lowered slightly, and the huge cannon barrel on its back spewed out a stream of fierce water column shells in an instant!

Both arms were raised in the same way, the powerful water blasted out at the same time, and the three beams of water waves gathered together at the same time, the power far surpassed the water waves of the steel cannon arm shrimp before!

(End of this chapter)

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