He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2201 Adek's spiritual boy Vulcan Moth!

Chapter 2201 Adek's spiritual boy Vulcan Moth!
Facing the menacing parent-child love-Water Wave, Adek didn't choose to take it hard.

"Vulcan Moth, use Die Wu to avoid~!"

The spirited boy, Vulcan Moth, immediately danced and danced in place, twirling its body in a weird dancing posture, easily dodging the waves of the water.


Not only that, Vulcan Moth's special attack, special defense, and speed have all begun to increase!

Seeing this, Zhimi frowned, can he increase his ability while dodging?
"Then try this trick, use the wave of the dragon!!"

Zhimi called out a wave-like move again, and Water Arrow Turtle immediately set up three large and small forts, and the three black-painted cannon barrels blasted out fierce pink-purple energy at the same time, forming a dragon-shaped shock wave in the air.

It is different from the fluctuation of water.
The dragon wave did not specifically aim at the main body of the Vulcan moth dancing the butterfly dance, but when it reached the surrounding area of ​​the Vulcan moth, the three beams of the dragon wave converged and collided with each other, detonating in advance
Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, a violent explosion erupted over the arena!
Although the dragon wave did not hit the Vulcan moth head-on, the powerful air waves blowing around, especially the dragon wave that was blessed by the "super launcher", still successfully affected the Vulcan moth.

"Have a hand"

Adek grinned, knowing that he couldn't just dodge and get hit, and immediately launched an attack:
"Use Storm!!"

Vulcan Moth understood, and while stabilizing his body, the six wings on his back flapped together, blowing a strong hurricane airflow, covering the front field.

The violent storm even blows the heavy mega water arrow turtle out sideways
The next moment, Water Arrow Turtle slammed its fists straight on the ground in front of it, punching out two potholes, its arms embedded in it to hold it firmly, and it did not move back.

Zhimi raised his hand sharply and pointed. Although he was half squatting, the cannon barrel on the back of Mega Blastoise was still held high.

"And then, the water cannon!!"

Blastoise's body shook, and several streams of strong water blasted out of the huge cannon barrel, shooting straight at Vulcan Moth.

"Dodge, and then the air blade!"

Vulcan Moth hurriedly stopped to blow the storm, and with the help of Die Wu's improvement, he easily avoided the water cannon's unique trick, which was not hitting very high. After improving his figure, he flapped his wings again with his backhand.

shhhhhh! !

Countless bright white air slashes were blown out, continuously bursting the ground around the water arrow turtle, and several slashes also hit the mega water arrow turtle, knocking it back a few steps.

"Worthy of being the champion ace!"

After some fighting, Zhimi looked focused and did not dare to be careless.

Although this vulcan moth looks very young, even a little bit out of it.
But I have to say that the strength is indeed strong enough, facing his own mega water arrow turtle, he can still suppress it.

As the champion ace, it seems that there is no problem.

Of course, among the league champions Zhimi has fought against so far, including Adek, there are only two.

The second is the big star from his hometown
Seeing that Zhimi was about to use those three super launchers to unleash dangerous shell impacts, Adek took the lead and said:

"Vulcan Moth, use Bug Cry!!"

The Vulcan Moth flew high immediately, with its head raised high, its mouth and mouthparts opened, and the crimson antennae on both sides of its head were trembling slightly.

"Wood drink~~~!"

The ear-piercing insect-sounding moves spread to the audience, not only making the closest row of spectators turn blue and plug their ears, but also suffocating the action of the mega water arrow turtle in the center of the arena.

At the same time the move was interrupted, he half-squatted and froze in place, unable to move.

However, the half-squatting movement happened to be the forward-swinging movement of another move of the water arrow turtle, and Zhimi took advantage of the situation and shouted:
"That's it, use the rocket head mallet directly!!"

The mega water arrow turtle understood, and squatted down to accumulate energy. This time, the entire huge and bulky body was ejected, and it hit the Vulcan Moth straight like a rocket lifted off.

Adek quickly said:

"Use bug resistance!"

The Vulcan moth stopped singing, its six wings were bent, and the tips of the wings gathered in front of its body. From a distance, it really looked like a small sun.

The aggregated wings also formed a gray-green energy barrier around Vulcan Moth's body.

The next moment, the rocket head hammer rushed forward, and even the front end was not the head of the Blastoise, but the huge and hard cannon barrel, which slammed into the Vulcan moth brazenly.

Bang Bang! !
The powerful rocket head hammer smashed through the resistance barrier of the worm, and hit the Vulcan Moth's body.

Boom boom boom! !

However, the shattered insect resistance moves also turned into gray-blue energy streamers, blasted out together, and exploded in the belly of the mega water arrow turtle!
The moves of both sides hit each other at the same time, but the Vulcan Moth could barely stabilize its figure in mid-air, but the Mega Water Arrow Turtle retreated several meters at once, and even slipped out of the arena.

"Mr. Adek and Vulcan Moth, do you have the upper hand?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi watched intently, and couldn't help muttering.

Speaking of which, the fighting style of this Vulcan moth also has a lot to learn from its own iron poisonous moth.

But it's a pity, my iron poisonous moth has been mechanically modified, and I can no longer perform the "Butterfly Dance" move.

While dodging, improve your own attributes.
The move of Die Wu is very fragrant!

In the arena, after some fights, the mega water arrow turtle has already begun to show signs of fatigue.

This gave Jimmy a headache too.

Even with the mega evolution, even Blastoise has an advantage in terms of attributes, but it still can't suppress the opponent?
"Do you want to use the shell breaking move?"

Zhimi was quite entangled in his heart. His water arrow turtle also mastered the unique skill of breaking the shell, gaining a strong attack power at the cost of losing defense power.

It's just that Mr. Adek still has another Pokémon next time. If he uses the shell breaking move now, he will definitely lose in the next battle.
"Hahaha~ Mr. Chef, hesitation will bring defeat~"

Seeing the entanglement on Zhimi's face, Adek suddenly launched a surprise attack after a teasing laugh:
"It's time, Vulcan Moth, use Sunshine Flame!!"

The Vulcan Moth understood, and a golden-white energy mass gathered on top of its head, and it quickly became larger and formed.

This is a round of sunshine and flames! ?
Only then did Zhimi startled and looked at the sky, and at some point, the sunlight in the sky became particularly dazzling.
"When, how is it possible?!"

It's already the intensity of a sunny day!

However, Adek just raised his head and laughed, without saying anything clearly.

As soon as Vulcan Moth appeared on the stage, he was already secretly using the sunny day move.

Switch to another Pokémon to cast it, and it will be revealed in a second.
However, at this moment, Vulcan Moth, the most dazzling sun, is falling on the field. Who will pay attention to the real sun that is gradually scorching above the sky?

(End of this chapter)

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