He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2204 The World Destroyer Appears!

As Xiaozhi opened the high-level ball, red light fell, and the crimson Genesect appeared in front of him.

The strange-colored steel world destroyer, with electronic eyes flickering frequently, has a ferocious worm-shaped body with sharp limbs and claws, especially the big fort erected on the back, which looks more and more intrusive
"What kind of Pokémon is that?!"

"Could it be a foreign Pokémon?"

"It looks scary."

"I seem to have seen it near the venue before, mixed with a group of Eudemons?"

The appearance of Genesect made many viewers shudder.

As for Aoki who was the closest, his face also became serious.

Although he doesn't know Genesect either, it's probably a Pokémon from Hezhong, right?
But the oppressive aura emanating from the latter is not to be underestimated, as if the other party will cull him at any time, tearing and killing.
Even the target is not Pokémon, but himself!


Aoki shuddered and shook his head quickly, how could he imagine the scene where he was killed by the other party.


Before the battle started, just as he stood firm, Genesect's body lit up with a burst of red light out of thin air.

Genesect's special attack has been enhanced!

"Hey, this is the characteristic of my steel worm god ~ download it!"

Xiaozhi explained with a casual smile, now that Genesect was replaced, he was absolutely sure.

As for the download feature. This feature will first analyze the opponent's defense and special defense capabilities. Whichever side is weaker, you will improve the corresponding attack ability and focus on attacking.

Obviously, the special defense of this Mukhawk is weaker, so the special attack ability of the steel worm god is automatically improved!

This kind of characteristic that needs to analyze the opponent's ability first, generally only appears in the polygonal beast family, and the man-made scientific Pokémon such as the steel god bug.

Aoki didn't know what to do, although he didn't know the steel worm god, but from the appearance, should it be a worm or steel attribute?

"Mike Eagle, Hot Wind!!"

After eating a pomelo fruit, Mu Keying regained a lot of physical strength, and immediately flapped his wings, about to blow a gust of hot wind.

However, Xiaozhi threw out a fist and shouted:

"God fast!"

Genesect floated up, its limbs and head folded together, and the turret retracted back tightly, entering a state of high-speed flight.


The next moment, the body turned into a beam of red light, which shot out in an instant, and hit the latter's abdomen before the Mukehawk attacked.

The speed is not only the speed limit, but also the strength is not weak, and almost spit out the grapefruit that Mu Keying just swallowed.

"So fast.?!"

Aoki's pupils shrank, does this Pokémon still have the speed move?

He didn't react at all just now, the red light flashed by, and his Mukehawk was knocked out.
"In that case, use the air blade!!"

Mukehawk's gaze was fixed, he forcibly stabilized his figure, flapped his wings again and again, and blew out several sharp air strikes.

Ping bang!

Ping bang!

The dense air slashes landed on Genesect's crimson armor, not even breaching the defense, but instead made frequent and crisp hitting sounds.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth and said loudly:
"High-tech light cannon!!"

Genesect understood, and landed firmly on the ground with his feet straddled, while the turret on his back extended to the top of his head, and at the end of the black lacquered barrel, a beam of golden energy light condensed.
Boom! !
The next moment, a beam of current laser blasted out suddenly, piercing the sky, and the momentum was as shocking and exaggerated as an electromagnetic cannon!

The Mukehawk hadn't reacted from the swift attack just now, and it subconsciously flapped its wings to dodge the fierce electric attribute attack.

However, it had just started flapping its wings, and the golden pulse of electricity had already filled its eyeballs.
Boom! !
The high-tech light cannon hit the Mukehawk, causing a violent electric explosion in the sky above the arena, and smoke and dust rose in an instant.

The different-colored Genesect can cast high-tech light cannons with four attributes at will, and there is no need to temporarily replace the corresponding attribute cassettes. This time, he is using high-tech light cannons with electric attributes!

All the audience were stunned by Genesect's sudden shot, and the whole venue seemed a little quiet for a while.


It wasn't until the Mukhawk in the air fell powerlessly that everyone came back to their senses.

Aoki also stared blankly at his own Pokémon. At this moment, Mukehawk's eyes rolled and his tongue stuck out, obviously completely lost consciousness.

Even his body was filled with a tragic electric current, and his lower limbs were also convulsed, kicking and kicking.
"Mike Eagle loses the ability to fight!"

Referee Don George Lang said, secretly stunned.

This is what happened to the mechanical bug
The power of the move is too strong, right? !

"Hey, good job~!"

Xiaozhi gave a compliment, but his face was full of surprises.

This strange-colored Genesect was quite powerful in itself. At that time on the beach of Lianyi Town, even though he dispatched several veterans for a wheel battle, he could not suppress it.

Pikachu next to him also folded his arms and let out a triumphant cry.

No one here can stop this tin bug except the powerful self!

"Huh? It turned out to be a World Exterminator?"

In a position in the auditorium, N raised his head slightly, his eyes under the brim of his hat were full of doubts.

He does know this Pokémon. When it was the leader of the Plasma team a few years ago, it had been exposed to the project of "Resurrecting the Destroyer".

It's just that the technology of the plasma team was immature at that time, and there was no powerful scientific researcher to lead the team to complete the project.
This World Exterminator project was put on hold indefinitely.

At that time, N had seen the concept blueprint of Genesect after being resurrected, and it was said that he had the terrifying power to destroy other creatures.

However, in the conceptual drawing at that time, the World Exterminator did not have a turret on the back
Is this a newly added body design by someone?
"Hey~ It's my masterpiece~"

Beside him, Akromar stroked his chin, showing a confident expression involuntarily.

Hearing this, N turned his head, with a somewhat astonished expression.

But soon his eyes sank and he realized.

It seems that Queches didn't just randomly find a puppet boss
But did you find an amazing scientific researcher?

However, the Pokémon from the ancient times, the World Slayer, has a brutal and bloody personality, and is arrogant and arrogant.
Unless a machine is used to control it, it is possible to use this kind of Pokémon for your own use.

But judging from the appearance off the field, it seems that Xiaozhi and this strange-colored world destroyer are completely partners?

“It's incredible”

N raised the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Looking at Xiaozhi's expression became more and more focused. The secrets of the latter made him more and more curious!

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