He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2205 vs tangled flamingo, too crystallized battle!

On the field, the battle continues.

After Aoki took back the Mukehawk, he let out a long breath, and his thin and tired face became more focused and dignified than before.

The opponent in front of you, if you don't use all your skills, you can't beat it at all.
"Then please!"

Aoki threw the second poke ball, and when the red light fell, he saw a pink crane bird appearing in front of him.

This great flamingo is about the height of an adult, but it is extremely slender. One of its feet is retracted, and the other is straight on the ground.

It has a pink body with folded wings, a black curved beak, slightly dull yellow eyes, and a curved and slender neck that seems to be knotted at the root, which is quite peculiar.

"This is."

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book. Does it look like a special Pokémon in the Padia area?
"Beep! Flamingo, a Pokémon from the Partia region, flying and fighting attributes, in order to prevent the energy stored in the stomach from flowing out, it will tie its own neck to the base of the neck, usually in a group action, slender Your feet can unleash powerful kicks against Lotto~!"

Rotom broadcast reports.

The attribute combination of flying + fighting surprised Xiaozhi a little.

But now his Genesect is invincible!
Xiaozhi's fighting spirit was high, and he took the lead in launching the attack:

"Don't show mercy, high-tech light cannon!!"

Hearing the trainer's shout, the steel worm god instantly raised the fort, and the violent current condensed at the muzzle.

Boom! !
The next moment, a beam of current pulse laser rushed out again, shooting straight at the flamingo!

Aoki's face was tense, although he had already sent his effective partner, but even the flamingo did not dare to accept the opponent's outrageous high-tech light cannon.
"Use sand removal!"

The flamingo immediately turned around, kicking the gravel and sand under its feet repeatedly, raising a cloud of yellow dust, taking the opportunity to hide its figure.


The high-tech light cannon struck one step later, piercing through the sand, dust and smoke powerfully, but failed to hit the target.

On the arena, the flamingoes were already sprinting at high speed around the edge of the arena.

Da da da! !

The movement was huge, and there was even a long trail of smoke and dust behind it, like a motorcycle with a powerful engine that was galloping.

After going around in a big circle, the flamingo suddenly rushed towards Genesect, and Ling Kong kicked it straight!
Second kick!
"Genesect, block it with metal claws!"

Steel Worm God's eyes flashed red, and his raised arms stretched out metal sharp claws, taking advantage of the opportunity to meet the flamingo's slender and powerful legs.

bang! !
Two bursts of crisp explosions sounded in succession, and the metal claws of both arms swung out one after another, directly blocking all the second-stage kicks wrapped around the flamingo.

Aoki's eyes sharpened, and he suddenly shouted:
"It's not over yet, a million tons of kicking!"

His expression clearly put Xiao Zhi in the position of a trainer of the same level, without any mercy.

Although the flamingo looked dumbfounded, its movements were not slow at all.

Borrowing the strength of the opponent's metal claws, it bounced back two meters, and then kicked the ground hard to recoil. The other crane leg lifted up, glowing with fighting white light, and kicked Genesect's lower body horizontally! !
Seeing another kick, Xiao Zhi was delighted to see Lie Xin, and laughed loudly:

"It's not that simple, flame kick!!"

The Steel Worm God understood, and his body spun in a circle to accumulate energy, and one side of the lower limb ignited a fiery flame with a "boom", and kicked out with a sweeping momentum!

Bang Bang! !
In a powerful kick duel, the flamingo's long legs seem to have an advantage, but Genesect's flame kick is even tougher and unstoppable.

It was even superior in strength, and instead kicked the flamingo away.


After landing, the flamingo let out a low cry.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries in this fight, the opponent's iron leg was impeccable at all, but his right leg trembled and went numb from the kick, making it difficult for him to stand still.

"Are you at a disadvantage in strength?"

This scene made Aoki frowned.

His flamingo, the combination of the previous two-stage kick combined with the million-ton heavy kick, is difficult to block even if it comes to an ace of heaven.
Was it easily blocked by this steel bug at this moment?

It's just a move to shake the sand, and it can only work once.

After all, looking at the high-speed flight state of Genesect just now, it is obvious that the latter has the flying ability similar to electromagnetic levitation.

Once flying to look down, the flamingo, which is not good at flying, will only rush and attack on the ground like an ostrich. It will become a target all of a sudden.

"It is necessary to restrain the attributes."

Aoki's complexion sank, Genesect of steel + worm, the only fire attribute among the [-] attributes, even had the perfect effect of quadruple restraint.

This is the only way he can think of to defeat the opponent.

It's just that his flamingo, although his leg skills are outstanding, he didn't master the flame kick.
"Tsk, is this the only way to use it? It's difficult, I thought I wouldn't use it before"

At this time, Aoki scratched his hair helplessly, then reached into the briefcase with his palm, and took out a black-purple ball shaped like a Pokeball.

"that is?!"

With sharp eyes, Xiaozhi instantly noticed the extra thing in Uncle Aoki's hand.

He had seen this black-purple bead before, if he guessed correctly.
"As you can see, let me show off a little bit."

Aoki's weak tone became a little more ups and downs, and the little ball in his hand also burst into dazzling light the next moment.

The next moment, Aoki threw it towards the flamingo.

Somewhat similar to the mega evolution, the flamingo suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a layer of sparkling energy crystals condensed around the body.

With the sound of crystal shattering, the whole body of the flamingo was filled with an aura of fascination.

Especially on the head of the crane, even the bifurcated candlestick with five candles on it, seems to be a phantom but also seems to be real.

In addition to the mysterious aura of the whole body, the surface of the skin exudes a dazzling and shining light like crystal.

Too crystallized!
The attribute of wrapping the flamingo turned into a flame!

"What is that?! Mega evolution?"

"No. Why are there still candles on top of your head?!"

"My eyes are going to be blinded"

The sudden crystallization of the flamingo also caused the entire venue to be uproarious, and the discussion was loud.

This is the first time that there has been a too crystal battle in the Sailing World Championships!
In the rather closed Padia region, in fact, outsiders don't know much about this region, let alone the unique local combat mechanism.

"Is it really here? It's too crystalline!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi became short of breath and became very excited.

By the way, the flamingo is only Mr. Aoki's second Pokémon. Generally, the ability to suppress the bottom of the box is placed on the last Pokémon, right?

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