He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2211 Conquer, Keldeo!

Chapter 2211 Conquer, Keldeo!
With the end of the battle between Xiaozhi and Aoki, the top 16 of the World Championships on the first day has officially come to an end.

However, many spectators did not leave the arena, and they were all curiously looking at the center of the arena.

Aoki didn't have Keldeo's Poké Ball, so naturally he couldn't take back the defeated latter.

"Could it be, isn't this the Pokémon of Player Aoki?"


"Then can I subdue it?"

Many people in the audience have bold ideas, and maybe they can miss it today.

Seeing Xiaozhi standing opposite in a daze, Aoki finally rubbed the back of his head, broke the deadlock, and reminded with a cough:

"By the way, little brother, now seems to be the time for you to make a move?"

Hearing that Xiaozhi didn't react immediately, he didn't come back to his senses until he saw Aoki's eyes falling on Keldeo.

Are you telling me to subdue it?
The battle is over, take down the opponent's Pokémon.
How come there is a sense of déjà vu of the Rockets?
"This wild Pokémon took the initiative to challenge you. Since it has been defeated by you, you naturally have the right to subdue it."

Aoki's voice was weak, and he explained slowly.

Under the envious eyes of thousands of spectators, Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, stepped forward, and slowly took out a poke ball.


Keldeo's physical strength has also recovered a little, and although he still can't stand up, he raised his head slightly.

Looking at Xiaozhi's eyes, there is no hostility, just staring brightly.

Finally it nodded heavily, as if.
I agree to subdue it! ?
Now that one of the best swordsman duels has been completed
Then the next step is to become a partner with the opponent and strive to become a stronger and more mature swordsman!
Keldeo's inner dream is unexpectedly secondary.

"Since that's the case, then I will teach you a lot in the future, Keldeo!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also showed a look of great joy, and without hesitation in his hands, he threw the elf ball.

The poke ball hit the target, and a red light flashed, trapping Keldeo in it.

After that, the poke ball didn't shake much, and soon stopped with a "snap".

Keldeo, successfully conquered! !

"Great!! Pikachu, I've subdued Keldeo!!"


Xiaozhi hurriedly stepped forward to pick up the Poké Ball, held it up in celebration, and Pikachu, who had been playing with soy sauce for a day, also jumped on Xiaozhi's shoulder, calling out to show off his presence.

"It's really scary for young people~"

Seeing this, Aoki rubbed his head enviously, then grabbed the briefcase, turned and left slowly.

His trip to the Sailing World Championships is completely over.

The mission assigned by Padia's officials has been completely completed. If you go back next time, you should be able to rest for a while.
"Wait a moment!?"

Walking on the road, Aoki shivered suddenly.

Since he didn't know the level of the trainers outside, he showed a lot of strength this time
When I return to the Partia area, I won't be assigned to a gym, will I be the new gym owner?
"It shouldn't be so unlucky, after all, the average person in the Padia area is a champion. I'm not that outstanding."

Aoki shook his head, um, he probably thought too much.

"Ahh! Xiaozhi is really amazing!!"

In the private box of Hezhong Tianwang, Alice lay at the front and couldn't help but exclaimed.

It seems that in the last fight, Xiaozhi didn't show his strength at all!

If he met this bug named Gaeno, he would be pushed flat without any suspense!


Beside him, Adek also stood up, and looked at Xiaozhi in the center of the arena, who was raising a poke ball to celebrate.

The previous mechanical vulcan moth, now there is another mechanical insect soldier.
Speaking of which, does this kid often engage in illegal modification of these Pokémon in private? !

There is also the phantom beast Keldeo who has just been subdued, and even the phantom beast Victini who has been mixed with Xiaozhi the day before
The Hezhong Phantom Beasts are now in Xiaozhi's pocket
Come another Meloetta, and you'll have a big three!

"It's so good~"

Regarding this, Adek could only sigh with envy.

After all, the fantasy Pokémon can't be forced, even if a foreigner takes away all the legendary Pokémon and Eudemons in Hezhong, there is no way.


On the other side of the box, the blond beauty Cattleya had already stood up, closely watching Xiao Zhi who was gradually leaving.

Her expression became more and more serious and focused, and there was even a hint of excitement.?
She can't wait, she must have a fight with Xiaozhi next!

Thinking of this, Cattleya snorted coldly, made up her mind, turned and left.

Take a chance and sneak into the official lottery area.

At that time, use your superpowers to operate in the dark, so that you and Xiaozhi will collide "randomly" in the next quarter-finals!

At night, in the Spirit Center.

Xiaozhi and Mingyi Xiaoxia were in the public hall, chatting and exchanging.

In the current quarter-finals, the four people officially confirmed to enter are Douzi, Cattleya, Adek, and herself.
"I feel that apart from facing Douzi, everything is very interesting~"

Xiaozhi said with a smile while rubbing Victini's little head.

Tomorrow, you can be a spectator. Let's see who the next four advanced candidates are.


Victini enjoyed Xiaozhi's massage comfortably, and suddenly jumped up, the small wings behind the short legs flapped, making it land on Keldeo's head.

Keldeo had already been subdued by Xiaozhi, and after recovering his strength in the Spirit Center, he left him outside.


At this moment, he was lying on his stomach in the hall of the Elf Center, his belly pressed against the smooth and cold marble floor, and he couldn't help making a low noise.

As a cool lone wolf before, it is not easy to do this kind of behavior.
Now that it has become a human Pokémon, it doesn't matter.

"It seems that it is indeed a form change?"

Xiaozhi glanced down at Keldeo, whose body had returned to its original appearance.

The dark blue ferocious big horn on the top of the head has also changed back to the light yellow small curved horn with the same skin color as the forehead.

After completing the shape change, even if it returns to its original shape, the broken horn on the top of the head is still the same.


And after completing the duel that he had been longing for in his heart, Keldeo's character was suddenly much more lively.

They are even playing with Pikachu and Victini, without the feeling of coldness and aloofness before.

"That's a good thing~"

Xiaozhi looked at it with his chin propped up, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, reaching out to rub the soft head of the blue pony from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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