He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2212 The owner and the king of heaven, Li vs lingonberry!

Chapter 2212 The owner and the king, Qianli vs lingonberry!

The next day, the next day's round of 16 officially started.

The sun was already high, and the entire World Championship venue was still full of spectators. From time to time, there was a burst of cheers from the auditorium surrounding the arena.

Xiaozhi and his party also sat in their old seats in the spectator seats, staring closely at the center of the arena.
Today's first battle, on one side of the opponent is the local king of Hezhong, who is good at fighting with evil attributes.

The other one is Xiaozhi's old acquaintance, a mature, stable, capable and serious uncle with short hair and short hair.

From the Fangyuan area, the owner of the Chenghua gymnasium, Qianli!

"Boom, crush it!"

At this moment, what Qianli sent out was a Fangyuan special product, a bluish-purple rough monster body, full of sound holes, and it looked fierce and terrifying.

In particular, the hippopotamus-like mouth was fully opened, bigger than the whole body, and it swooped towards the opponent. Obviously, this blow has a terrifying bite force!
Yuetchi was still dressed in the black and white kimono, sickly, and responded with a gloomy look:

"Hoodband bastard, block it!"

Lingonberry's partner is an orange-yellow upright lizard, which is extremely thin compared to the Boom, but it is a fighting Pokémon that can perform powerful kicks.

"Orange crown.!"

The hooded bastard stared, immediately grabbed the yellow skin that had sloughed off from his lower body, and lifted it up like a barrier.

It looks like a child's pants that have not been taken off. Although it looks funny, the pocket leather is extremely flexible.

The sonic monster bit down on it with a big bite, but the yellow skin still firmly blocked it, and the former's hard teeth couldn't penetrate this layer of shed skin at all.

It even seemed to be biting on a rubber, but it bounced the menacing sonic monster backwards.

Lingering stared sharply, and suddenly said:
"It's now, flying knee kick!"

The hooded gangster put away his molting skin immediately, stomped his feet and rushed forward, his bent knees slammed into the retreating popping monster.

boom.! !
The elbow hit the Detonator's chin, and the powerful flying knee kick made the latter let out a scream, and the huge figure fell back again and again.

The effect is outstanding!

"The key is the layer of skin?"

However, there was no panic on Qianli's face. He folded his hands on his chest and stood behind him as motionless as a mountain.

"Then try the undefensible move, Detonator, use Detonation Wave!!"

The sonic monster understood, and rubbed his head to regain his senses.

Then he raised his arms to the sides, opened his mouth to the maximum, and the airflow holes on the back of his head expanded to the limit, and the airflow continuously poured into the body.
"Drink it up!!!"

The next moment, a burst of unusually violent roar roared from the mouth of the sonic monster, and the sound wave even turned into a violent airflow impact, rushing forward!

Even though the hooded gangster has lifted his molted skin to cover his whole body, the flexible lizard skin can defend against all physical attacks, but it cannot defend against invisible and intangible voices.

Boom! !
In the end, the sonic explosion exploded on the turbaned bastard, and the sharp sound wave impact directly blasted the thin fighting lizard into the air!

You must know that the move of Explosive Sonic is of general attributes. Pokémon such as Sonic Dragon and Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon cannot fully release the power of this move.

But for the sonic monster, this sonic boom is an ultimate move that is as powerful as destroying the dead light, and it has no side effects at all!

Boom boom!
The extremely ear-piercing sonic boom on the field also made Xiaozhi and his party, who were far away in the spectator seats, turn pale and blocked their ears one after another.

Compared to the closest Mr. Berry, your eardrums are going to explode, right?
And the hooded gangster, who had fully withstood the blow, shed his skin and slowly fell down, his body was crooked, and naturally he completely lost his fighting ability.

"It turns out that Mr. Qianli is so strong?"

"The opponent is Mr. Huckleberry."

The sonic boom ended, and Mingyi and Xiaoxia put away their palms, showing surprised expressions.

Mr. Qianli is just a gymnasium owner, right?

However, at this moment in the arena, Qianli still only dispatched the first Pokemon, while the Sky King Velberry has come to a dead end, leaving only the last Pokémon.

The previous rogue crocodile, and now the hooded gangster, were defeated by Mr. Qianli one after another.

"Well, Mr. Lingju's strength is not too weak."

Next to him, Xiaozhi also stared intently, and secretly sighed in his heart.

Among the alliance kings, although Mr. Yueju is not too strong, he can only be ranked as a junior king, or an entry king, or a rank one king.
Obviously, Mr. Qianli is still superior.

"Commander Slash, Cross Slash!!"

However, the situation on the field was changing rapidly. Mr. Velberry's trump card, Commander Slash, took advantage of the crackle's breath, swung his arms and slashed out fiercely.

Boom! !
A huge white light of cross energy exploded on the sonic boom monster. After three fierce battles, the sonic boom monster finally collapsed and completely lost its fighting ability.


Lingberry managed to win back a victory, but the expression on his face did not relax at all.

Next, I will fight against the other two Pokémon of this scary man in front of me.
In the end, the ending of this game was not too turbulent.

"Commander Slash has lost his ability to fight!"

"Because the three Pokémon of the Berry player have lost their fighting ability, the top 16 of the World Championships will be advanced by the player Qianli!"

Seeing that the leave king sent by Qianli finally swung a heavy punch, which almost smashed the steel body of Commander Chop into scrap iron, and fell to the ground, the referee Don George hurriedly made a loud judgment.

I secretly regret
Now, the first heavenly king eliminated from Hezhong appeared.

Originally, he thought that at least he would stick to the top 8 stage.
But for this unsmiling, resolute and capable man in front of him, it is not unfair to lose this game.

"Is your name Qianli? I remember, you are really an amazing man."

Bilberry's desire to win is not so strong, it might as well go behind the scenes to open a casino, but after the game, he took the initiative to extend a friendly handshake.

It seems that in the next few years, the structure of Fang Yuan Alliance may change because of this man in front of him?

"Great fight!"

Qianli returned the grip with a serious face, and played GG in a very serious manner.

Through a contest with a real heavenly king, it probably made him understand how strong he is at the moment.
"not enough."

Qianli was not lucky to win the lingonberry, but became more focused and dignified.

Now I am facing the ordinary king of the alliance, and it is okay for the time being.

But if you face that Mr. Adek, the winning rate is still a bit worse.
(End of this chapter)

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