He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2243 vs Kona, an overwhelming victory!

Chapter 2243 vs Kona, an overwhelming victory!

The situation seemed to be going against the thorn shell, but Kona still had a peaceful expression on his face.

"Since the shell is broken, use the broken shell!"

Following Kona's command, the thorn shell was shocked, and then there seemed to be a sound of the carapace being completely broken on the field.

It's just that when everyone blinked again, what they saw was a spiked shell that was emitting a sharp red light all over its body.
The thorn clam uses shell breaking, and its attack, special attack, and speed have all been greatly improved!
Of course, as a price, both defenses have also dropped.

The seemingly hard carapace on the outside is actually no different from an egg shell, and it shatters when touched.

"Crisis is also an opportunity!"

Asura took a deep breath, not daring to relax for a moment:
"Iron Ant, move at high speed!"

The iron ant quickly ran across the arena, transforming into countless figures of mechanical ants, which dazzled people.

Find the right opportunity, and even wait for the opportunity to use the "Iron Head" move again, and decide the winner with one blow!
However, in the face of the opponent's high-speed attack, it was difficult to identify the direction of attack, and Konaso said bluntly:

"Spina shellfish, use the ice spin!"

The thorn clam closed its carapace again, the surface spikes were hardened, and it spun at a high speed.

Crash clang! !

Smash all the gravels that come into contact with along the way, the strength is extremely powerful!

The move of ice spin was originally used to destroy the state of the field, but now it is used simply as a move similar to the top ball, and it also has a good effect.

"Iron Ant, use digging first!!"

As the opponent's strength has been outrageous after breaking the shell, Asura didn't dare to take it hard.

The iron ant immediately dug a hole and dived into the ground.

Bang Bang!

Immediately, it accurately broke through the ground from directly under the thorn shell, arching the thorn shell's entire body into the air.

In the ice spinning state, the surroundings of the spiny shellfish are naturally extremely dangerous.
But the upper and lower parts of the body are hardly threatening.

However, this blow seemed to hit Ke in his arms. The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she suddenly shouted:

"Now, use the ice pick!"

The thorn clam that was picked up in the air suddenly opened its carapaces on both sides, and the spikes on the top of its head were already covered with icy cold light.


Boom! !
The next moment, bunches of sharp ice cones blasted out densely and continuously like flaming cannonballs!

Kona's thorn shell is characterized by continuous attacks, which can maximize the power of continuous moves such as ice picks!
The iron ants exposed to the surface saw bunches of dangerous ice picks flying down, and after the attack power of the broken shell was added, even the power of each ice pick was extremely terrifying.

"Use the iron wall to block it!"

It was difficult to dodge, and the iron ant could only shrink its body, trying to use the iron wall to increase its defense and forcefully block it.

boom! !Boom! !

And the ice cones of the thorn shell shells were fired down one after another as if there was no CD, constantly arousing roars and explosions, countless ice chips and smoke rose up, and the exaggerated momentum completely engulfed the small ant body of the iron ant.
When the ice dust and smoke dissipated, the iron ant had already collapsed in a pile of rubble.

The surface of the metal body was covered with scars, and even most of the surrounding field was bombarded by this set of ice picks in a disfigured and fragmented manner.

"Iron Ant, lose the ability to fight!"

The referee Don George quickly said, "It's an overwhelming advantage."

Is the Heavenly King of Kanto really that strong?

Why do you feel that you are more aggressive than Mr. Adek? !
"Hiss, Miss Kona."

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi, who had been watching, couldn't help but gasp in shock from this violent continuous attack + ice pick.

He has played this tactic before. After his Heracross mega evolved, it also has the characteristic of continuous attack.
However, there is no such extreme boosting move as breaking the shell, which has been upgraded to such an exaggerated power.

"Um, Xiaozhi, anyway, you go for it~"

Beside him, Mingyi also trembled, then silently clenched his fists towards Xiaozhi, and said in a cheering voice.

At this moment, there is no suspense in the last quarter-final match.

In the semi-finals, in the first half of the competition, Mr. Adek played against Mashid from the Galar region.

And the second half.
It's Xiaozhi fighting Miss Kona.

But now it looks quite dangerous.


Xiaozhi also nodded heavily, keeping his gaze on the field.

Not only the thorn shell, Chenglong, but also a threat.

Either it can't let it use the shell breaking move, once it is used, it must be completely defeated in the first place.

Otherwise, if you are a little careless, the thorn clam in the broken shell state may really push itself into the team! ?

On the field, Asura took back the defeated Iron Ant, and at this moment he had come to a desperate situation.

However, Asura, who was quite fanatical about fighting, did not intend to abstain, and still threw the third poke ball.

This time, it was a gray-blue eel with an unusually weird appearance.

It was suspended in mid-air, with electric arcs running faintly on its body surface, its circular mouthparts were covered with fangs, and the fins on both sides spread out like slender arms.

"Oh! It's the Momo Eel King!"

In the stands, Douzi couldn't help being surprised.

It was the final evolution of the mogi that she had traded to Rotom.

I can tell by looking at it, the characteristic of the Mama Eel King is floating and immune to ground attributes.

This means that Pokémon like Momo Eel King, among the [-] attributes, does not have the attribute that can restrain it well!

Pikachu sitting on Xiaozhi's lap also showed envy.

If it binds balloons on itself, it will also be immune to all powerful moves.
"Do you want to defeat my thorn clam with the electric attribute?"

Seeing this, Kona did not take back the spiny shell, which still maintained a very extreme state of broken shell.

"King Momo Eel, discharge!!"

Asura launched the final attack in high spirits, this eel king even spread its fins and arms, and an extremely dazzling and violent electric current burst out from its whole body, spreading to the audience.

It's just that the rhythm of this game has been completely controlled by Kona.

"Use the tide spinner to block it."

Facing the dangerous electric current covering the whole field, the thorn shell simply used a tide spinner to spray out a continuously rotating water flow, and then absorbed all the electric current.

"And then, rock blast!"

Located in the rear, the spiny shell opened its carapace again, and powerful rocks were thrown out like grenades!

Under the double blessing of shell breaking and continuous attack characteristics, the power has reached an extremely exaggerated level.

"Crush it, Railgun!"

On the other side, the Mama Eel King opened his mouth wide, and blasted a lightning laser beam through it, trying to smash all the incoming rocks into powder.

It's just the number of rock crits, and it just keeps on coming.

Rao is an extremely powerful electromagnetic gun, and it is also blasted by the rocks that are constantly thrown, constantly eroding its power
Boom! !
In the end, the rock blast completely shattered the lightning and hit the Mama Eel King behind him, causing a series of violent explosions again.
(End of this chapter)

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