Chapter 2244
"The Mama Eel King has lost the ability to fight!"

"Because the three Pokémon of the Asura player have lost their fighting ability, this match will be advanced by the Kona player!"

The scene was quite tragic. Asura's three Pokémon were all pushed back by the broken shells.

Once again, everyone at the World Championships got to know this powerful king from the Kanto region.

"Thanks for your hard work, thorn shell~"

Kona let out a little breath, put the thorn shell back, and nodded slightly towards Asura on the other side.

The strength of the old man in front of him is not considered weak. He was completely pushed by himself because he found an opportunity, and the other party was in a state of confusion in the second half.

Otherwise, at least the thorn shell should be defeated today.

"It seems that my cultivation has just begun."

Asura shook her head regretfully, like a young trainer who just started on the road.

So far, the quarter-finals of the Fanba World Championships has come to an end.

The four contestants who entered the semi-finals are Adek, Ma Shide, Kona and Xiaozhi.

"It's finally the semifinals."

In the stands, Xiaozhi stood up and couldn't help sighing.

There is always an illusion that this World Championship has been played for 3 or 4 months.

From a distance of nearly [-] meters, Xiaozhi looked towards the center of the arena.


Kona at the other end seemed to have noticed Xiaozhi's gaze, paused when he left the field, raised his head, and coincidentally met Xiaozhi's gaze.

Although the competition has not yet started, both of them quietly ignited their fighting spirit.

Although they are both from the Kanto region, neither of these two people seem to hold back at all.

As Kona left the field, Xiaozhi's eyes couldn't help but fell on the nearby Asura.

Next, can I talk to this old man and have a good chat about old brother Chi?

At night, after half a day of fierce fighting, the entire World Championship venue and even the adjacent Fanba City were extremely lively.

In the middle of the night, the streets are brightly lit.

Before Xiaozhi went to look for Asura, the latter took the initiative to find him that night.

Next to him, there was a handsome man with a black and white hat, long green hair, and a slightly thin figure.

"Huh Mr. N?"

Xiaozhi was a little suspicious, but Asura smiled and waved his hands.

"Well, there are some things that I want Master N to listen to too."

Although both he and N have quit the plasma team, they still use respectful names for each other.

After all, within the Plasma team, whether it is the leader of the organization or the Seven Sages, they are all extremely high-status positions, and the kingship and theocracy are independent.

"Good evening, Xiaozhi~"

N smiled and nodded, and rubbed Victini and Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulders.

"And Victini, Pikachu~"

Immediately closing his eyes, and perceiving carefully, he could feel Victini's special fondness for Xiaozhi.

There is also Pikachu, the deep bond formed with Xiaozhi's partner for many years, and...

N's expression froze suddenly, and he opened his eyes again.

This electric mouse doesn't seem to be of very high quality.
"Don't make trouble, Pikachu"

Xiaozhi quickly pushed Pikachu back. It seems that N has the aura of the black dragon Zekrom, making Pikachu hostile, right?

"About that Mr. Chi, let's find a place to discuss in detail?"

Asura took the two people beside her and sat in a relatively remote place outside the elf center.

And also released a symbol bird, waving its wings, patrolling around, to ensure that no outsiders can eavesdrop on their conversation.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and N also looked at each other, and sat down in a daze.

Especially N, today Asura took the initiative to come to him, and he just said that he wanted to talk about the past history of the Plasma team
He didn't know, but he had something to do with Xiaozhi?
But the "Mr. Chi" Asura mentioned, he does know something. Is he an acquaintance of Xiaozhi?
N's gaze fell on Pikachu in front of the table.

Indeed, both of them have electric mice
After a while, Asura stroked his beard and slowly told the two of them.

"Actually, speaking of this matter, we have to start talking about it a long time ago. Mr. Quecchis... no, Quecchis' original intention for creating the plasma team."

Asura's tone paused, because he didn't agree with Quecchis' behavior, and even looked a little contemptuous, so he naturally wouldn't respect the latter's name now.

"As you all know, our Plasma team has been promoting the idea of ​​releasing Pokémon all over Hezhong."

Wen Yan Xiaozhi nodded, saying what does this have to do with Brother Chi?
Shall we start with the creation of Arceus again?


N listened silently without interjecting.

Don't look at him as the former King of Team Plasma
However, he has been kept in captivity by Quecchis since he was a child, and has no real power.

Naturally, they know much less about the policy and purpose of the plasma team than the Seven Sages.

"Of course, the purpose is naturally not for the empty ideals of harmonious coexistence between humans and Pokémon. Quecchis simply wants the trainer to lose the ability to fight back, so that he can control and rule the Hezhong area, and even the world."

Asura sighed, even at the very beginning, he was brainwashed by that Quecchis guy.

"As for how to control the power that Quecchis covets in the Hezhong area, it must be in the hands of Lord N now, right?"

N didn't deny it, but nodded.

And Xiaozhi also understood the power they said, and couldn't help but think of a giant dragon with a black body and blue electric arcs flowing on the surface of its body.
All Dragons, Black Dragon Zekrom!
With the power of the legendary Pokémon, ruling the world seems to be the standard for all villains.

"However, how Master N obtained Zekrom at that time, do you still remember the details?"

Facing Asura's question, N's expression sank, unable to answer.

"Then let me tell you. The plasma team has collected information about Zekrom, including the white dragon Reshiram, a long time ago. They hope to bring the power of these two dragons under their command."

Asura's face gradually became serious.

"About a year ago, Quecchis stole the Dark Stone from the Seven Treasures Museum. Legend has it that it has a great connection with the black dragon Zekrom."

Speaking of which, this dark stone was a treasure accidentally excavated by Boss Ju in the Rose Mountain Mine near Fanba City a year ago.

The entire mine in the north of Fanba City belongs to Boss Ju's private ownership.

Really, there is a mine at home.

However, he was a minegoer, so he didn't understand what the dark stone meant, so he simply handed it to Qibao Gym's curator, Aloe Vera, the wife of the Qibao Museum's curator, to keep it on his behalf.

It’s just that after the news was heard by the plasma team, the dark stone was stolen by the plasma team just after it was placed in the museum.
(End of this chapter)

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