Chapter 2245
N didn't answer. In fact, that dark stone is now in his hands.

Don't look at the Dark Stone as just a stone. In fact, it is the place where Zekrom stored his sleep.

In some ways, it's actually a Pokéball filled with Zekrom.

However, only a brave man whose spiritual quality can match Zekrom's can open this "elf ball" and call out Zekrom.

"And Mr. N is the brave man that Quecchis expected."

Asura's face softened a little, hoping that these words would not stimulate N's psychology too much.

After all, for N, a father who raised himself up again and trained himself to be the king of the plasma team suddenly became an ambitious man who only cultivated a tool man
This is still difficult to accept.

Not to mention that Quecchis even has extreme disdain for N, calling the latter a "freak".

N's expression didn't fluctuate too much. He actually knew these things a year ago.

It was difficult for him to accept it at the time, as if the world was collapsing.
Now, it can be accepted normally.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He scratched his head, so what does all this have to do with Brother Chi?

Seemingly aware of Xiaozhi's thoughts, Asura looked at Xiaozhi this time.

"A year ago, the Plasma team stole the Dark Stone and took it with Mr. N to the Dragon Spiral Tower, trying to use Mr. N's personality to summon Zekrom."

"It was at this time that Mr. Chi appeared."

Dragon Spiral Tower, located in the remotest corner of the Hezhong area in the northwest, is a dilapidated ancient stone tower.

Legend has it that Zekrom and another dragon, Reshiram, were sealed here by the ancient people.

Holding the Dark Stone in his hand, he climbed all the way to the top floor of the Dragon Spiral Tower, and N also successfully summoned Zekrom, who was sleeping in it.

It was only at the moment of his success that Queches, who was dazzled by the power, turned his face completely. Not only did he control N, but he even used his contempt for the latter to tell them all.

From childhood to adulthood, N was not allowed to contact any outsiders, and he was only allowed to live with Pokémon, just to make it a tool for summoning Zekrom.

N, whose world view collapsed, also affected Zekrom, who had just awakened.
"At this time, Mr. Chi is here."

Asura's words immediately refreshed Xiaozhi.

The front is all nonsense, you can start talking from here!
"No one knows his identity, origin, or why he came to Dragon Spiral Tower at this time."

"He single-handedly defeated all the seven sages guarding the tower, and then went all the way to the top of the tower. Even Quecchis was thrown off the tower by him, and almost fell into a meat paste."

It was also because of this incident that the reputation of the Plasma team suddenly collapsed, almost causing the entire organization to perish.

"Oh oh oh~!! Looks like something Chi old brother would do~!"

Xiaozhi's face was flushed when he heard it, and he clapped his hands excitedly like a sea lion.

N beside him also showed a look of surprise.

Due to the sudden change at that time, his consciousness was not very clear, and he only vaguely remembered a man wearing a red and white hat, with an electric mouse from other places.
N remembered that the latter seemed to be walking towards him slowly, and finally left a word inexplicably before leaving again.

"Tsk, do you already have a trainer? It's a waste of time."

The tone, seems to be a bit cursing?
Looking back now, what Chi was referring to was naturally the black dragon Zekrom.

"I see."

After listening to the statement, Xiaozhi finally understood that the purpose of brother Chi's trip to that ancient tower was naturally to subdue the black dragon Zekrom, which was quite reasonable.

But it seems that Mr. N, who awakened it from the dark stone, has already obtained the black dragon's approval one step ahead.

To a certain extent, he is Zekrom's trainer, so Brother Chi gave up?
"Well, Mr. Chi's purpose at the time was indeed to subdue Zekrom. Or not only Zekrom, but also other legendary Pokémon in the Hezhong area."

Asura's words made Xiaozhi involuntarily look at the former again.

This old man seems to know old brother Chi very well, and even has a relationship?

"That's right, he defeated all the other six of our seven sages under the tower at that time. I was completely impressed by his skillful and powerful skills~"

This time it was Asura's turn to blushed and stroked his beard, as if he had returned to the day when he fought Chi.

Even if you are defeated, it is still your most precious memory~
Compared with the other seven sages, Asura is keen on Pokémon battles, and he is the figure of Chi who is looking forward to.

Although there is a huge gap in age between the two, those who have mastered them come first, and Asura doesn't even mind being Chi's student.

It is worth mentioning that there are only six of the seven sages under the tower, and Kuiqisi on the top of the tower is the seventh of the seven sages.

"Afterwards, Mr. N, you will naturally not know about this Mr. Chi."

N nodded. After Chikai Wushuang cleared the field, he left with the Dark Stone alone without any hindrance, and had no connection with Quecchis or the Plasma team.

After a period of walking dead, N rediscovered himself and really became Zekrom's partner.

Now that he fully recalled it, he really wanted to thank Mr. Chi.

Without the appearance of this trainer, maybe the current Quecchis has really controlled the black dragon Zekrom, causing some irreversible disasters on the Hezhong Continent.
"As for me, because I want to know more about who this mysterious trainer is, I secretly followed him after leaving the Dragon Spiral Tower."

Speaking of this, Asura smiled awkwardly.

Although he had only followed for a while, he was discovered by the other party.

But Chi was not annoyed, and he didn't mind that he was the villain of the plasma team, allowing himself to follow behind.

After several days, when the two chatted, Asura heard the other party's explanation of the Dragon Spiral Tower.

"Team Plasma? Let me tell you why a group of people in strange costumes gathered on a ruined tower that day. It turned out to be an organization?"

"Well, it feels... not as good as the Rockets."

Xiaozhi: "."

Compared to complaining about the content of the sentence, he wanted to complain about the sentence itself.

Brother Chi, who is acting alone, seems to talk a lot.?
But obviously, the news about Brother Chi didn't end, Asura paused, and continued to talk.
(End of this chapter)

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