Chapter 2246
"In the days that followed, this mysterious Mr. Chi and I came to Kagome Town one after the other."

Unexpectedly, there was still a connection between the two, so N cheered up and listened carefully.

He does know about Kagome Town, which is a remote and closed town located in the northeast corner of Hezhong.

Legend has it that there are ferocious and terrifying giant beasts in the nearby mountains, especially at night, they will capture humans and Pokémon and eat them.
Therefore, the local residents not only built high walls around the town, but also closed the doors and windows of every household in the evening to prohibit going out.

Although it's 2023 now, many residents don't even believe this story.

However, as a tradition, in the evening, few people go out on the streets of Kagome Town.


Asura nodded, although they had passed through Xuehua City and Ssangyong City before arriving in Kagome Town, but these were not very important.

Strange to say, Chi was so thin that he couldn't even see any luggage on his body along the way.

It's just that when resting in the middle of the night, a lot of unknown totems flew out of nowhere?

As one of the Seven Sages, Asura does know the names of these special ancient totem Pokémon, but little else is known.

And as these unknown totems jumped and rotated in mid-air, they even directly transformed into tents and big beds.

Chi even kindly lost a copy for himself.

"I touched it at the time, and it was no different from the real big bed and tent!"

Asura said in surprise.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi understood, after all, Brother Chi still carried those two complete sets of unknown totems with him.

Through the random combination of letters, the unknown totem piece together a complete word, which can directly materialize the target.
It's a travel artifact!
The unknown totems created a crystallized fake Arceus at the beginning, which was very powerful, so it consumed a lot of money.

But if you just create these daily necessities, it can be said to be zero consumption.

But these are just episodes, not important, Asura paused, and returned to the topic.

"And Mr. Chi will come to this remote town, and his target is the giant man-eating beast that the locals spread, or its real name"

Asura's gaze was fixed, as if her voice was filled with an inexplicable chill:

"The third dragon in the Hezhong area, the Pokémon of the Ice Legend, Kyurem!"

Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, but N's face became serious, and he put his finger on his chin and thought.

He had heard the legend of Kyurem before, but he didn't expect it to be real.

"So, did Brother Chi subdue this Kyurem?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking again and again.

Asura regained her peaceful expression, beckoning to be calm.

Listening to Xiaozhi's address, it seems that Mr. Chi should be the elder brother of the latter?
That's right, apart from the fact that they don't look alike, the outfits and the accompanying Pikachu are all of the same style.

"Well, after that, Mr. Chi and I entered the area near Kagome Town, a depression valley called the Giant's Cave."

Legend has it that in ancient times, a huge meteorite fell here, and the powerful impact formed the terrain of the valley.

At that time, Asura was still in this area, and saw some wild Pokémon related to the universe such as Pippi, Moonstone, and Metal Monster.

All the way to the deepest part of the valley cave, the temperature dropped sharply, like a huge ice cellar, the cave wall was surrounded by permafrost and ice, and the air seemed extremely cold.

"And in a huge piece of solid ice at the end, I saw Kyurem's real body for the first time. The ice dragon completely sealed himself up and slept in this undisturbed place."

Asura said slowly, he didn't know where Chi got the Kyurem information, at least before that, there was no exact information about Kyurem inside the plasma team.

As for the neighboring town of Kagome.

Because of the legend of the man-eating monster, the villagers rarely enter the vicinity of the Giant's Cave. Since ancient times, no one has disturbed Kyurem's dormancy until the arrival of Chi.

Even now, Asura still remembers Chi's brutal behavior, and now thinking about it, she can't help but shudder.

"Charizard, Purgatory!"

Without any fanfare, Chi directly dispatched the fire-breathing dragon, which ignited the entire giant ice cave, turning it into a sea of ​​flames and purgatory.

The solid ice on the surface of Kyurem is not simple. The flames of ordinary Pokémon cannot melt a few meters even after burning for several years.

This is also a test set by Kyurem for those who dare to disturb his sleep.

Even solid ice can't melt, let alone fight with oneself.

But for Chi, the difficulty was not too great. After a while, the solid ice was completely melted, and Kyurem was completely awakened.

Unlike the black dragon Zekrom and the white dragon Reshiram, these picky dragons are extremely picky about the spiritual quality of their partners. Only trainers who match their ideals are eligible to be their partners.

But Kyurem's rules are very simple.

As long as you can defeat him and gain his approval, you will naturally become Kyurem's trainer!
"So, so!? In the end, Brother Chi won the battle?"

Xiaozhi urged with an excited face.

Although the purpose of Brother Chi should be to collect the tokens of the gods of the legendary Pokémon from all over the world, and reshape the complete body, but if you directly subdue it, it seems that there is no conflict.

What a pity!

It would have been nice if I had been watching from the sidelines at that time, I must have witnessed a wonderful battle!

According to the comparison between the Fangyuan area next door and the Sinnoh area
The strength of this third dragon may even be half a level higher than that of Zekrom!
He has seen that fire-breathing dragon of brother Chi before, and it is extremely powerful. It has demonstrated extreme strength a long time ago, and it may even be stronger?

This fire-breathing dragon is completely capable of fighting against the ancient god Chief Rem!

I don't know how much chance my own fire-breathing dragon has against the former.?

Beside him, although N didn't interrupt, there was obviously a look of enthusiasm on his face.

A trainer who confronts the ancient gods head-on
Don't look at him as a trainer of Zekrom now, but N's qualification to become a trainer of Zekrom is not because he personally defeated the latter, but simply because his spiritual character has been recognized by the latter.

"What about that battle?"

Asura raised her head slightly, stroked her beard, her eyes were full of fire.

"Anyway, the ground is shaken, the sky is falling apart, the earth is cracking, ghosts are crying and wolves are howling, unprecedented."

Xiaozhi&N: "."

Can you stop using these silly idioms?

Are you not good enough to describe that battle at all? !

(End of this chapter)

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