Chapter 2247 Brother Chi's Journey to the Commonwealth (End)
"In short, after a great battle, neither side was defeated. That fire-breathing dragon even used the power of mega evolution. It's really terrifying."

Finally, Asura concluded in one sentence.

It's just that in the end both are exhausted and unable to fight anymore.

Hearing this, N's face changed drastically, meaning that this Mr. Chi defeated Kyurem head-on?
You must know that a trainer has six poke balls on his body!
One-on-one is the same goal, so six-on-one, the outcome is very clear.

No wonder, the Plasma team was able to be regarded as a roadside gangster, and Wushuang directly swept away.

"To die together?"

Xiaozhi nodded, not too surprised.

Although he has never seen Kyurem, it is probably the level of the empty seat, right?

He's even more curious now.

So Brother Chi, have you subdued Kyurem?

Hearing this, Asura straightened her face and nodded heavily.

"Well, subdued."

He was the only bystander in the audience, witnessing everything.

Since Chi successfully defeated Kyurem, he naturally gained the latter's approval.

Immediately Chi threw out a special elf ball made by an unknown totem, and Kyurem didn't struggle, allowing the latter to complete the subjugation.

At that time, Asura, who was watching by the side, had a world view that was shattered. There is really a trainer who can subdue the ancient god head-on? !
Even Quecchis intends to use unconventional means to indirectly control Zekrom!

"I see."

Xiaozhi took a deep breath and finally let out a burst of emotion.

As expected of Brother Chi, after acting alone, he subdued an ancient god so quickly.

But thinking of this, Xiaozhi also felt an inexplicable regret.

Of the three ancient gods in the Hezhong area, one was tamed by Mr. N, and the other was tamed by Brother Chi. The last ancient god, Bailong Laishi Ram, does not know where it is now.

"I haven't finished talking yet, so don't worry."

Seeing that the two were about to resume the discussion, Asura stretched out his palm to indicate that his presentation was not over yet.

After all, as the only witness of that peerless battle, Asura also held back for a long time because the content was too obscure, and today she can pass the addiction of telling secrets.

It can't end so quickly, drag a few more words!

Seeing the curious gazes of the two again, Asura continued:
"Although Kyurem was successfully subdued, Mr. Chi did not take it away. He just took away a dragon scale from the former and continued to put it in the deepest part of the giant's cave."

"I don't know much about it. It seems that Kyurem's body and strength are not complete. If he stays in the cave of giants, does he have other missions and purposes?"

Speaking of this, the figure of Kyurem, the ice dragon, could not help but appear in Asura's mind.

Indeed, one side is bigger and the other is smaller.

The icy horns on the top of the head and the lower jaw also have an obvious remnant and asymmetrical feeling.

Let a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder see it, maybe it will directly break the defense.

"Release? No, foster care?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes and said doubtfully.

It's rare to subdue an ancient god, and it's a bit of a pity not to ride out to show off its power for a few days.
Wait a minute, that is to say, in the cave of the giants, there is still the Kyurem left there by Chi Lao? !
Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. After the World Championships is over, he can go to Kagome Town and meet this legendary ancient god of ice!
"After that, Mr. Chi and I separated temporarily. From the latter's point of view, it seems that he found almost all the things he was looking for in the Hezhong area, and he couldn't force what he couldn't find."

"Mr. Chi, you probably have left the Hezhong area by now?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi was immediately discouraged.

I thought I could finally reunite with Brother Chi, but he disappeared again? !

Brother Chi left the Hezhong area. So where did he go?

At this moment, Asura suddenly looked at Xiaozhi, her eyes became sharper.

"But before parting, he mentioned you to me, really Xiaozhi from Xinzhen."

When he saw Xiaozhi's name at the World Championships, he was stunned for a long time, and only came up to chat after confirming it again and again.


Xiaozhi pointed to himself, and then his head shook.

That's right, there is one more thing that I haven't figured out yet!

Brother Chi is so anxious to call himself to the Hezhong area, what is the purpose?
Even at the beginning, some words such as "urgent" and "life-threatening" were used.

But now it seems that Brother Chi is still Wushuang clearing the field in the Hezhong area, no one can stop him at all!

"Mr. Chi said that one of his descendants will come to the Hezhong area in the future. If I meet him at that time, I remember to tell you one thing."

Asura paused, then continued:
"The power of Kyurem requires the help of the other two dragons of the Hezhong, and the power of one of them can be completed. Now the black dragon Zekrom already has a trainer."

"Then I will leave the other white dragon to you, my Xiaozhi."

Xiaozhi: "?"

He looked at Asura suspiciously, are these the original words of Brother Chi?
What the hell is "My Xiaozhi" at the end? !
Asura nodded quickly, although the content was somewhat weird, but it was Chi's instruction after all, and he still remembered it clearly.

"The above is all I want to tell you."

After finishing speaking, Asura put away her tense expression, stroked her beard, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This big secret is finally revealed~!

He didn't make a sound after that, and didn't interrupt the thinking of the two people in front of him.


Xiaozhi lowered his head and pondered, if all of them are connected.
He probably knew why old brother Chi called him to Hezhong area so anxiously.

"I'm afraid that the white dragon Reshiram will be taken first?!"

After all, subduing white dragons and black dragons has nothing to do with the trainer's own level.
Brother Chi put the expectation of subduing the white dragon on himself, and worried that there would be another trainer like Mr. N, who would subdue Reshiram in advance?

Come to think of it, it's really urgent.
So why not just say it? !
At the beginning, the warrior eagle who knew only various tool moves, just said that it would be good to let him subdue Reshiram!
Now, it's been delayed for four months.

At this moment, he is completely ignorant of the information about the white dragon Reshiram.

Maybe by now, someone has already taken the lead?

"You don't have to worry about this. Zekrom and I are partners, and I can sense the situation of the other dragon in the dark."

Next to him, N seemed to have guessed Xiaozhi's thoughts, and suddenly smiled and said:
"The bright stone that seals the white dragon Reshiram is still just an ordinary stone."

(End of this chapter)

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