He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2248 Information about Bright Stone and Reshiram

Chapter 2248 Information about Bright Stone and Reshiram

"Mr. N, do you know about Reshiram's information?!"

Hearing that N suddenly mentioned the Bright Stone, it must be something similar to the Dark Stone, so Xiao Zhi hurriedly asked.

N nodded, and said slowly:

"In the past, the plasma team didn't have any information, but now Zekrom and I have become partners, and I can vaguely sense the position of the corresponding bright stone."

The location of this bright stone is nothing more than like the dark stone, buried deep in a certain mine, and no one cares about it.

Or, it is hidden in someone's hands and has been hidden all the time.

"Northwest direction."

Eventually, N spits out a direction.

Located to the east of the Ross Hill Mine where the Darkstone was mined.

And in this direction, the biggest possibility is Shuanglong City with a long history!

"Shuanglong City?!"

Xiaozhi's gaze was fixed, and he immediately thought of Alice, who was the trainer who replaced Ssangyong Gym in the World Championships.

Speaking of which, until now, he has not met Mr. Xia Ka, the owner of Shuanglong gymnasium.

"Shuanglong City is the city with the oldest history in the Hezhong area. Many archaeologists were born there. It would not be surprising if the Bright Stone in the Shuanglong Gymnasium has been kept in the hands of Mr. Shaka."

N slowly guessed that this was also his initial plan.

Find a suitable trainer for White Dragon Zekrom through this World Championship.

Then he told the other party about his affairs and the whereabouts of the Bright Stone.

words now
There is no need to watch the World Championships, let's just make an appointment directly.

There is a high probability that Xiao Zhi is the brave man with "true" spiritual character that Reshiram has been waiting for.

"Yes, yes, I remember it. When Mr. Chi passed by Shuanglong City, he seemed to have visited Shuanglong Gym?"

At this time, Asura seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said.

But nothing happened after that
If there is a bright stone in the Shuanglong Gym, it means that Mr. Chi is not the trainer that Bailong Rashiram expected?
"It's not a big problem."

In this regard, Xiaozhi nodded seriously.

After all, awakening the black dragon and white dragon has nothing to do with the trainer's own strength.

And the "real world" that White Dragon Rashiram valued, although he didn't know what the so-called "real world" meant.
However, Brother Chi's body was originally a temporary fictional ghost form, and it seemed that there was no problem with being rejected by Reshiram, who liked "real".

That's why you just threw the task to yourself?

"Well, I remember, Ssangyong City and Ssangyong Gym, Guangmingshi and Laishi Ram."

Xiaozhi secretly remembered these key words in his mind.

Since Brother Chi is pressing so hard, after this World Championship is over, why don't you go to Shuanglong City to have a look?

The exchange between the three came to an end, and N got up first, ready to leave.

Before leaving, he looked at Xiaozhi solemnly:
"By the way, Xiaozhi, if you really got the Bright Stone, come to the Dragon Spiral Tower and wake up Reshiram there. I will wait for your arrival at the top of the tower."

"Hope, you are the chosen one"

After speaking, he pressed his hat, turned and left, and gradually disappeared into the dark night streets.

Xiaozhi just scratched his head at this.

Wake up, wake up, it's no big deal now, why is it so tense and grand.

"After all, in the legend of Hezhong, the brave men who became the partners of the black dragon and the white dragon respectively fought to the death and life. I guess Mr. N wants to completely end this legend, right?"

Asura stroked his beard and said leisurely.

Perhaps it is to prove that although the pursuit of "truth" and "ideal" are pursued at the same time, the two parties can still work together to create a beautiful world.


At this time, Pikachu, who was still lying on the round table with Victini, suddenly pricked up his ears and made a sound in surprise.


Xiaozhi also heard it. It was obviously a cloudless night, but there was a sudden burst of thunder, and the disastrous electric light illuminated the night.

Faintly, one can still see in the night, a strange monster with a pitch-black body but a blue electric light emitting from its tail as it lifts into the sky.
"Mr. N, and Zekrom?"

Watching one person and one dragon gallop away, Xiaozhi looked a little astonished. To most of the passers-by, they were just surprised by the sudden thunder.

It is said that the Sailing World Championship is about to reach the semi-finals. Mr. N, if he doesn’t finish watching it, will he leave at the end?

Regarding this, Asura looked at the sky and said with a leisurely smile:
"Master N has always been a child of Asashi, and he doesn't like Pokémon battles~"

It seems that Master N has been working hard in order to make himself a trainer worthy of the black dragon Zekrom.

But now, there is one more important thing.

Seeing that he and Xiaozhi were the only ones left around, Asura suddenly slapped his palm on the table with a panicked expression.

He leaned closer to his face and said eagerly:

"Speaking of Xiao Zhijun, please tell me more about Mr. Chi? He is a trainer in Kanto, is he your teacher? Brother? Why can't I search for any news related to him?"

Due to his enthusiasm for Pokémon battles, Asura naturally regards the powerful Chi as a guiding light in life.

Even Adeke, the unification champion, Asura didn't feel much admiration.

It's just that he also searched the network in the Kanto region afterward, but he didn't find any information about the trainer named "Red".

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town has really shined in the past two years, but he has never had any relationship with "Chi" in his career?
This trainer, like a ghost, seems to appear out of nowhere
But obviously, Xiaozhi knows Mr. Chi very well!
"Uh, this is about Brother Chi."

Looking at the [-]-year-old man in front of him, he suddenly showed fanatical star-chasing eyes, Xiao Zhi could only scratch his head with a dry smile, and responded with some answers.

After all, it's really hard to explain.

And if brother Chi really wants to tell the other party about his own news, he has already said it, why should he let himself explain.
"In short, I don't really know much about Brother Chi. But I still want to say that although Brother Chi looks very powerful, he is actually very powerful, but I can't say anything specific. After all Like I said at the beginning, I don’t really understand.”

Asura: "?"

Listened, but didn't seem to?

But he was a little clearer, and secretly made up his mind.

Xiaozhi and Mr. Chi must be very familiar!
Go directly to the door of Xiaozhi's hometown to guard, and always guard until Mr. Chi appears again!
(End of this chapter)

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