He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2262 Standing on top of the world!

Chapter 2262 Standing on top of the world!


On the arena, deafening roars aroused!
The super-extremely huge fatal blow was blasted out, even if it was a large-character blast flame added by the sunny day, it also exploded instantly after being hit, and the flames spread towards the surroundings one after another.

Like a blow from a giant, it was unstoppable, and the black and red energy arrogance was blowing towards the audience seats. Many spectators sitting in the front row only felt their faces heat up.

Generally speaking, copying the moves of the gigantic battle can only be done in the venue with a special force field in the Galar region, so that the audience will not have any interference.


In the end, the blow from the martial arts bear master hit the Vulcan moth, and a huge black-red flame exploded!
The vast and magnificent momentum enveloped the entire audience.

Even if they don't know what ultimate power is, everyone knows that it is an incredible thing in the arena at the moment.
"I lost."

Seeing this scene, Adek's expression darkened.

Sure enough, the self who has lost that power is no match for an opponent who has this power.

And the Vulcan Moth, which was as noble as the sun, also fell powerlessly from midair.

The scarred body fell into the rubble of the ruins, and an exaggerated shuttle-shaped gully exploded on the surrounding ground, extending backward.

"Wu drink.!"

With this blow, Master Wu Dao Xiong's breathing became much heavier, and the arm that swung the move was also trembling slightly.

The stamina makes it extremely sour.

"Vulcan Moth, lose the ability to fight!"

Seeing this, even if the referee Don George didn't want to say anything, he could only raise his arms high and shouted:

"The victory has been decided! Since all four Pokémon of Adek's player have lost their fighting ability, this game will be won by the Masd player from the Galar region and will advance to the final!"

This time, Don George even directly pronounced the latter's name.

Now that the masks have been taken off, there is naturally nothing to hide.

"Lost?! Actually lost."

"I don't believe it, my Vulcan Moth."

"The Martial Arts Bear Master is so handsome!!"

"This Master is also the regional champion. It is said that he is a strong man who has been famous for many years in the Galar regional city. It can only be said that Jiang is still old and spicy."

All of a sudden, the entire World Championship venue was filled with different voices and lively discussions.

"Sure enough, Mr. Ma Shide is stronger, the last move."

In the stands, Xiaozhi was fascinated and murmured.

When the Martial Arts Bear master hit a super giant killing blow, he seemed to see a giant. This extreme power is probably related to their signature super giant battle in the Galar region.

No need for special environment, special props.

It's really amazing to hit this blow with a normal posture.

Then another Martial Arts Bear Master with a combo-like appearance, will he do this move?

Next, in the finals, if I face these two martial arts bear masters at the same time, how will I break through?

"Give up drinking."

Rao was always a grumpy Abandoned Monkey, and his anger couldn't help but drop a lot.

This punch came, if he had fully stacked the fist of anger in advance.
No, you have to use 200% of the limit of your Fist of Wrath, otherwise it is impossible to continue!

“Worthy of a Veteran Regional Champion”

Not far away, Kona looked equally dignified.

Especially her ice-type Pokémon is already at a disadvantage against fighting-type experts.
However, the next big enemy should be this person.

Kona couldn't help but cast his eyes on Xiao Zhi in front of him, his eyes were full of fear.

It is no longer possible to look at Xiaozhi as a simple junior.
Far away in the Galar area, in an office building in Gongmen City, Loz, the president of the Galar Alliance, was also watching the picture on the screen.

"Teacher Ma, you are still a treasured sword."

It's been a long time since he saw the deadly blow of Martial Arts Bear Master. After watching it, he couldn't help leaning back and leaning on the seat, expressing a burst of emotion.

Although he personally invited Ma Shide out of the island of Kai, he did not expect the latter to be merciless and use all his strength.

"Anyway, it's always a good thing, right?"

Roz twisted his curly bangs and smiled with relief.

At least Mashid successfully reached the final, and entered the final stepping on the champion of the United
Coupled with the World Championships in the Galar region, it was already in full swing.

Basically, every game has a battle of extreme giants. It can be said that every battle here is worth the price of the audience, and the blood is excited.



Chairman Luoz was ecstatic in his heart, the next second World Championships will be honored with their Galar region!
Let alone the finals.
Even at the top eight stage, it is not impossible to directly win eight regional champions!
"Alright, Olivia, let's build momentum for Emperor Dan. Although I don't think Emperor Dan will lose to the envoy of the dragon~"

Luoz turned off the display screen, walked to the French window next to him, and could almost overlook the entire palace gate arena in front of him.

"President, the Hezhong World Championships is a civil war between two players from the Kanto region in the afternoon, don't you pay attention?"

Behind him, the glamorous secretary Olivia, holding a stack of documents, asked doubtfully.

Luoz just shook his head, with a confident and heroic smile on his face all the time.

"Don't pay attention, anyway, I don't believe that there is anyone out there who can defeat Mr. Ma, but it doesn't matter even if he defeats, my plan has been achieved~"

The first World Championships was just a foreshadowing.

The second, and even the third, is the real world championship!
He Roz will definitely bring the Galar region to the top of the world!
"I see."

Olivia's eyes were half-closed, she nodded and said, with a rather cold face, she seemed to have completely lost interest in Hezhong's World Championships.
The Venue of the Sailing World Championships.

At the end of the battle, both Adek and Masted had taken back their Pokémon and shook hands friendly in the middle of the completely ruined arena.

There is a big gap between the two people's stature, one side is 1.9 meters tall and the other side is 1.5 meters thin old man.

"Senior, I lost. But I have to say, it was indeed a wonderful match, which benefited me a lot!"

Although defeated, Adek showed a sincere look and said in a deep voice.

"No, this match is the old man, I have to say sorry~"

Although he unintentionally intervened in the battle between the United Alliance and that kid from Roz, in fact, his own appearance still dealt a certain blow to the United Alliance.

"I hope you don't get too discouraged. Perhaps in the future, you can stand on the peak again and defeat the old man me. It won't be too difficult~"

Ma Shide's gaze was like a torch, but he noticed that Adek seemed to have mastered the ultimate power.
(I was dumbfounded by the sudden power outage and will make another update tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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