He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2263 The second semi-final, start!

Chapter 2263 The second semi-final, start!
"Then I will borrow your blessing."

Adek laughed foolishly, but compared to himself, he returned to the top.

Now he wants to focus on cultivating the next generation, so that the young trainers of Hezhong can set foot on a higher mountain than himself.

Sure enough, when he left the field, Alice was the first to greet him, clenched her fists, and said with firm eyes:
"Mr. Adek! Next, please train me well! I want to become the strongest trainer in the group!"

After watching the game, Alice's mood seemed to have changed.

The belief of longing to recast the glory of the United has already taken root in her mind.

"Really. Haha Alice, I like you very much~!"

Seeing this, Adek's depressed mood of losing the battle disappeared immediately, and he stretched out his big hand to rub Alice's head.

There are still more precious things than winning or losing!

By the way, where is my unlucky grandson?
Adek also looked around subconsciously, trying to find the fiery red figure.

My grandfather failed miserably, and I can't see this grandson coming up to encourage and comfort
That kid, didn't he not watch his game at all, did he? !

"Let's go, Alice~Although we lost, our path continues~"

Thinking of this, Adek raised his palms forward and said loudly.

Well, in the future, grandchildren and such are not important anymore, let's just look at Alice!


Alice's naughty character has also matured a bit, solemnly.

In the stands, the audience began to exit one after another.

The match between Xiaozhi and Kona is in the afternoon, and there are still several hours left.
Many Hezhong locals want to find a place where no one is quiet, or cry to calm down their bad mood.

"Come on, let's go to lunch first, shall we?"

Xiao Zhi took advantage of the situation and stood up, beckoning to his friends.

As the game approached, he was full of confidence, and with the return of the fire-breathing dragon
The expressions of the people around were the same as usual, after all, it wasn't their competition, they were just spectators.

"What's the matter, Mingyi, what are you looking at?"

But when Xiaozhi turned his head, he noticed that Mingyi had been staring at a certain direction of the arena, and couldn't help shaking his hands in front of the latter.

Look in that direction. Mashid?
Why are you staring at Mr. Mashid all the time?
At first, Mingyi's dark eyes were still blank.

Then she came back to her senses, with an oops, her cheeks flushed a little, and she quickly walked to the front to lead the way.

"It's okay, it's okay~ Let's go to eat quickly! Xiaozhi will only have strength in the afternoon after eating!"

Xiaozhi didn't doubt that he was there, and followed behind in a daze.

Just walking in front, Mingyi glanced at the direction of Ma Shide's exit, and secretly made a decision in his heart.

In the afternoon, the second semi-final began.

Although the venue of the World Championships is less lively than in the morning, it can still be said to be noisy and extremely noisy.

As the time approached, the two trainers were already in place on the arena in the center of the venue.

The ground that was destroyed by Mashid and Adek in the morning has also taken on a new look.

Although there are no vegetation, water and stone elements in the arena, it is just ordinary loess, but after all, the opponent is Kona, and it is estimated that it will soon be transformed into an ice field.

"The rule of the competition is to choose four out of six! Two, please send your first Pokémon!"

Referee Don George glanced at both sides and shouted loudly.

He was terrified to watch the game in the morning, after all, he had to cheer for the champion in his region
But now this one is completely a civil war among the Kanto trainers, so I feel much more relaxed, I just need to be a good audience.

Hearing this, the trainers at both ends of the field nodded in the distance, and each threw the first poke ball.


Xiaozhi's first battle Pokémon is King Yanwu. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he beat his chest and roared, in a state of rage, and the real flame around his neck ignited blazingly.

Is the content of the cry somewhat weird, making people feel a little frustrated?

Even if the opponent is the King of Ice, it is natural to use blazing flames to melt the opponent!
On the other hand, Kona's partner is much smaller in size, with a light blue needle mouse appearance, which is very similar to the Kanto Chuanshanwang.

It has sharp and slender two-finger claws, and its back is covered with crystal clear ice pick steel needles.
It's Alola-like King Chuanshan!

"Alola King Chuanshan?"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, which was a good thing for him.

Alola Chuanshanwang with ice+steel attributes has two crispy skin attributes at the same time. Whether it is the fighting attribute of King Yanwu or the flame attribute, both of them are extremely impressive quadruple restraint.
"Come back for now!"

Sure enough, Ke Na raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to take Chuanshan King back.

I thought that after seeing that his ice-type Pokémon basically had both water-type, Xiao Zhi wouldn't just send fire-type Pokémon in a daze.
Uh, it doesn't seem surprising?

"Be very careful, Ms. Kona~"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing.

It's a pity that it's a formal occasion now, and the illustrated book can't show too much presence, otherwise it can still mess with Miss Kona's mentality.

In the four-out-of-six competition system, each player has three opportunities to voluntarily change Pokémon, which is not a big problem.

However, seeing Kola's replacement of Pokémon without hesitation, it is obvious that he has completely placed himself at the same height and will not relax at all.

Soon, Kona's second Pokémon appeared, this time an old acquaintance from the Kanto region.
Snow-white and moist skin, a slightly fat body with a slender tail, with folds like palms on both sides, a cute sea lion head with a small pointed horn on top of the head.

White sea lion!

The white sea lion's belly is on the ground, its head is on its back, and its fin-like arms are flapping on its chest.

Although it is the same Sea Lion Pokémon as Miss Bonnie's Diya Sea Lion, its fighting style is completely different.

"Be careful, King Yanwu, the characteristic of this white sea lion is not thick fat! It's a moist body!"

Xiaozhi recognized the latter's details at a glance, and quickly reminded him.

"Xiaozhi, it seems that you still remember, I feel like it was a long time ago~"

Kona pushed his glasses, and a bit of nostalgia and emotion flashed in his eyes.

The last time I fought against Xiaozhi was the last time.

At that time in the Orange Islands, Xiaozhi was just a fledgling at that time, but he met his own white sea lion and was ruthlessly defeated by himself
Of course, Xiaozhi's inexplicable explosion in the back, and even defeating himself should have nothing to do with Xiaozhi in front of him, right?
"Now, the ending is completely different!"

Xiaozhi just let out a low drink, full of enthusiasm and high spirits.

Although it's only 4v4, it seems like the battle will continue for several days. It's officially started!

(End of this chapter)

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