He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2273 The ultimate fire-breathing dragon, the power of the sun!

Chapter 2273 The ultimate fire-breathing dragon, the power of the sun!
In the explosion smoke and dust, there was a shocking chill in an instant!
Biting cold, frozen into the bone marrow!

The sound of rapid freezing spread followed, and the smoke and dust that hadn't dissipated were instantly frozen into forked ice mist.

The trail of climbing the waterfall below has not completely disappeared, and the cold air spreads rapidly downward, freezing into an exaggerated long bridge of ice and snow, connecting the sky and the earth.
And the fire-breathing dragon Y was less than three meters away from the center of the explosion, just about to spread its wings and dodge.

The bone-chilling chill had already struck, and the white mist visible to the naked eye engulfed the fire-breathing dragon in an instant.

In the next blink of an eye, the original orange-red fire-breathing dragon was frozen in mid-air into an ice-blue dragon-shaped ice sculpture.

Inside the hard and thick ice shell, Charizard Y's expression was even a little dull, as if he hadn't reacted at all!
All these things happened within a few seconds. Before many spectators could react, the situation on the field had already been turned upside down.

But anyone felt the piercing chill, as if their souls were frozen, making their teeth clenched.
"Have you used it again? The ultimate power?!"

On a certain stand, the unanimous champion Adek stood up involuntarily, feeling the tyrannical absolute zero.

Well, this time he confirmed it.

Even Vulcan Moth, who was described as the incarnation of the sun in his illustration book, couldn't stop it!
In another spectator seat, Ma Shide couldn't help but become a little short of breath, watching everything on the field with a smile in his eyes.

"This little girl gave me the urge to explode my clothes~"

However, it seems that on the other side, his impulse to burst clothes is stronger.?

In mid-air, the ice layer on the surface of the fire-breathing dragon suddenly began to shatter, and it exploded completely in a short while into countless ice chips, all of which fell from the air.

The fire-breathing dragon Y once again regained its freedom, its wide wings flapped gently, and its eyes were like torches.

"how is this possible?!"

Seeing this, Kona looked stunned.

No, the absolute zero of her Chenglong attack is no longer a normal one-hit kill move!
It has nothing to do with the level of the enemy and the enemy, and it has nothing to do with the hit rate.
At such a close distance, even if the fast dragon that crossed was here, it would be frozen into quick-frozen dumplings on the spot, so it can't be fought? !

How could the fire-breathing dragon in front of me block it? !
Taking a closer look, he saw that the orange-red skin of the fire-breathing dragon Y was still shining with a golden-white luster, as if...
Just like the sun in the sky! ?

Another sun god this time? !

And after Chenglong hit the ultimate blow, the physical strength consumed was also huge.

The figure landed on the top of the frozen ice bridge on the waterfall climbing track, a full dozen meters above the ground, almost at eye level with the fire-breathing dragon.

"Are you all right, Charizard~?"

Xiao Zhi waved his hands in the air and asked, but judging from his expression, it seemed that he had expected it.

The ultimate ice and snow power, the absolute zero degree displayed is really powerful.
But this is his general Charizard!

"Miss Kona, you have the ultimate power, don't I?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly smiled and said with a bold and confident expression.

In the past, he could only stand behind Brother Chi, admiring the gaudy ultimate power among these top powerhouses like a newcomer.

Until now, it was finally his turn to speak so firmly.

"Then let them see it, Charizard!!"


Following Xiaozhi's loud roar, the fire-breathing dragon Y in mid-air also let out a dragon roar, shaking the sky!

The golden-white light constantly shining on the surface of the skin also made the fire-breathing dragon seem to have acquired the bonus of fierce fire characteristics, and its momentum continued to rise.
The ultimate path of each Pokémon is different, but basically it is to find a path that is similar to its own strength.

For example, Kola's Chenglong uses his signature stunt, Absolute Zero, as a breakthrough.

For example, Ma Shide's martial arts bear division, the exclusive move after super giant - super giant fatal blow as the direction of choice.

And since the fire-breathing dragon had a sunny day when it evolved into mega and could summon the scorching sun, Xiao Zhi simply put the ultimate direction on the sun.

Climb the fire-breathing dragon's flame power to the extreme with the help of the sun!

This point is somewhat similar to the hidden characteristic of the fire-breathing dragon - the power of the sun.

Of course, this is just the extreme power of the charizard in Y form
"Charizard, use the explosive flames!!"

The ultimate move of Yusanjia is ready to go!
I saw the fire-breathing dragon's whole body glowing with golden-white light, and its body seemed a little dazzling for a moment, and the flame power that was so hot that it could melt everything gradually came out of its body and condensed in the air.


The fire-breathing dragon roared again and again, raising its hands above its head.

And this explosive flame fused with the power of the sun formed a huge golden-white energy fireball, which was seven or eight meters wide.

In contrast, the figure of the fire-breathing dragon holding the fireball below suddenly looks a little pocket-sized.

This scene also made the entire audience look pale.

It's like a fire-breathing dragon at this moment, raising a huge sun with bare hands!


The huge black shadow formed by the exploding flame light ball just covered Kona's face below, and her expression changed suddenly.

You seem a little outrageous, right? !
But the fire-breathing dragon didn't care so much. It exerted strength with its arms, let out an excited roar, and threw the Gaia energy cannon down violently!

Seen from a distance, the huge golden and white ball of light does not seem to be descending very quickly, and it is even a little cumbersome and slow.


However, only Chenglong at close range can feel the oppressive feeling of this rapidly approaching golden and white light ball at this moment.

"It's not over yet, Chenglong, absolute zero!!"

Kona gritted his teeth, unable to hide, so he could only bite the bullet and fight back.

Chenglong stands on the ice bridge, it is also an extremely proud Pokémon, its eyes are fixed.

It's gaudy. Everyone is extreme, so why would it lose? !

"Wood drink.!"

I saw Chenglong let out a low cry, and the bone-chilling cold air spread out from its body desperately, and even condensed into a materialized blue-white electric current, attacking against the falling huge fireball!

Ice and fire, diametrically opposite moves, finally collided!


The absolute zero icy light attached to it in an instant, freezing the golden-white fireball in an instant.

Even the flames are frozen for you, which shows that the ultimate power of this dragon ride is also extremely exaggerated.


It's just that it didn't last long, the ice layer cracked, and it was only the flames that froze the surface.

And the internal flame offensive was unstoppable, and it finally landed on Chenglong's face. In an instant, the sky fell apart, and Nuo Da's flame exploded into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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