He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2274 Two extremes?Why not three?

Chapter 2274 Two extremes?Why not three?

It turns out.

No matter where it is, the absolute freezer is no match for the Gaia energy cannon.

The golden-white flame energy ball blasted down, shattering all the cold air exhaled by Chenglong.

As the fire-breathing dragon completed all the throwing movements of its claws, the huge fireball was completely covered, and the exaggerated weight even made the dragon's head tilt violently.

The entire figure was also engulfed by the golden-white fireball, and the ice bridge under him shattered and fell to the ground together!
Boom! !

An unprecedented huge explosion rose in the center of the World Championships venue, half of the venue instantly shattered, and an exaggerated flame exploded like a volcanic eruption!

The violent vibration even spread to the viewing seats on the edge, causing many spectators to change their faces suddenly, and they could only support their seats with their palms.

Kona, who was the closest, had to retreat again and again, so as not to be affected by the aftermath.


It's just that the hot wind blowing towards her face made her cheeks feel a little hot, and she felt like she was in cardiac arrest.

Your own Chenglong won't melt, right?
"Uh, is this already a battle of this level?"

The united champion Adek stood far away, rubbing his head in amazement.

Unexpectedly, Xiaozhi's strength has reached such a level.
This world is really a stage for young people.

It seems that I need to find a time to discuss with the Galar Alliance to see if I can get the technical support of the famous spectator seat protection force field there.

In general league conferences, the intensity of collisions between players rarely reaches such a level.

Even if it is a confrontation between the kings of the alliance, it is difficult to affect the spectator seats.

However, if the level of extreme strength on both sides is not effectively protected by the protective force field, the entire world championship venue and even passers-by will be affected.

Far away.

Adek quickly fixed his eyes on the center of the arena. Now, the winner is completely determined, right?


Next to him, there was a short Alice, who was also watching with wide eyes.

She kind of wants to take back what she said before asking Adek to practice her words
Well, it's better to just ask Xiaozhi to exercise!

Under the uproar around the venue, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated in the center of the arena.

The first thing to bear the brunt was that most of the ground of the arena was destroyed and plowed, and the ground was cut off by half a meter.

In the rubble pit of the ruins, Chenglong had already collapsed there.


His body was covered with scorched black scars, his long neck was lying on the ground, his eyes were spinning, and he completely lost consciousness.


The fire-breathing dragon on the other side was also uncomfortable. The huge consumption made it difficult for it to continue flying, and it landed slowly from midair, panting continuously.

However, the final outcome of this game has already come to an end.

"The winner is already divided! Chenglong loses his ability to fight!"

"Because Kona player lost all four Pokémon, this semi-final will be advanced by Xiaozhi player from the Kanto region!"

The referee, Don George, said loudly immediately, while still wiping the sweat from his forehead.

These days, it's not easy to be a referee, and he was almost affected by the "sun" that fell from the sky.

"It turned out to be Xiaozhi who won? What is his background?"

"This person seems to be, only 13 years old?"

"Overwhelming victory, player Xiaozhi still has three Pokémon to fight."

"And that fire-breathing dragon, what kind of power is that!?"

There was a lot of noise around the venue, especially when many people were instantly attracted by the fire-breathing dragon.

What Goba Vulcan Moth, this is the Sun God!

"Damn it, yesterday I won a Squirrel at the Kanto celebration. I don't know if I can replace it with Charmander now."

"Kanto celebration? Damn, I missed it!"

"Don't worry, it seems that it is still held these days?"

"Hey, I just drew a little charmander yesterday, so I threw the Yusanjia fried pork that I just got into the computer box~"

The Kanto Celebration, which is held concurrently during the Fanba World Championships, aims to promote the customs and customs of the Kanto region, as well as humanistic Pokémon. During the period, there will also be an activity for lucky viewers to draw the Kanto Imperial Household.

Who wouldn't want to get a handsome charizard!

It looks more reliable than Hezhong Yusanjia!
Naturally, Xiaozhi couldn't hear the discussions around him. He managed to win the victory, but he let out a foul breath.

Although winning was very beautiful, it has to be said that Kona gave him a very strong sense of oppression.

"Nice job, Charizard~!"

Xiaozhi ran up impromptuly, and hugged the fire-breathing dragon's back.

It is rare to fight side by side again, they are still the strongest partners!

The fire-breathing dragon also let out a low growl with high morale, and spewed flames into the sky. It has been boring to make children with other fire-breathing dragons in the valley of the fire-breathing dragon.

It's also quite interesting to come out and do some dragons outside.

The light on its body dissipated, and the charizard then withdrew from the mega evolutionary posture, and the silver protective gear inlaid with two mega stones appeared again on the neck.

The orange-yellow pattern represents the mega charizard Y that can display the characteristic of sunshine.

The mega stone with a dark blue pattern naturally represents the X-form of the fire-breathing dragon that can display powerful dragon claws and obtain dragon attributes.

This game did not show it.

"Xiaozhi, you won beautifully, but I'm convinced when I lose."

On the other side, Kona had already retracted his Chenglong and walked up with a smile.

Completely ending the battle also made her feel a lot more comfortable.

When Xiaozhi faces her, he will feel a sense of oppression.
Similarly, facing Xiao Zhi, the strongest newcomer, Kona felt a strong sense of oppression!
When approaching, Kona's eyes could not help but fall on the mega stone armor on the neck of the fire-breathing dragon.

The symmetrical arrangement of two mega stones means that there are two mega evolutions.

"Your fire-breathing dragon, the X form doesn't have other powers, does it?"

Kona suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help being surprised.

A Pokémon possesses two kinds of extreme power, and she has only seen it in Du there.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly smiled, showing a mysterious and proud expression:
"Two? Why can't it be three.?"

These words made Kona's complexion change again, subconsciously watching Xiaozhi's young face closely, completely unable to figure out whether the young man was serious or just joking.

If you're serious, it's amazing.
Having said that, my side was defeated in the semi-finals.

I don't know if Du successfully won the championship in the Galar World Championships on the other side.
It stands to reason that over there, the strongest champion who was forced to create a god and was pushed out should not be Du's opponent, right?

(End of this chapter)

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