He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2275 Alola region, the real sun god?

Chapter 2275 Alola region, the real sun god?

The semi-finals have come to an end, and then the entire World Championships will only be the final.

Xiaozhi vs. Mashid!
The time will be two days later!

"Come on, Xiaozhi, next you will represent our Kanto region."

When the two left side by side, Kona finally returned to the identity of Xiaozhi's relatives and friends, and encouraged:

"If it were you, you might not be able to defeat that old senior!"

Xiaozhi, who has mastered the ultimate power, can already fight head-on with the peak powerhouses from all over the world.

Compared with these monsters, the strength of the degraded champion Adek, or the master Mikri who is distracted from the gorgeous competition field, is still much weaker.
And Ash's Pikachu hasn't appeared yet.

Kona remembers that this electric mouse is Ash's initial Pokémon, right?
Perhaps, stronger than a fire-breathing dragon?
Xiaozhi nodded, and couldn't help looking at his clenched fists, his eyes were so fiery that his chest seemed to be on fire.

"Well, the only thing left is to go all out!"


Pikachu on his shoulders couldn't help but look bright, his ears trembled, and he yelled crisply.

In the semi-finals, Iron Moth and Charizard shined.
Then in the finals, it's the turn of the ace general to take the stage!

Especially for the combo-flowing, water-attribute martial arts bear master, Pikachu has long wanted to give it an electrotherapy.

It wasn't just Xiaozhi who was looking forward to the final day.

Even Ma Shide, who is somewhere in the spectator seats, is quite old, watching the back of Xiaozhi leaving the field from a distance, he can't help but get excited.

The drooping eyebrows are raised, and the spirit seems to be several years younger all of a sudden, subconsciously posing a golden rooster independent martial arts posture.

"This young man is even more amazing than that boy, Emperor Dan. This time, he should make the old man explode!"

The semi-finals ended completely, and the venue became much quieter.

Instead, near the World Championships venue, the streets and alleys, vendors and tourists, are extremely lively.

Although the Hezhong World Championships are not as fancy as the Galar World Championships in the early and mid-term.

After all, the basic manpower over there is extremely large, and the main focus is the cool and explosive scenes.

But in the later stage, in the Hezhong area, the ultimate force came out.

Experts look at the doorway, but laymen can't understand it, but anyone can feel the magnificent and exaggerated momentum.

During this time, Xiaozhi's name spread throughout the Hezhong area.

Now it is not only famous in the Kanto area.
Even in the Hezhong region, many people knew about Xiaozhi, a super rookie from the Kanto region.

This also allowed Douzi, who entered the venue ahead of schedule, to easily harvest a large amount of traffic and earn a lot of money by relying on Xiaozhi's exclusive news.

Bet right!

Now when Douzi goes out, he looks up to the sky and laughs all the way, very disrespectful.


Faced with this money fanatic, or to put it more pleasantly - a career madman, Xiaozhi and the others could only pretend that they didn't know each other, and they were several meters away from each other when they went out.

"Hey, what about Mingyi? Are you looking for Miss Pansy again?"

On a rare rest day, Xiaozhi also came to the streets of Fanba City, wanting to relax.

Next, in the face of the mighty Ma Shide, blindly cramming for the time being, it doesn't make much sense.

But Ming Yi, who has always been walking by her side, doesn't know where she went today.

She seems to be very respectful of the popular fashion culture in the Carlos area, and often goes to the Pansy and Violet sisters to communicate.

Maybe Mingyi will also travel to the Carlos area next?
Well, why did I say "also"?
"Hey, the Kanto Festival, is it really full of people?"

Wandering casually, Xiaozhi came to a familiar street corner with a huge Kanto celebration banner hanging above it.

The last time I came here, the front of the stage was not particularly crowded, and I could still get to the front row after a squeeze.

But now, in front of them was a mass of black heads, with a total of more than a dozen rows of people, and it was hard to see even the corners of the stage.
Obviously, they are all here to try to get Charmander.

At this moment, there is a small and cute little charmander on the stage, and the stars are holding the moon, gradually lost in the enthusiasm of the surrounding audience.


As if drunk, this little Charmander's steps were a little disordered, but his expression was very proud, with his hips akimbo, apparently enjoying himself very much.

"Jenny Jenny."


This made Squirrel Turtle and Garlic Bumblebee, who had been ignored all the time, grieve with hatred, but showed envious expressions.

Why don't our Jenny Turtle (Miao Frog Seed) clan have the power to carry the banner? !

Xiaozhi could only laugh dryly at this, and stood behind the crowd, showing an apologetic look to the two Yusanjia Kongkongs.

Even if a Water Arrow Turtle or Frog Flower is brought in now to complete the cool mega evolution and show the ultimate power, others still don't buy it.

There is no way, the people will follow the Sun God's tricks.

"By the way, I wonder if there is a real sun god in this world?"

After leaving the Kanto Festival, Xiaozhi suddenly had a strange idea while walking on the street.

After all, Vulcan Moth is just the product of "forcibly creating gods" by the ancient people, and it is not a legendary Pokémon in essence.

It can lay eggs casually, the kind that lays several burning worms in one nest.

Maybe somewhere in this world, the legendary Pokémon really exists, maybe the sun god who really symbolizes the sun?

".Well, it seems that there really are?"

Beside him, listening to Xiaozhi's muttering, Akromar stroked his chin and couldn't help saying slowly:
"When I was doing research in the Alola region, I seem to have heard that there is a sun god worship there, and it doesn't seem like a forced god like Vulcan Moth is a true legend-level ancient god?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes beamed with joy, is there really such a thing?

He secretly memorized the name of the Alola region, and he can go there for a stroll in the future.

"By the way, Mr. Akromar, aren't you a native of Hezhong?"

Nothing to do, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

Speaking of which, he has never really understood Akromar's past.

Apart from knowing that it was a scientific research genius invited by the plasma team, I hadn't heard much about his previous resume.

"Well~ I used to work in the Alola region~"

Akromar smiled, put his palms in his coat pockets, and said cheerfully:
"Don't look at the Alola region as if it is very backward and primitive, but the tourism industry is developed. But there is an organization called the Ethereum Foundation, and the level of technology in it has benefited me a lot."

Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly when he heard it. It seems that the former Mr. Akromar also had an extraordinary deed.
(End of this chapter)

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