He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2366 Officially ended, clean up the mess

"Damn it, even a nerd wants to play tricks with me.!!"

Queches was so angry that he was about to slam his fist into Akromar's face.

But Akromar looked unharmed, just watching cheerfully.


Because Hansen had been standing by the side all the time, Hansen's bad frog moved faster, and its poison attack moves were already condensed, stabbing towards Queches' abdomen!

However, the next moment, the bad frog's arm was suddenly held down by a fox paw.

Queches subconsciously turned his head, but saw that N had come to his side at some point, and it was naturally his Zoroark who blocked him.

"Enough is enough, father. Your sins are enough, stop."

Even now, N is still willing to call him his father.

Unexpectedly, this title seemed to detonate a gunpowder keg, and it made Queches fly into a rage.

"A monster like you deserves to call me father!! Get rid of the beast, do I need your help? White-eyed wolf, the bastard who betrayed the plasma team!!"

Kuiqisi seemed to have found an outlet, and kept sternly insulting him.

N just listened calmly to this, and there was not much annoyance and sullenness in his expression, but there was a little more pity and sadness in the eyes that looked at Quecchis again.

In the past, how much he admired the man in front of him.
So, N signaled Zoroark to take back his palm.

In the next moment, the unstoppable bad frog was finally able to completely penetrate his arm, and the purple light of venom condensed on his fingertips has not dissipated yet.

Queches: "?"


The poisonous blow hit Queches hard in the abdomen, and the latter's body suddenly convulsed, and then he fell to the ground straight like a zombie, foaming at the mouth, and completely lost consciousness.


Bad Frog calmly picked up one of Kuiqisi's lower limbs, and was about to drag it away.

On the other hand, N looked at his father who had been dragged away calmly, and finally heaved a long sigh.

Now, he and Quecchis, the grievances of the plasma team.It can be regarded as completely over.

"Every year in the future, I will go inside to see you."

"Reform it well, father!"

N straightened his face and nodded towards Heici.

And Heici looked at the few people in front of him, some of them didn't know how to deal with it.

Although these few are more or less connected with the plasma team, it is 100% or more.

One is the former King of Team Plasma and the other is the former.

But in the end, Kuroji shrugged and did not intend to deal with the two of them.

One is the partner of the ancient god Zekrom, and the invention of the other is enough to affect the stability of the entire region.
Forget it, let's not see it.

N can also get in touch with him more afterwards, and he seems to be a very righteous trainer.

As for Akromar and others, please ask Xiao Zhi to take care of it, so that this inventive ghost won't cause any trouble in the future.

Even if things are completely over.

"Then we shall take our leave. We have reports to be written by the International Patrol."

Afterwards, Heici and Hansen took the lead in bidding farewell, and prepared to take Quecchis back to the International Patrol Headquarters.

For such a big incident, it may take some time to report it to the higher authorities.

As for this frozen area.
Since the local area is sparsely populated, it will not affect human production and life much, but it will have a great impact on the local wild Pokémon.

"Leave it to me, I will let Reshiram take a few laps here later."

Xiaozhi patted his chest and said, with the help of Reshiram's warm flame, it won't be a big problem if it thaws.

After seeing off the two international patrolmen, N also planned to leave.

"Next, I plan to clean up the mess left by my father."

N said in a gentle tone.

How to deal with a large wave of remnants of the plasma team and how to re-employ good gangsters is also a big problem.

N wants to take responsibility for these poor souls brainwashed by Quecchis.


The mother Zoroark also bid farewell to Xiaozhi, and before leaving, she wanted to meet Xiaozhi's Xitri Zoroark.

I wonder what that cute little fox looks like now?
"Eh, I didn't bring it with me, I'll see you next time."

Xiaozhi scratched his head, and replied somewhat unnaturally.

Uh, I've grown into a rebellious purple-haired killer. It's better not to look good, you may break the defense.

After sending away a few people, there are only our own people left here.

Douzi is taking Mingyi to wander around, especially the plasma destroyer on the shore that has been frozen into an ice sculpture, which looks particularly magnificent.

Wei Ao, who was frozen into an ice sculpture at the highest point, is still fixed there.
"Unfortunately, I missed it completely."

"It must have been a big battle!"

Both girls sighed with regret.

There are still some scattered Plasma soldiers scattered on the 17th waterway, but most of them fled like birds and beasts.

The entire plasma team, this time, was really completely wiped out.

"By the way, the dark trio...?"

Xiaozhi suddenly turned his head to look at the direction where the three ninjas fell to the ground, but the figures had long since disappeared.

"Forget it, forget it."

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi shrugged and didn't pay much attention to it.

In the final analysis, he was just a poor person who was brainwashed by Quecchis.

As long as Quecchis is firmly under control, the dark trio will naturally no longer be a threat.

Maybe in the future, where will he meet these ninjas?

In the distance, Keldeo even carried Jie Luo, one of the Seven Sages who was seriously injured and paralyzed, on his back, and threw him heavily in front of Xiaozhi as a gesture of merit.

Jello just woke up, and passed out again from the pain.

"Um, what this person said"

Xiao Zhi secretly troubled him, he was so ruthless, he was beaten to the point of breaking his arms and legs, wouldn't he have to send himself to the hospital?

The eldest brother of the Three Holy Swords, Gopalu Weng, walked over with a majestic expression, indicating that this human being can be handed over to them to take care of.

The left and right are followed by Terakion and Billizion in turn, with awe-inspiring momentum.


Keldeo jumped up and down, wagging his tail, enthusiastically introducing his three masters to Xiaozhi and his party.

"Oh, hello, three masters.!"

Xiaozhi quickly nodded his head, counting the relationship, the Three Holy Swords can be regarded as his elders.


Gopalu Weng nodded slightly to Xiaozhi, while the green Biligion showed the eyes of a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, obviously very satisfied with Xiaozhi as a trainer.

With Xiaozhi as Keldeo's human partner, they feel at ease.


The rough-tempered Terakion even took a few steps closer, arching his bull-like head towards Xiaozhi, and his attitude was even more friendly.

This human body feels stronger than me.
It even wants to be a partner with Xiaozhi!

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