He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2367 Leading to the reverse world!

Not only the Three Holy Swords, but also the Three Cloud Gods floated over slowly.


As the eldest brother, Tu Tuyun is currently grabbing the ears of Tornado Yun and Lei Dianyun, and the latter is reluctantly bowing and apologizing to Xiaozhi and the others.

Di Yun was also very helpless about this, with his hands crossed over his chest, his face full of exhaustion.

Tu Diyun is still very righteous.

It's just that his two little brothers like to cause damage too much, and they can't stop the driver when they see the farmland. It's too easy for people to catch their flaws and catch them all in one go.

If only there were a place with wide fields and few wicked people.

Tu Tuyun planned to find a new home for these two idiots, so that he would not be involved again when the time came.

"I know a place!"

At this time, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly spoke.

Reverse the world!
Inverting the world is endless, and there are no outsiders, it can be used as the migratory place of the three cloud gods!

It is also time to open a door to the reverse world in the Hezhong area.

"Reverse the world?"

The three of Akromar were listening in a daze, asking what kind of place this is.

Judging from Xiaozhi's tone, it seems that he is nearby and can arrive at any time?
"In short, find a suitable place first"

Xiaozhi looked around, the location of the gate still needs to be hidden.

As he spoke, he jumped on Genesect's back and flew towards the deserted island where Kyurem fell before.

At this moment, the island was still bitingly cold, the ground was covered with solid ice, and the air was filled with icy mist and white air.


Kyurem, on the other hand, was still lying in the ruins of the previous battle.

Wherever you fall, you simply sleep there.

"It's just right here!"

There is also a natural cave on this deserted island, which can be used as a hidden entrance to the reverse world.

"Next, please, Diablo Rogia!!"

Xiaozhi held the silver feather pendant around his neck and began to call out in his heart.

Akroma and the others were a step behind, and they also stood in front of this cave and looked around, watching Xiaozhi's action of closing his eyes and meditating indistinctly.


Gobalion and the other two holy sword Pokémon looked at each other, wondering if there is any place here?

You can go for a stroll. They have been patrolling the Hezhong area for so many years, picking up the strong and helping the weak. It's time to change places.

After about a few minutes, in the calm air around, suddenly there was an inexplicable roar of a dragon?

It seems to be an ethereal sound coming from another world, the sound is like a bird or a dragon, and it is slightly sharp.


The next moment, at the entrance of the cave, there were three more claw marks in the air for no reason.

The purple-black claw marks tore apart the air and opened a mouth, and gradually evolved into a space cave with a width of more than one meter.

With the space crack fully opened, a desolate and dilapidated atmosphere came out, and everyone couldn't help but feel their hearts tighten.

This is an extremely ominous atmosphere
It seems that the other side of the crack is a broken and broken world, which is not a place for living organisms to set foot at all.

"What the hell is this place?"

Mingyi and Douzi were taken aback. It really seemed like a "ghost" place!

At this time, a black and blue Rogia suddenly flew out of it, its wings like a giant hand were fully spread out, and the lightning-like eye patches on its belly and eyes were pale.

A pair of blood-red eyes are extraordinarily bright even in the daytime, as they spread their wings, their whole body exudes a majestic but extremely treacherous aura.

"It's Sea God, Rogia?"

"Why is it black?"

Akroma and the others, including the three holy swords and the three cloud gods, all looked horrified and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Especially the latter six second-level gods, they all felt the oppression of a class beyond their own from Rogia.

It is a true ancient god level existence! ?
The white dragon Reshiram did not return to the Bright Stone, but was also watching.


The moment he saw the appearance of Diablo Rogia, he couldn't help but feel imposing, and the engine at the rear turned, faintly stained with crimson flames.

In this dark Rogia, he felt an aura that was not lost to him at all!

However, Diablo Rogia's fierce appearance only lasted for a short time. After finding the target, he swooped down from the sky.

The next moment, Xiaozhi's figure had completely pressed Xiaozhi under him, and his bent head kept rubbing against Xiaozhi's cheek, very intimately.

"Hahaha, you've grown bigger again, little Rogia~"

Xiaozhi was pressed down, and he could barely reach out to hug the latter's head, and Rogia's tongue licked his cheek wet.

Now the size of Diablo Rogia has reached three meters, which can be regarded as just stepping into the size class of the ancient gods, far bigger than ordinary Pokémon.

"Is it Xiaozhi's Pokémon? It turns out that this is not the first time Xiaozhi has subdued an ancient god?"

"Dark Rogia is still a special form."

Mingyi was already very surprised, and Xiaozhi's past experience must be quite exciting.

Seeing the familiarity of the two, Reshiram also withdrew his hostility.

And this Rogia is dark and not slick, and has a sinister aura. However, the childish aura on his body is also quite strong, not like those traditional ancient gods who have lived for an unknown number of years.

"Xie Mi~!" "Xie Mi~!" "Xie Mi~!"

Not only the dark Rogia, but also several sky-shaped Xie Mi flew out of the cracks in time and space, with small wing-like ears waving, and their lower limbs running and hovering in the air like walking on the ground.

At this time, one of Xie Mi's Gracitia pollen suddenly ran out, its figure flickered in the air, and it turned back into a chubby grass hedgehog, and fell from the air without the ability to fly.


Mingyi quickly reached out to catch this naughty Xie Mi firmly.

Immediately afterwards, several Xie Mi also changed back to the grass hedgehog in the land form, and fell on the surrounding ground.

After shaking his head, he looked around curiously.

"so cute!!"

Xie Mi, who looks like a grass hedgehog, has a very high face value, immediately making Mingyi and Douzi two excited, holding several in their hands, rubbing their cheeks vigorously!

"Xie Mi, are you in good condition?"

Reluctantly getting out of Lugia, Xiaozhi nodded in satisfaction seeing the spirit of these Xiemi.

It seems that the Gracidia flower garden in the reverse world should be well maintained.

"It's time for Land Cloud, this is the place I recommend to you! A vast and endless place where you can step on and play with your brothers!"

Xiaozhi stretched out his finger to the space-time crack, and said in a deep voice:

"Its name is Reverse World!"

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