He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2370 Reshiram can also transform independently?

Chapter 2370 Reshiram can also transform independently?

After completing the transformation of Yanbai Kyurem, the holes between the latter's wings gushed out flames, and the dragon's figure flew into the air.

Immediately, a layer of energy spheres condensed around Yanbai Kyurem's body, and countless strands of curved flame whips ignited on the surface, whipping and extending towards the surroundings.


It's just that when the flame touched the entity on the ground, there was no sign of burning, but layers of solid ice froze on the spot.

Extremely cold flame!

This is the exclusive move of Yanbai Kyurem. It also has the appearance of flames, but it is the energy of ice attribute.

The moves of completely opposite elements are fused together, which has a strong look and feel!
"I see."


Xiaozhi and Pikachu nodded again and again, is this the so-called power of flame white?
At the same time, he was also trying to perceive the existence of Reshiram.

Now he can more or less understand the mood of N before, and the breath of Reshiram can hardly be felt in Yanbai Kyurem, no wonder Mr. Pulled from Dark Kyurem.

And Yanbai Kyurem hovered in the air for five or six minutes, and after firing a few more shots of extremely cold flames to vent new power wantonly, he fell back in front of Xiaozhi contentedly.


The whole body is split from the middle again, turning into the double dragon posture of Kyurem and Reshiram.

In the middle of the twin dragons, the Gene Wedge reappeared, flew towards Xiao Zhi's direction, recombined with the yellow diamond in his hand, and formed a complete Gene Wedge.

"It's okay, Reshiram.!!"

Xiaozhi was relieved to see Rashiram come out again, brother Chi's Kyurem still kept his word.


It's just that Reshiram seemed to have exhausted most of his stamina, lying on the ground panting continuously.

His face was also full of panic and fear, his eyes were empty, like Xanadu who had just been violated.

After merging, Kyurem is naturally leading the consciousness, and Reshiram himself has nothing to do with this process, only a sense of powerless shame being stuffed.

Reshiram shuddered violently, and would never engage in any kind of combination in the future!


On the contrary, Kyurem's expression was full of enjoyment and complacency, and white mist even rose from his body because he was too comfortable.

It's almost a flower in the corner of the mouth.

Now, his black dragon and white dragon genes are all together!
Next, you only need to hone these two powers well and integrate them well. In the future, you can switch the combat mode between Dark Kyurem and Flame White Kyurem as you like, and you will be invincible!
Thinking of this, Kyurem's mood improved a lot, and he raised his head and called out to Xiaozhi.

"From now on, I will live here~"

As he said that, he walked slowly towards the depths of the cave on this deserted island with high-spirited steps, and with every step trampled on, the surrounding cold air became more and more intense.

It is estimated that in a short time, this uninhabited cave will become a natural big ice cave like the giant cave in the north of Hezhong!
Seeing this, Xiaozhi nodded happily.

That's right, now that the gate of the reverse world has been established, it can be regarded as having the strongest gatekeeper!

"By the way, if you see that guy Chi in the future, tell him I'm here~"

Listening to Kyurem's last telepathy, the figure of the ice and snow dragon gradually disappeared into the depths of the cave, and Xiao Zhi secretly remembered it.

It's just that the current him doesn't know where Brother Chi has gone.
Kyurem had already left, and seeing Reshiram lying on the ground to buffer his aftertaste, Xiaozhi hurried forward to comfort him.

Not to mention, after being made such a fuss by Kyurem, the bond between the two of them has begun to improve, and they have become acquainted with each other a lot.

But now the most important thing is
"How about it, Kyurem's power, how do you feel?"

Xiaozhi quickly asked, what Kyurem said before, complementing the gene or something, both parties will benefit.


Reshiram was stunned, and finally stood up again, forcibly forgetting the discomfort just now, and felt his whole body.

As for what new powers you have acquired?
Doesn't seem to have any special feeling?

Especially like Kyurem, who can directly transform into Dark Kyurem independently, he has no clue.

But the corner of the mouth is indeed a bit chilly.

Thinking of this, Reshiram suddenly opened his mouth, and actually condensed and sprayed out an ice-blue electric snake laser, bursting down on the ground, freezing instantly to form an ice sculpture two to three meters high!
"This is, frozen light?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, Reshiram probably wouldn't use this move before, right? !
It seems that although Kyurem cannot directly transform independently like Kyurem, he should still have more or less mastered the ability of ice attributes.

Kyurem is not completely fooling.

If the progress is slower, it will be slower. Maybe the future Reshiram can also complete the form change independently? !


Reshiram exhaled a mouthful of smoke and cold air, with a helpless expression, but this can be regarded as gaining some new things, right?
"By the way, we still have the Gene Wedge! Let's go to Mr. N's Zekrom to try again, maybe you can also fuse, and then you can put Zekrom under it!"

Xiaozhi held the gene wedge tightly in his hand, and boldly guessed.

I always feel that the three dragons of the Hezhong have a deep connection with each other.

Maybe. The three-headed dragons can even fuse together at the same time?
Kyurem is the torso, then the power of darkness on the left, and the power of flame white on the right! ?
It's a pity that he only has a gene wedge in his hand, so he can't do the experiment.

Otherwise, sitting on two gene wedges at the same time, you might really be able to accomplish the feat of combining three dragons at the same time!


However, Reshiram just shuddered, and he never wanted to have any contact with Kyurem again in his life.


His figure turned into a crimson arc, and Reshiram had already flown into the Bright Stone to rest and sleep.

Mingyi and his group came out of the reverse world a little later, and did not see the heroic figure of Yanbai Kyurem.


As soon as they came out, they felt an inexplicable chill. The three of them hugged their shoulders and breathed out white mist.
Why is it getting colder here?

And in the cold, there is a strange heat, that kind of hot and cold feeling.?!
The incident between Team Plasma and Kyurem came to an end, and Xiaozhi and his party officially set off, leaving the area of ​​the No. 17 waterway.

Everyone returned to Raven City again
This is the headquarters of the fighting company. Similarly, the secret research institute of the plasma team is also set up here, waiting for Akromar to check it out.

Hot and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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