He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2371 The journey of Hezhong is coming to an end?

Chapter 2371 The journey of Hezhong is coming to an end?
Xiaozhi and the others have been back to Raven City for a few days.

These days, the entire Hezhong area has also undergone tremendous changes.

The limelight of the World Championships was completely taken away by the frozen Ssangyong City and the large-scale freezing phenomenon in the southern sea area.

The climate and environment of most places in the Hezhong area have also changed to a certain extent.
But the problem is not big, as the ice and snow melt, everything will gradually return to normal.

The culprit of all incidents—Quiqisi was imprisoned in the prison of the international patrol police and sentenced to life imprisonment and permanent imprisonment.

It is said that even a hairball cannot fly out of the prison where they are held, so it is extremely safe.

Unless it is a special level of prison robbery from another world, it is possible to succeed in attracting people.

As for the remaining Plasma remnants.
As the successor of Quecchi, N is actively involved in it, trying to help these people who have been brainwashed by Quecchi find employment and live a good life.

Rhodes, one of the Seven Sages, and Mingyi's mother set up rescue stations in various places to take good care of the Pokémon who were persecuted by the plasma team.

As for Akroma
With a wave of his hand, he directly took away a large amount of scientific research resources left by the plasma team, and put them all into his own pocket.

This large organization that had been showing off its power for decades on the Hezhong Continent was completely destroyed and ceased to exist.

Therefore, Akromar has been very busy these days, checking and confiscating the scientific research assets of the plasma team.

And Douzi is also very busy. She has too much big news in her hands now, and she is almost vomiting blood, writing manuscripts in the dark.

This made Xiaozhi and Mingyi redundant, a little idle.

It happened that, taking advantage of this time, Xiaozhi wanted to go to places that Hezhong had not yet reached.

As for Mingyi, a collection maniac, there are several cities that have not arrived to check in.

The two hit it off, formed a temporary team, and started traveling around.
Of course, the trip this time was quite a bit rushed, and they used Genesect's flying technique to arrive at their destination on time.

"Leaving for Genesect, the first stop is Gome Town!"

Standing on Genesect's back, Xiao Zhi gave a low voice, ready to start the car.

Mingyi also stood on Genesect's back, and the two of them riding together seemed a bit cramped, but this time Mingyi naturally held Xiaozhi's waist.


The next moment, the two of them turned into a crimson streamer and flew towards the northeast of Hezhong.

Looking at the boys who were almost standing together in front of her, Mingyi couldn't help but blushed, so she quietly moved closer.

The hasty journey also made her faintly aware of a fact.
This trip to Hezhong is coming to an end soon.

This made Mingyi cherish the last days of the journey even more.

Kagome Town, this is a rather old town, the gray-white rock houses are built very high, and the city walls are built around the town, as if to guard against something.

Here, the townspeople hardly leave their houses at dusk, and basically stay indoors.

Because according to the ancient local legend, whenever night falls, there will be monsters eating people, accompanied by the cold wind, catching humans and Pokémon and eating them.

It was already late at this moment, the street was empty, only Xiaozhi and Mingyi, two outsiders walking on the street, looked very bold.

"Is this the deterrent power of Kyurem?"

Looking around, Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

Now that he knows that the so-called man-eating monster in Kagome Town is Kyurem who inhabits the giant cave next door, he naturally doesn't have the slightest fear.

Maybe, Kyurem really flew in and caught people before?

Standing on the high platform overlooking the town of Kagome, looking northeast, you can still see the general outline of the Giant's Cave.

"So it's a huge crater?"

Ming Yi got off the viewing mirror, tilted his head, and was puzzled.

According to the legend of Kagome Town, the man-eating monster landed with the meteorite
So in that area, there are also wild Pippi, Moonstone, Sunstone, and even alien Pokémon like Fangyuan Quasi-God Metagross.

Is it possible that Kyurem is actually a Pokémon from an alien?

"It's really full of mysteries. Next time I have a chance to ask."

Xiaozhi shrugged.

Speaking of which, he hasn't asked Reshiram's origin yet.

After leaving Kame Town, the two went to the village bridge west of the town for sightseeing.

This is a sea bridge that stretches for several miles. The most peculiar thing is the local village buildings, which are built directly on both sides of the bridge.

When crossing the bridge, you can see rows of distinctive buildings, as well as performers and wandering singers along the way.

However, because the nearby Ssangyong City has just experienced a disaster, the village bridge is now quite depressed and not very lively, and Xiaozhi and Mingyi can only start again regretfully, preparing to go to the next city.
Leaving the northern area of ​​the Hezhong area and crossing more than half of the map, this time Xiaozhi and the two came to the southeast corner of the Hezhong area.

This area is also the last piece of soil that they have not set foot on yet.

The first stop is Qibao City - located in the east of Feiyun City, the two cities are connected by the magnificent Sky Arrow Bridge, and a dense forest, Yacar Forest!
Qibao City, this is a very retro city.

In the past steam revolution, it was a frontier developed city, but with the subsequent iteration of technology, the whole city became depressed instead.

The streets are full of old khaki warehouses and buildings, which are basically the products of the last century.

There are still unmaintained abandoned railway tracks everywhere on the ground, but these retro elements have given Qibao City a second spring, and now it has become a good tourist city.

Arriving at the Spirit Center in Qibao City, Mingyi and the others first went to the most famous Qibao Museum in the area.

It is said that here, there is also a fossil statue of Hezhong ancient dragon god?
"Ah, so it's fat?"

However, as a Kanto native, when Xiaozhi saw the so-called "Dragon God Skeleton", he recognized that it was just a fast dragon fossil, and there was nothing special about it.

It is said that because it was deliberately stolen by members of the plasma team before, the local people believed that this was the great and special dragon god in ancient times, which had great significance, rather than the Muggle fast dragon in the Kanto region.

The Qibao Museum is connected to the Qibao Gym, and the two took time to visit the local Gym.

This gym is the same as the gym in Helian in Hinoki City, and it is also specialized in general attributes.

At the World Championships back then, Aloe Vera, the owner of the Seven Treasure Gymnasium, and Heilian had a battle between the old and the new with the same attributes, which was a good story at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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