He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2376 The curtain ends, the journey of the common people!

After saying goodbye to Douzi, Xiaozhi found Akromar again.

The location is the secret research institute built by the original plasma team in Raven City. Xiaozhi had been here before, and Akromar was here, a mechanically transformed iron moth.

At this moment, this secret research institute has completely become Akromar's private property. Xiaozhi walked in as if he was at home, quite relaxed.


Revisiting the old place, the pair of mechanical eyes of the iron poisonous moth also flickered, and the metal iron plate behind it kept opening and closing, looking very excited.

Akroma happened to come down from the second floor, and when he saw Xiaozhi, he was overjoyed and rushed up to greet him.

"Oh Xiaozhi, I happen to have a gift for you~!"

Here, it is completely reversed from the previous scene where Xiaozhi gave Douzi a gift.

Xiaozhi quickly regained his composure, the things presented by Mr. Akromar were not simple.

Taking a closer look, he saw that the latter was holding a long nail-shaped iron thorn in his hand, and the shape looked very familiar.
"Yes, the genetic wedge?"

Xiaozhi blurted out.

Akromar pushed his glasses and said proudly:
"This is my latest invention, the Artificial Gene Wedge! You can also call it the Universal Gene Wedge!"

The gene wedge obtained from Quecchis earlier, Xiao Zhi gave it to Akromar for research.

After these days of research and analysis, Akromar created a new Gene Wedge using the original model!
After all, the previous genetic wedge only worked against the black dragon Zekrom, the white dragon Reshiram, and the third god Kyurem.

The above genes seem to be locked in general, limited to Hezhong Sanlong.

"As for the one in my hand, I will remodel it, and the matching genes can be applied to most Pokémon! It is the so-called universal gene wedge!"

Akroma proudly introduced.

For those ordinary Pokémon who have genetic defects or can complete the fusion, this genetic wedge can come in handy.

"However, I haven't done any experiments yet. I just reproduced the genetic wedge perfectly, and I haven't found any suitable experimental subjects so far~"

Akromar suddenly shrugged and threw it to Xiaozhi:

"I remember you mentioned before, you have an Ibrahimovic with a genetic defect, right? Maybe this gene wedge can be effective?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he took the gene wedge, like a treasure!

"Thank you so much, Mr. Akromar. This is the most precious gift I have ever received!"

At the beginning, he just said casually that there was a strange Ibrahimovic in the backyard of his hometown, but Mr. Akromar remembered it in his heart.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but his eye sockets moistened, he was very moved.

"Haha, it's no big deal, we're friends~"

Akromar quickly waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to cry.

Carefully putting away the artificial genetic wedge, Xiao Zhi asked about Akromar's next move.

"Next, I plan to go to your Kanto region"

Akroma's glasses reflected a cold light. Before that, he planned to catch [-] Kanto electric mice to test it out, to see if he could produce a one-in-a-million electric mouse at the level of a divine beast.

But now, he has found the truth of life
Bond with Pokémon!
"If you bond with [-] Pikachu at the same time, maybe you can burst out with even stronger power?!"

The more he talked, the brighter Akroma's eyes became, but Xiaozhi felt a headache when he heard it.

How do you feel, the painting style is completely crooked?

"However, I'm also quite interested in the inverted world. Unfortunately, the entrance is on the No. 17 waterway in the Hezhong area."

"Don't worry, there is also an entrance to the reverse world in the backyard of Zhenxin Town!"

Xiaozhi quickly interjected, and introduced Dr. Oki by the way:

"It just so happens that Dr. Oki is also there. If the two of you meet, there should be a lot of topics to talk about!"

"Doctor Oki?"

Hearing that Akromar's eyes lit up, he is an amazing person, maybe he has a different view on fetters or something!

"In short, you have taken care of me all this way, Mr. Akromar!"

Finally, Xiaozhi straightened his face and stretched out his palm towards Akromar.

Akromar was stunned for a moment, he rarely saw Xiaozhi with such an expression.

But soon, Akromar smiled, raised his hand to hold Xiaozhi's palm:

"You also let me see a different Pokémon world, Xiaozhi."

Although the age difference between the two is more than ten years, their relationship is as if they are of the same age, very harmonious.

The two looked at each other and smiled as a final farewell.

Finally, Xiaozhi found Mingyi to say goodbye.

He made an appointment at the amusement park in the east of Raven City, which happened to be adjacent to the Raven Gymnasium.

At dusk, there were not many tourists in the playground, and most of them left sparsely.

And Xiaozhi and Mingyi are sitting in the carriage of the Ferris wheel at this moment, slowly driving to the highest point
The giant Ferris wheel, which is close to [-] meters, can be said to be a landmark building in Raven City.

The dim sunlight fell on the carriage, and Xiaozhi and Mingyi sat facing each other, their eyes turned to the high-altitude scene on both sides, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dignified.

"Have you decided, Mingyi, what are you going to do next?"

Xiaozhi coughed and asked first to break the deadlock.

"I haven't decided what I want to do, my future career, and I don't have a clue right now."

However, Mingyi's expression didn't show too much panic and entanglement, he took a deep breath and said:

"But I plan to go to the Yew Research Institute next, to distribute initial Pokémon to novice trainers, or to help Dr. Yew with research topics."

She had a private conversation with Dr. Yew before, that's all.

You must know that Mingyi has extremely erudite knowledge in his mind, which made Mingyi feel a little moved by Dr. Pokémon.

Maybe in the future, she can also become a sassy female doctor like Dr. Yew?

Mingyi talked vigorously, and suddenly found that Xiaozhi was sitting opposite to him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Hey~ I just thought so for the time being.!"

Mingyi's face turned red immediately, and he rubbed the back of his head with a haha.

"I think it's okay. If it's Naruto, Dr. Pokémon can definitely do it."

Xiaozhi directly gave the latter a thumbs up, which greatly strengthened Mingyi's belief.

"Then Xiaozhi, you should continue to set off next, right?"

Mingyi paused, with deep reluctance.

"Well, there are still many places in this world that I haven't been to yet, unknown trainers, unknown Pokémon... I want to see all these things."

Xiaozhi looked out the window. At this moment, the carriage has reached the highest point of the Ferris wheel, and he can almost overlook the entire Raven City.

Immediately, he grasped his fist, as if he had grasped everything, and said in a firm tone:

"Then keep getting stronger. Become a Pokémon Master!!"

Looking at the determined face of the young man in front of her, Mingyi's expression of reluctance gradually turned into yearning, it was Xiaozhi like this that made her unable to resist chasing after him.
"Hezhong is really a good place."

Xiaozhi suddenly retracted his eyes, looked at the girl in front of him, stretched out his palm and said:
"Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you during this journey!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's outstretched palm, Mingyi hesitated for a moment, and finally mustered up the courage to get up in the narrow compartment, and actually hugged Xiaozhi's shoulder actively.

Xiaozhi looked shocked, and felt the girl's shoulders tremble slightly, but he still hugged him a little harder.

"We'll see each other in the future, Mingyi!"

(Hezhong Black and White Chapter is officially over!) (End of this chapter)

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