He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2377 Ignition!Carlos League Finals!

At an altitude of one thousand meters, an airliner is sailing towards the Carlos area.

"How about Pikachu, are you excited, we are going to the Carlos area soon!"

On the seat, Xiaozhi was holding Pikachu in his arms, looking excitedly at the coordinates on the screen in the front seat. The plane was getting closer and closer to Miare City in the Carlos area.


It's just that Pikachu in his arms doesn't look very interested, and his slender ears are hanging down.

A new area means it will be hacked!
At this moment, Pikachu's heart was full of apprehension, and there was a sense of fear that he was about to be pushed into the ward for a ligation operation.

Ended the Hezhong tour, this time Xiaozhi chose the Carlos area.

After all, I have heard about this area several times before. It is an area full of fashionable atmosphere, and the mega evolution fighting method is very popular.
Xiaozhi is still very interested!
As the plane landed, there was a slight tremor when it touched the ground, and the in-cabin broadcast also sounded a reminder:

"Dear passengers and friends, we have arrived at Miare Airport safely, please bring your luggage when you get off the plane"

Xiaozhi's face was flushed with excitement, and when the plane stopped, he stood up suddenly holding Pikachu, and walked towards the exit along the flow of people.

He didn't have much luggage on him, just a simple travel backpack.

"Hey, how do you feel?"

However, when passing by a reflector next to him, Xiaozhi couldn't help but stop and stare blankly.

The self in the mirror is wearing a red baseball cap with a white Poke Ball pattern on the front.

The skin tone has darkened a little, the face is sharp-edged, and the facial features are deep.
"How do you feel, you seem to be handsome?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin, and the corners of his mouth raised in a satisfied arc.

The self in the mirror seems to have become a lot more mature and handsome all of a sudden?

Although it was thanks to the new clothes - this time Xiaozhi changed into a dark blue short-sleeved shirt with a white collar, dark denim trousers and a pair of black and red high-top sneakers.

The figure has become much taller and straighter all of a sudden!

Compared with the appearance when traveling in the Hezhong area, Xiaozhi only felt that he had matured by 2 or 3 years!
It is also possible that the mirror in the Carlos area has its own filter?

Not to mention, many local passengers seen around are dressed in fashion, and it seems that their appearance is generally much higher?

In the end, Xiaozhi took Pikachu out of the plane door. In front of him was a staircase more than ten meters long, and fresh air rushed in.

Overlooking the crowded Nuoda Airport in front of him, a few small finch and Fen Xiangxiang, which he had never seen before, flew in the air from time to time, Xiaozhi couldn't help but took a deep breath, and suddenly raised his arms.

"Carlos area! I, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town is here!!!"

The sudden loud roar caused many people around to cast strange glances, and a few people hid their faces and snickered.

But Xiaozhi didn't care about these things, his face was full of spirits, and his spirits were flying high!
There is still a sense of ritual or something.

"Go Pikachu!"

As he spoke and rubbed Pikachu's head, Xiaozhi walked down the stairs with big strides.


Pikachu stood on Xiaozhi's shoulder, clutching the latter's hat nervously, as if the ground below was some kind of magma hell
Miare, the largest city in the Carlos region, is a metropolis that gathers the essence of technology and art.

At the same time, it is also the central city of the Kalos region. Most of the other cities are scattered around Miare city like radiation, with roads connected by forks in the middle.

Therefore, the airport in Miare City is also very grand and huge, and the decoration is luxurious, full of technological texture.

As soon as he walked down the stairs, Xiaozhi saw a giant electronic screen hanging on the wall in front of him.

There seemed to be some explosive scene playing on it, and there were many people gathered around, raising their heads to watch, and cheers came from time to time.

"what? What?!"

Having just arrived in a new area, Xiaozhi is now a curious baby, and quickly casts his gaze.

But I saw a Pokémon battle playing on the screen, it seems to be live broadcast?
The name of the game is also marked in the upper left corner——

Carlos League Conference, final!

Xiaozhi looked surprised, is today still the final day of the local league conference?

And on both sides, one of them is even an old acquaintance! ?

The trainer on the right side of the battlefield is a boy in a neat student uniform, with a green pot head and a short stature.

"Shota?! Has this guy made it to the final?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, it was the partner who had traveled together for a while in the Fangyuan area.

At that time, Shota was completely a rookie trainer, watching him challenge the gym from the side all the time, and would record notes and experience very rigorously, taking an academic fighting route.

Later, after they separated, Shota said that he would use Carlos League as his debut battle.
Didn't expect the latter to directly enter the final at this moment? !

On the screen, Xiangta's opponent is a 17 or 18-year-old man named "Ai Lan", with a slender figure and a cool and handsome face.

He was wearing black overalls with long sleeves and trousers, paired with a pair of black boots, and a light blue bubble scarf around his neck.

It's just that the current situation is very unfavorable to Shota.

"Are there only the last two Pokémon left? And the contestant Ai Lan on the opposite side is only the third Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi was completely attracted by this battle, and quickly checked the status of their respective Pokémon in the lower left corner.

The final of the Carlos League Conference is a 6v6 competition system. At this moment, Shota's four Pokémon heads have turned gray, and only the last two are still able to fight.

Fighting on the field is Fangyuan Quasi-God, Violent Dragon!

"Did that baby dragon evolve?"

Xiaozhi nodded secretly. When they were traveling together, Xiangta tamed a quasi-god cub, and now it has evolved into a fierce and wild Tyrannosaurus.

On the other hand, player Alan only had three Pokémon on the stage, and even the head of only one Tyrannosaurus turned gray, while the head of the second giant metal monster was still bright—it was probably replaced. .

And the Pokémon sent out at this moment is also Xiao Zhi's old acquaintance
"Violent Dragon, use Dragon God to dive!!"

This battle has also come to an intense stage, but Shota's tyrannosaurus let out a violent roar, rushing into the sky, and then covered his whole body with dark blue dragon-shaped arrogance, swooping down!

On the other hand, the fire-breathing dragon's response was much more simple.

"Charizard, Dragon Claw!!"

Following Ai Lan's command, the fire-breathing dragon's claws condensed into cyan shadows, and it just swooped straight to meet the dangerous dragon god! (end of this chapter)

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