He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2379 One cut in the Carlos area!

Chapter 2379 A slash in the Carlos area!

Pansy, a reporter from Miare Publishing House, had socialized with Ash during the United World Championships before.

After learning that Xiaozhi planned to go to the Carlos area, he volunteered to be a guide and take Xiaozhi around the city of Miare.

"This year's Carlos League, the quality is very high."

Pansy actually came to pick up the plane early, and she was also watching the live broadcast of the alliance meeting in the back, and she couldn't help sighing.

Of course, most of the reason is because he was raised a lot by Ai Lan alone.

"I've never heard of this trainer before."

Pansy, who has always been rich in information, doesn't know much about this trainer. It seems that this is the opponent's debut battle?

But soon, Pansy smiled brightly and pointed forward.

"Let's go, Xiaozhi, I'll show you around our city of Miare next!"

Hearing that Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, the big city of Miare, maybe even the biggest city he has ever been to, really dazzled him, and he didn't know where to go.

Pansy walked ahead and led Xiaozhi out of the airport.

The Umbrella Electric Lizard on the waist pack propped up its ears and turned its head, its body crackling with weak electric arcs, as if greeting Pikachu.


But at the moment Pikachu was extremely nervous, and didn't pay much attention to the electric lizard from other places.
No, now it is the field electric mouse.

"We have all kinds of facilities in Miare City, hotels, cafes, fashion and beauty salons, but I guess you are not interested in these places~"

Pansy changed the subject and gave Xiaozhi a dry laugh.

As the capital of fashion, Miare City is definitely a dream city dreamed by all kinds of Internet celebrities and trendy people.

However, Pansy still knows a little about Xiaozhi, she belongs to the type of fighting madman, and she probably has no idea about fashion.

How about taking Xiao Zhi to the Prism Tower first?

The tall tower located in the center of the city is also an alliance gym. The owner of the gym who is good at electric attributes should have a lot of common topics with Xiaozhi who manipulates Pikachu.

"Let's go to Dr. Bratano's research institute first, I heard that this research institute is in Miare City!"

Xiao Zhi took the initiative, and suddenly read out a name.

Back then in Lianyi Town in the Hezhong area, Xiaozhi met a couple from the Kalos area——Dexio and Gina.

The two are assistants of Dr. Bratano, and even presented themselves with a very special prop, the Kigard polyhedron, which is said to be related to the local ancient gods
Xiaozhi pulled out a small gray-green polyhedron device from his bag with his backhand, and he brought this prop with him to the Carlos area.

Later, he plans to go to the surrounding forest for a few laps, maybe he can find many cells related to Ziggard.

So, why don't you visit the local doctor first, maybe you can see Mr. Dexio and Miss Gina?

"Oh, let me lead the way~ I have done several interviews with Dr. Brattano, so I know him very well~!"

Pansy smiled, and immediately walked ahead cheerfully to lead the way.

The area is very wide, and there are many forks, and there are many small alleys with dead ends in the middle. When an outsider comes to Miare City, unless he takes a taxi, it is really difficult to find the target simply by relying on the map.

While walking in the streets of Miare City, the two chatted.

"By the way, our publishing house published your previous performance in the World Championships. Now you have a lot of girl fans in the local area. Our publishing house has also retained a lot of love letters from your fans~"

Pansy suddenly smiled teasingly, and joked:
"Well, do you want to write back?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was stunned, but still shook his head.

"Forget it, I don't know anyone in the Carlos area. I feel that it's very troublesome to reply to the letter."

If they were all strangers, he would not be interested.

"Well, I thought there might be someone you know~"

Pansy shrugged and did not continue the discussion.

It seems that one of the girls wrote several letters by herself. It seems that the relationship with Xiaozhi is acquaintance, so it seems that she is just a pure fan?
The two humans chatted happily, while Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder had silently made up his mind.

Forget it, rats are mortal!
This knife always had to be cut, and it couldn't stay on Xiaozhi's shoulder all the time.


Pikachu suddenly let out a heroic cry, attracting the attention of both of them.

Immediately it closed its eyes, pinched its nose, and jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulders as if diving into water.

Xiaozhi & Pansy: "??"

Pansy didn't realize it at all, and thought it was Pikachu's bad taste.

And Xiaozhi has completely lost trust in Pikachu because of the last Hezhong incident, and even forgot that Pikachu will be slashed by the new region.

As Pikachu's lower limbs touched the ground, he could feel the creepy chill in the surrounding air.

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped! !

The next moment, as if being slashed three times in a row by an invisible air slash, Pikachu's body suddenly rolled out of nowhere, and hit the wall at the corner of the street heavily.

This is a malicious attack from the Carlos area!

"Um, are you still doing this?!"

Xiaozhi finally came to his senses, but his face just looked at him flatly, not taking it seriously.

Because of Hezhong's acting incident, he even felt that the slashing incidents in the Fangyuan and Sinnoh areas were all faked by Pikachu.

The latter can not only pretend to be blown away by an attack, but even his sluggish breath can pretend that Pikachu has always had the talent of acting king!
"Um, are you really all right, your Pikachu?"

Pansy, on the other hand, looked surprised, looked around, but didn't see any enemies.

But Pikachu was obviously attacked by something, and his breath languished instantly, and even she, a bystander, could clearly feel it.

"Pickup, pickup!"

Even after landing, Pikachu continued to roll on the ground, his voice hoarse, which attracted many passers-by to watch curiously.

How does this electric mouse from other places circle around on the ground?


Seeing Pikachu's tragic appearance, although he thought that he would never be fooled again, Xiaozhi's expression softened and he finally showed worry.

This time it's so real, could it be true?
Finally, after a few minutes, Xiaozhi hugged Pikachu.


The latter looked exhausted and overdrawn, panting continuously, it didn't look like a fake, holding it in his hand, Xiao Zhizhi felt the heat coming from the palm, which was much higher than usual.

Even the breath of strength seems to be much weaker all of a sudden.

Pikachu, who was able to wrestle with the black dragon Zekrom before, is impossible now.

"Although. In the Hezhong area, it was also the feeling of weakening?"

Holding Pikachu all the way, Xiaozhi still showed suspicion, and kept looking up and down the former.
(End of this chapter)

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