He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2380 Don't you Carlos have your own family?

Chapter 2380 Don't you Carlos have your own royal family?


Under Xiaozhi's suspicious gaze, Pikachu finally protested, expressing that he would believe in the bond between the two.

So I have to live in the Pokémon Center for half a month and have a good rest.

By the way, I will have a big meal to make up for all the losses.

During the fight or something, forget it!
But Ash is so used to it that he doesn't even plan to go to the local Pokémon Center.

Miss Joy couldn't find anything either.

"Speaking of which, general research institutes have inspection equipment, let's go directly to Dr. Brattano, and ask the latter to give Pikachu a detailed inspection!"

Xiao Zhi immediately spoke up.

But this time, Pikachu was really weakened, so he was full of confidence.


Immediately, he patted Xiaozhi on the back of his hand, indicating that he would check if he checked, whoever is afraid of whom, as long as the research institute is in charge of the food!

"Uh, that's weird."

Beside her, Pansy scratched her head, not knowing what happened.

This pair of partners is really strange.

After walking for about ten minutes, the two came to the south side street of Miare City. In the distance, a building that looked like a research institute could already be seen.

"Remember that in our Carlos area, as long as someone does something for you, even if it's just telling you a story, or answering directions. You always have to tip, this is our custom~"

Pansy is still educating Xiaozhi about the local habits.

Both seem to have left Pikachu behind.

Then Pansy pointed to the taxis parked on the street. Such taxis seem to be very common in Miare City, and Xiaozhi saw dozens of them along the way.

The window of the taxi was open, and a man with a mohawk haircut was showing his head, smoking and resting, but the shape looked more like some kind of hooligan?
"Especially these taxi drivers. If you don't tip them, they'll drive you straight into the alleys of the city and force you into a Pokémon battle, and if you lose, they'll take your pocket money from you .”

Pansy said in a low voice, and was glared at by the driver who looked like a jerk.

"I see."

Xiaozhi listened in a daze, but then thought about it.
And such a good thing? !

The other party can take away your pocket money, which also means that once you win the PK, you can also take away the other party's pocket money! ?
If it weren't for the rush to go to the research institute, Xiaozhi would now take a taxi and have a Bawang meal to test the water first.


The driver who looked like a jerk looked at the two passing by with a dazed expression, especially Xiaozhi's eyes, which always made him feel a bit cold
Soon, the two walked into the institute.

The research institute has three floors. The first floor has the function of a public museum. The door is open, so it can be directly entered.

As soon as he entered the institute, there was a big difference between the Bratano Institute and the institute Xiaozhi had seen before.

The decoration is very luxurious, surrounded by ancient wooden walls and red silk carpets under the feet, with a unique classical atmosphere in the Carlos area.

On the first floor of the research institute, facing the red cloth stairs leading to the second floor, there is an open square in front, and on both sides are display windows displaying various strange items.

But at the moment, in the research institute, it seems that a very classic scene is being performed - Dr. Pokémon distributes initial Pokémon to newcomer trainers.

The tall and handsome man at the head is naturally Dr. Brattano.

She was wearing a neat suit and a white coat, but it was still difficult to hide her long legs of more than one meter.

Dr. Bratano has slightly messy curly hair, a handsome face, and an elegant temperament.

This is quite similar to the Pokémon doctor in the Hezhong area-yew, which is completely different from the old-fashioned doctor, but very young.

"This one is Dr. Brattano~!"

Pansy introduced Xiaozhi with a smile, while greeting the latter from a distance.

After all, there was no appointment before, and the two came uninvited. Pansy also secretly made an apologetic gesture to Dr. Brattano, signaling the latter to focus on the matter in front of him and not to greet the two of them.

At this moment, there are still three people gathered in front of Dr. Brattano.

Young, not much different from Xiaozhi's age, but their faces are a bit more childish than Xiaozhi's, which is unique to rookie trainers.

Seeing this, Dr. Brattano also quickly cast an apologetic look at Pansy, obviously the two are familiar with each other.

Immediately after nodding to Xiaozhi from a distance, he turned his gaze to the three people in front of him.

"Then it's your turn to choose, your initial Pokémon!"

Hearing Dr. Brattano's words, Xiaozhi's curiosity was aroused, and he hurriedly stepped forward carefully, just in time to meet the Yusanjia in the Carlos area!

After looking past the backs of the three rookie trainers and seeing the three Pokémon clearly, Xiaozhi's face collapsed and he was greatly disappointed.

A bald turtle, a garlic bastard, and a classic Charmander.
"Uh, why is it the Yusan family in the Kanto region?"

Xiaozhi subconsciously blurted out.

Jenny Turtle, hello Frog Seed, don't you have your own Yusanjia in the Carlos area?

Xiaozhi's voice immediately attracted the attention of the doctor and the three newcomer trainers, and they cast their gazes one after another.

"The Yusan family in the Kanto region. I'll say it's the first time I've seen you."

"By the way, are you from Kanto?"

"It's so rare."

The three rookie trainers greeted Xiaozhi in a hurry.

"Hi, my name is Tieruno, and my dream is to become the best dancer in the world!"

Standing in the middle was a chubby boy, wearing black short sleeves with a pattern of mini ice in the Hezhong area. He had a bright and outgoing personality, and he was the first to say hello.

Even while speaking, a Thomas maneuver jumped directly on the ground
He is obviously a fat man, but his skills are very flexible, full of contrast.

"Jenny Jennie!!"

Coincidentally, the Jenny turtle in the Guandong Yusan family's eyes lit up, and it was also hanging upside down on the ground, using its own turtle shell as a support point, and spinning at a high speed.

"Ah, this Jenny!! The dance is so perfect!!"

Tieruno applauded immediately, staring at the squirrel with fiery eyes, obviously he had already made his choice.

"Hello, my name is Shana, the current goal. It hasn't been decided yet~"

Standing on the left is a girl with a wheat complexion, with curly brown double ponytails, a lively personality, and a small pink satchel on her waist, looking energetic and cute.

The one on the right is a teenager with short orange hair. His thick hair looks like he is wearing an orange helmet on his head.

"Hi, I'm Doroba, uh."

He is thin and introverted, so he introduced himself falteringly.

(End of this chapter)

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