He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2403 Tool Bird Appears! Mega Tabitori!

Mega Dabi's wings trembled, his body was covered with white light, and he swooped in the direction of Charem. He could even hear the whirring sound of piercing through the air during the high-speed flight.

"Then it's Yan Fan!!"

Not only a flash of lightning, but during the high-speed flight, the Dabi bird slightly changed its movements. After a roundabout in the air, the beak was attached with a sharp luster, and it rushed out in two stages!

As a veteran of Xiaozhi's classics, the tool bird at this moment is not only proficient in various tool moves, but also capable of cutting mountains and crossing seas.

It is even possible to integrate the fierce speed of the lightning flash into other flying attribute moves, and creatively play a preemptive effect similar to "Wings of the Wind".

The king didn't dare to be careless, he naturally knew that the level of the bird of prey in front of him was going to surpass his own Charem.

Without further hesitation, his finger touched the keystone of the headband directly.

"The heart of fighting is as vast as the sea, and it can defeat everything! Let's mega evolve, Charem!!"

Wang even read a passage of poetry, full of momentum.

This is the tradition of the Carlos. Before the evolution of mega, there is always a sense of ritual.

This made Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows, his dry "mega evolution" seemed almost meaningless, let's think of some fancy lines later.

Responding to the power of the keystone, the mega stone on Charem's forehead radiated brightly, and his whole body completed mega evolution in a few breaths!

Mega Charem's body shape is not much different from the original appearance. The biggest change is that the red headband on the top of his head has become a pure white headband, which has the temperament of Ah San.

And Dabiri's flash of lightning Yanhui was already close at hand, and the slender beak was about to hit Charem's chest.


Hearing a few muffled sounds, the figure of Dabiri suddenly stopped in place, and the sharp swallow-backed beak hovered an inch in front of Charem's chest, almost sticking to the skin.

Xiaozhi quickly looked closely, but saw four slender white arms inexplicably appearing around the big bird, arranged on the left and right, tightly grasping the big big bird's body, and successfully interrupted its attack.

These four "arms" are quite supernatural, without a source, floating out of thin air like ghosts
But the appearance is similar to Charem's palm, which obviously comes from the opponent's power.


This is the power of Mega Charem, which uses the powerful spiritual power after meditation to materialize, and creates a physical arm out of thin air to assist itself in the battle!
"Is it similar to strange power?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, and understood in his heart, counting the two arms of the main body, Mega Charem even has two more hands than Weili.

The spiritual arm holds Dabiri in front of him, while the arm of Charem's body can still move freely.

"It's now, Freezing Fist!"

Wang snorted and immediately counterattacked.

The arm of Charem's body clenched a fist, condensed with biting frost, and was about to smash towards the target in front of him.

"Get out of the way, Feather Dancer!"

But the Dabi bird is not a vegetarian. Even if it is restrained, the ends of its wings tremble slightly, shaking off a large number of feathers.

While weakening the opponent's attack power, Feather Dance also makes itself difficult to be captured by entities
Like a loach, with a "swoosh", Bi Diao broke away from the clenched grip of his four spiritual arms, then flapped his wings and flew back into the air, dodging the dangerous freezing fist.

Xiaozhi knows that Charem's characteristic is the "power of yoga", which can greatly increase his physical attack power.

The strength of this punch is not light!

"not simple."

After a simple fight, Wang probably understood Xiaozhi's strength, and he was not an ordinary trainer.

This strength does have crazy capital.

However, although he was in a ruined castle, he was not an ordinary trainer. The king's eyes were fixed, and he launched an attack again.

"Rock Blockade!"

Mega Charem folded his palms together, closed his eyes slightly and meditated.

After mega evolution, Charem's five senses have been greatly improved, and he doesn't even need to open his eyes to fight.

In the air above the head, several huge rocks condensed out of thin air, and they all blocked and smashed in the direction of Dabi Bird!


The mega Dabi bird hovered its body, and flapped its wings vigorously. A fierce and violent hurricane blew out between the wings in an instant, covering the entire audience.

Whoohoo! !

The air flow surged, causing the surrounding audience to squint their eyes and lower their heads, unable to see the specific appearance on the field.

The mega Charem in the center was completely engulfed by the storm, making it difficult to move. The released rocks were completely blown away and fell to the distance.

"What a strong wind."

Even the king of fighters must use his strength to avoid being blown down by the storm.

And in the dim hurricane, Dabiri suddenly plunged into it in the posture of a swallow, and attacked Charem straight!
call out.!
Although he couldn't see the specific target clearly, Charem leaped sideways, narrowly dodging this dangerous attack.

"Is it the perception of yoga?"

Xiaozhi instantly understood that Charem was not just a fighting Pokémon, but also possessed strange and unpredictable superpower attributes.

This mega Charem clasped his hands together, suspended four spiritual arms on his shoulders again, and slammed his fists towards the passing Dabiri!

The big bird could only cross its wings and block its spiritual fists. The fists hit the wings and made several low and muffled sounds in succession.

Xiaozhi looked indifferent, and responded quickly:

"Strange power!"

Dabi Bird also focused his eyes, using his wings as his arms, and he could faintly see the muscles protruding on the surface, and he pushed forward violently!
The powerful strange force directly destroyed and shattered these four spiritual arms.

Bang Bang!

Even the trend continued, and the strange force wings slammed into Charem's chest!
It seems that the opponent's yoga spiritual power can only be used in one place - if the spiritual arm is condensed, then it will not be able to keenly perceive the surrounding attacks, and vice versa.


Charem only felt that his chest was hit by a giant hammer, and his slender figure was thrown out immediately, and fell heavily in front of the king.


With the disappearance of the surrounding storm, Wang couldn't help becoming tense, and the restrained and stable fighter's aura had long since disappeared.

"It's an overwhelming advantage."

Next to him, Xitron couldn't help but sigh with emotion, his eyes fell on Xiaozhi's confident face.

"Overwhelming? Isn't it just a slight upper hand?"

You Lijia couldn't help but wondered, what she saw was that the two sides were fighting back and forth, and the handsome Dabi Bird had a slight upper hand.

"No, Xiaozhi has not used all his strength."

Xitron just stared at Xiaozhi and Dabibi closely, and said in a deep voice:

"He has been cooperating with the mega Charem to fight, the purpose is not to defeat the opponent, but more to see the fighting style of Charem Mega evolved.?" (End of this chapter)

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