He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2404 Dabi Bird: Is it my turn to command?

Chapter 2404 Dabi Bird: Is it my turn to command?

As Xitron guessed, when Xiaozhi learned about Mega Charem's fighting style, the battle was coming to an end.

"Spiritual arm and keen perception are both excellent combat abilities, but can you only choose one of the two?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, wondering if it is possible to make Mega Charem fight with two abilities at the same time through training?
For example, the Sinnoh Heavenly King, Mr. Gosong's Charem, which has the power of waveguide, is obviously much higher level than the one in front of him.

Maybe after mega evolves, it will be able to fully display these two powers at the same time.

"Charem, Frozen Fist!!"

On the other side, Wang's next round of attack has already struck, and it is another powerful freezing fist blessed by the power of yoga!
"Is it an ice-type move..."

Feeling a chill on his cheeks, Xiaozhi couldn't help grinning, his eyes turned joyful.

Speaking of ice-attribute moves, his tool bird is also good at it!
In the air, Dabiri and Xiaozhi looked at each other, understanding it, they flapped their wings and swooped down, taking the initiative to fly in the direction of Charem.

Until the distance between the two was less than half a meter, when Charem's frozen fist approached Dabi Bird's head.

Xiaozhi suddenly shouted and roared loudly:
"It's now, absolute zero!!"

Dabiri understood, his pupils shrank suddenly, and an astonishing biting chill suddenly spewed out from the feathers of his body, turning into a white freezing fog visible to the naked eye!

Different from Charem's freezing punch, the one on a hot day just makes people feel a cool breeze on their cheeks.

The absolute zero at this moment made the hearts of all the onlookers chill, as if they were in a cave of ice and snow, the hairs on their bodies stood on end, and they couldn't stop trembling.

Charem, who was the closest, naturally bore the brunt, his whole body was engulfed by the absolute zero cold air.

Then in the next instant, Charem's entire body was frozen into a thick ice sculpture.

In the ice sculpture, you can even see the cold light on one of Charem's raised fists - this is even the Frozen Fist is completely frozen!
Bang bang...!
After a few more breaths, the ice burst violently, and Charem's body fell to the ground like a dead object. At the same time, his body shone with light, and he withdrew from the mega evolution posture.

When it landed, there was already no movement of consciousness, and the eyes rolled around.

Absolute zero, one hit kills!

"The winner is already divided...Xiaozhi and his big bird will win!"

The gentleman's old servant immediately shouted, forming a great contrast with the surrounding silent atmosphere.

"Good job tool bird, stronger than before!"

Xiaozhi gave a thumbs up, and Dabiri also flew into the air quite excitedly, circling in a circle while exiting the posture of mega evolution, under the gorgeous light, the momentum was extremely elegant and fierce.

Xitron was completely dumbfounded, what the hell was the last chill?

The big bird in the Kanto area is not an ice-type Pokémon, so why did it hit absolute zero?

You must know that this trick is not common even in ice-type Pokémon, right? !
And speaking of it, Dabi Bird's luck was really good, and he hit it with one blow.

"You're wrong about Citron, it's not luck, and this move is 100% hit!"

Xiaozhi's eyes slanted suddenly, and he corrected in a complacent tone.

Citron: "?"

I just think about it in my head, how do you know what I'm thinking?

Of course, Xitron didn't know that after the mega evolution of Dabibi, his characteristics changed to defenseless.

That is to say, whether it is a move played or a move sent by the opponent, it will have a 100% hit rate.

A one-hit kill at close range can only be a hundred hits!
As for absolute zero...

This is the "Parrot Learning" move from Dabi Bird.

Abandoning the instant copying ability of each game, and permanently fixing the parrot's tongue-twisting moves to absolute zero, which perfectly matches Dabiri's characteristic battle after mega evolution.

"how is this possible…?"

The Karate King fell to his knees in disbelief.

Didn't he fight back and forth just now, why was he instantly killed all of a sudden?
Meaning, was this person just playing with himself before?
No wonder, the other party's tone is so crazy, they want to make all the Carlos kneel down and surrender...

Looking down, did he really kneel down? !

Wang took a deep breath and stood up again, regained his composure, and took Charem back.

"I lost, and my practice is no match for you... It seems that I still have to double my practice in the future."

Having said that, he still expressed his attitude.

"I admit that you are strong, but even so, Carlos cannot be insulted... Next, please allow me to challenge you personally!"

Wang rolled up his sleeves, shook his neck to move his muscles and bones, and planned to use his proud karate to teach Xiaozhi well.


Seeing this, the eyes of Dabi Bird, who was still hovering in the air, lit up, and immediately flew behind Xiaozhi.

Arching his head forward, he pushed Xiaozhi up, and he jumped back to the original position commanded by the trainer, and the old god was flapping his wings.

Now, it's his turn to direct Xiaozhi!
"Wait a minute!! It's all a misunderstanding!!"

Seeing that the king was about to pounce on him, Xiaozhi quickly stretched out his hand in front of him, backing away repeatedly to keep a distance.

Although it's not impossible to fight, but he doesn't want to play karate with a strong man now!

"I didn't post the provocative declaration on the hot search, and I don't have any hostility towards the Carlos area."

Xiaozhi felt that this aspect still needs to be explained clearly.

He is a good man!
This scene made Dabiri frown, can't he manipulate Xiaozhi after a long time today?

Wang raised his eyebrows, full of suspicion:

"Huh? But I challenged you just now, and you didn't refuse..."

"Because I was originally interested in mega evolution, so I simply used that declaration..."

Xiaozhi quickly explained, and besides, Xitron and Youlijia also nodded in support.

"Here's my Miare ID card..."

Citron also took out his identity certificate. In the Carlos area, it is not easy to settle in Miare City.

Seeing this, Wang's expression softened, and he believed Xiaozhi's words.

Indeed, these two Carlos would never humiliate themselves, would they?
"I see...then today is because my skills are inferior to others."

Wang shook his head regretfully. He thought he was a good player at first, but he didn't expect a young trainer to abuse him casually...

"Xiaozhi, that's amazing!!"

The matter came to an end for the time being, and You Lijia who was next to her realized it later, and ran over to praise her with anticipation.

It feels even more powerful than those alliance kings on TV!
"It's okay to pull~"

Xiaozhi scratched his head and accepted it with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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