He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2405 Roll over Pikachu's face with a pulley!

Chapter 2405 Roll over Pikachu's face with a pulley!

"Your name is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, right?"

At this time, Princess Ali, who was watching the whole battle, also came up, covered her mouth with a folding fan, and said in a proud tone:

"Come and teach this princess how to fight Pokémon... If it's you, Xiaozhi, this princess can barely call you teacher."

Obviously, she was also impressed by Xiaozhi's skills.

Obviously much stronger than Wang!

Before Xiaozhi made a sound, Yulijia next to him had already moved over:
"No, no, no! Xiaozhi wants to travel with me, so I don't have time to teach you how to fight Pokémon!"

He even held Xiaozhi's hand and declared his sovereignty.

"Damn it, wild girl..."

Princess Ali gritted her teeth angrily.

"You are the princess of the suburbs, Yurika is the household registration of Miare City!!"

Youlijia once again emphasized her Tianlong household registration, which is not comparable to the household registration of Gumu Town in the [-]th-tier suburbs.

"Ha ha…"

The two little girls stared at each other viciously in front of him, sandwiched between them, Xiao Zhi could only helplessly laugh a few times.

The polite old servant smiled at Xiaozhi, indicating that there is no need to pay attention to Princess Ali's unreasonable request.

He could see Xiaozhi's level, so it was naturally impossible to stay in a place like Gumu Town where there was nothing.

"Hmph...Damn it!"

In the end, Princess Ali could only walk away angrily and lead Dorimia.

Dorimia's hair is all messed up and needs to be trimmed right away!
For this arrogant little princess, Xiaozhi didn't have much malice and didn't pay much attention to it.

Turning around and looking at his Dabi bird, he was full of thoughts.

There are still many masters who will continue to come to challenge. Even the first king, his own strength is quite good...Maybe there will be real masters coming later!

It's much better to send back a little more Pokémon capable of mega evolution from Dr. Oki.

Fortunately, he basically got all the mega stones he needed.

A mega Charem has such a novel way of fighting. Now Xiaozhi is very curious about the mega forms of other Pokémon, and he can't wait to see all the Pokémon that can mega evolve right away.

"Then Big Bird, let's travel together for now~!"

After rubbing Dabi Bird's head, Xiaozhi put it back temporarily.

It just so happens that they are all housebirds. During this period of time, let Dabi Bird bring the little Arrow Sparrow he has just tamed.

Dabiri can integrate Flash of Lightning into other flying attribute moves to achieve an effect similar to the characteristics of Gale Wings.

Maybe the broken version of the Gale Wing of the Little Arrow Sparrow can be completely evolved, and the ancient version of the full blood Gale Wing can be reproduced!


"Hey Xiaozhi, you're on the news again!"

On the way of the few people leaving the Xiangdian, Xitron suddenly made a sound of surprise.

On the Internet, there was another news related to Xiaozhi, which was a replay of the previous match.

There is even a picture of Xiaozhi winning the flag, and Wang is opposite, kneeling on the ground in frustration...

Carlos, were you really beaten to your knees? !
As soon as this news appeared on the Internet, many Carlos trainers condemned Xiaozhi even more loudly, clamoring to end Xiaozhi's arrogance.

"Not counting, the appearance of that karate man is obviously not from us Carlos."

"That's right, Carlos' orthodoxy is in the mud!"

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, don't you run away, I just ran out of mega Xanadu, I'm going to snipe you now!"

Compared with the excitement on the Internet, Xiaozhi is more puzzled by...

Who sent it?
It's been less than an hour since the game, and it was posted on the Internet?

Xiaozhi quickly checked left and right, was he followed and secretly photographed?

There are also idiots like Douzi in the Carlos area?
Or was it the weird green-haired woman I sensed with the power of waveguide before?
"It's not that simple anyway, it's better to be careful next time..."

Next to him, Citron pushed his glasses and looked at the clarity of the photo. It is estimated that it was taken by some invisible drone.

The next time Xiaozhi accepts the challenge, he can't just be a spectator, he must find out the person behind the camera!


On the other side, Miare City.

Xiaozhi's news has naturally reached Serena, making her heart itch to see it, and she can't wait to go directly to Gumu Town.

It's just a systematic analysis, it's not unreasonable, maybe Xiaozhi will return to Miare City next?
As for Xiaozhi's remarks insulting Carlos, Serena completely scoffed.

Xiaozhi, who was gentle with her back then, naturally couldn't be so arrogant!
At the moment she is on her way to the Bratano Institute.

Being idle and bored, just in time to win the first badge again, Serena is going to visit Dr. Brattano again.

And after knowing that Xiaozhi is currently in the Carlos area, she also confirmed that when she first came to the institute, the back that passed by was Xiaozhi himself.

"Damn it, I should have yelled at the beginning!"

Serena was secretly annoyed, while simultaneously listening to the system's guidance in her mind.

"I suggest the host to learn the pulley next. This skill will be of great benefit to you in attacking Xiaozhi in the future!"

Serena: "?"

Carlos' popular roller shoes, does it matter?

"According to the analysis, many of the female companions who traveled with the target had records of their bicycles being destroyed by the target's electric mouse."

"In the same way, the host only needs to deliberately touch the porcelain, and run the roller shoe over Pikachu's face, and then he can travel with the target logically, and the nearer the water, the first to get the moon."

The system makes reasonable analysis.

Due to the rugged roads in the Carlos area, bicycles are not popular... Pulleys are a means of transportation similar to bicycles.

Serena: "…"

She has already started to regret it, what kind of bad ideas came out of this system! ?

After entering the Bratano Research Institute, Serena released the Firefox she received from here.

The latter returned to his hometown, sniffed his nose around, wagging his tail cheerfully, very energetic.

"Oh, Serena, it looks like it's in good spirits~ The firefox is bred very healthy!"

The handsome Dr. Brattano came down from upstairs and greeted him casually.

However, his complexion was not very good, and he frowned, as if he was troubled.

Before Serena could speak, a crisp sound suddenly came from her mind.

"Ding dong! Start the side mission, do you accept Dr. Brattano's entrustment?"

Serena: "…"

Is there something wrong with this system? !

But if she can help, Serena will not refuse.

So she stepped forward and asked peacefully:

"Well, doctor, have you encountered any troubles recently...?"

Dr. Bratano suddenly seemed to have found the target of the confidant, and said it all in one brain, complaining in a tone:
"It's my two playful assistants. Now I have an important task and I need to ask them to travel far away. As a result, I couldn't contact anyone for a long time, and I couldn't find a replacement for a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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